Friday, November 23, 2007

Casinos back on agenda in UK

Casinos back on agenda in UK
Editor, - 2007-11-21 11:16:57

The UK government looks set to introduce new legislation which will clear the path for 16 new casinos to be built in the UK – though the super-casino earmarked for Manchester looks like a non-starter.

When the legislation was first put forward, there were 17 casinos on the bill; 8 small casinos, 8 large and the super-casino. When the House of Lords trumped the legislation in March, with the super-casino the greatest cause of debate, plans for all the other casinos were scuppered at the same time.

But now the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) have been working on revised legislation that would cover all the other casinos except the super-casino.

Manchester was outraged when the initial legislation was blocked, and even more so when the then newly appointed Prime Minister Gordon Brown ordered a rethink into other possible ways to regenerate the area.

Brown is currently waiting on a report from communities minister Hazel Blears into the best ways to regenerate deprived areas which could prove crucial to Manchester’s aspirations of finally getting their super-casino.

As for a time-line, Neil Goulden, chief executive of gambling company Gala Coral, believes that the 16 casinos could be put on the table before the year’s end.

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