Friday, January 4, 2008

Singapore Telecommunications (Singtel)

03 Jan 2008

The parent company of the Optus communications group, Singapore Telecommunications (SingTel), has taken an equity stake in the fast-growing Taiwanese market.

SingTel paid A$234 million for a 4 percent holding in Far EasTone Telecommunications as part of an agreement struck last August. Under the deal, SingTel was forced to sell its 24.5 percent shareholding in another company, New Century InfoComm Tech.

SingTel does not have a large presence in Taiwan, but it has had an office in Taipei since mid-1998.

02 Jan 2008

Singapore Telecommunications, Southeast Asia's top phone firm, said it would record an exceptional gain of around S$118 million ($82 million) and post a S$96 million ($67 million) from the disposal of a stake in a Taiwan company.

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