Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Motorists will travel on brand new road into Sentosa

SINGAPORE: Motorists driving into Sentosa from Tuesday will be travelling on a brand new road. It will replace the current Gateway Avenue which will be closed to make way for the development of Universal Studios Singapore, a part of the Resorts World at Sentosa.
Sentosa Leisure Group said the 730-metre, four-lane road (marked out in red) will help improve traffic on the island.
The Resorts World at Sentosa is bearing the S$60 million construction cost for the road, along with new ramps that will lead to its future 4,100-lot basement car park.
For now, ticketing will continue at Sentosa Gateway before drivers cross the bridge to the island.
However, admission booths will be located further inland on the new road starting the second quarter of this year.
This relocation is expected to cost some S$3 million. - CNA/ac

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