Wednesday, October 21, 2009

环球影城12月建竣 第一年要吸引450万人次




名胜世界昨天邀请海内外媒体参观环球影城(Universal Studio)工地,并首次公开里头七大主题区的内容。













走在活力四射的纽约街头,一部部经典的电影场景展现眼前,让人全情投入美国最繁华的国际大都会。由电影大师史提芬司匹堡(Steven Spielberg)主持的“电影特效片场”,让游人走入鲜为人知的电影场景幕后制作。


富有百老汇风味的好莱坞剧院、星光熠熠的“星光大道”,让游人仿佛置身于闻名遐迩的好莱坞大道,陶醉于五光十色的环球娱乐世界里。好莱坞怀旧经典老片《美国风情画》(American Graffiti)中的梅尔斯汽车快餐店也在这里重现,让人重温美式快餐的复古情怀。


行家论股:区域领域估值获改善 云顶明年财测调高

●南洋商报2009/10/20 18:54:05



此外,随着旅游业预测会在明年改善,因此,估计将有助于推动酒店入住率及消费者开销。分析员维持云顶2009财年的盈利预测,惟调高2010财年盈利预测1.5%。 与此同时,分析员维持云顶“买入”评级,但上调目标价格至9.00令吉,本益比为21倍。

Genting Malaysia:Subscribed To $15 Million Wynn Resorts Notes

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Genting Malaysia Bhd. (4715.KU) said Wednesday it has subscribed for $15 million nominal value of Wynn Resorts Ltd.'s (WYNN) new 7.875% First Mortgage Notes due 2017.

The Malaysian casino operator said in a stock exchange filing that the notes issued by Wynn's wholly owned units Wynn Las Vegas, LLC and Wynn Las Vegas Capital Corp. represent "a good opportunity for Genting Malaysia to expand its investment portfolio and enhance returns on its existing cash balances."

The notes are secured against Wynn's gaming and entertainment assets in Las Vegas, the company said.

Sentosa theme park ticket sales put at $315m a year

Universal Studios aims to draw 4.5m visitors; 20 rides to open next year

AT around S$70 per entry to Universal Studios Singapore (USS), Genting Singapore, which invested more than S$1 billion in the theme park could reap around S$315 million a year in ticket sales alone.
Speaking at a news conference yesterday, Douglas Trueblood, general manager (sales & marketing) for Universal Parks and Resorts, said the target is to attract 4.5 million visitors a year to the theme park at Resorts World at Sentosa (RWS), which is owned by Genting Singapore.
Assuming USS sells 4.5 million tickets at S$70 apiece, ticket sales could hit S$315 million.
Mr Trueblood did not reveal ticket prices, but Genting Singapore chairman and CEO Lim Kok Thay has said they will be lower than those at other Universal Studios theme parks.
Earlier estimates by analysts put the entry price at around S$80, compared with about US$70 in the US and 5,800 yen in Japan.
Analysts at Morgan Stanley Research (Asia-Pacific) expect entry prices to USS to be even lower at around S$70.
In a recent Morgan Stanley Research report, it was also estimated that USS could register total revenue of S$388 million for 2010, S$491 million for 2011 and S$545 million for 2012. This includes revenue from merchandising and F&B.
Interestingly, Morgan Stanley Research said Genting Singapore can offer cheaper entry tickets because of the lower construction cost of USS at about US$1 billion, which it said is about half the cost of Universal Studios Japan.
Morgan Stanley Research noted that no details have been made public on the USS franchise fee, but said it is likely that RWS will have to pay an upfront fee as well as a share of gross profit to Universal Studios once the theme park is operating.
Giving an update on USS which is in the final stages of construction, Mr Trueblood said that of the park's 24 rides, 20 will open next year, with 18 of them original or adapted for Singapore.
Universal Parks & Resorts chairman and CEO Tom Williams said: 'Universal Studios Singapore will be a unique experience and family destination with many new rides, shows and themes that can't be found at other Universal Studios parks.'
USS will consist of seven themed zones that surround a man-made lagoon. The zones are: The Lost World; Ancient Egypt; Sci-Fi City; New York; Hollywood; Madagascar; and Far Far Away. Rides including the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure, WaterWorld and Revenge of the Mummy will be located within these zones.
Mr Trueblood revealed that a Transformers attraction will open in 2011 and other new attractions will be added in turn. 'Over the years, we will evolve,' he said.

Friday, October 16, 2009

两综合度假胜地 正式申请赌场经营执照





赌场管制局(Casino Regulatory Authority,简称CRA)昨晚回答本报询问时证实,该局已分别在本月8日和9日收到滨海湾金沙和名胜世界的赌场执照申请。

赌管局策划与企业通讯助理署长符芩慧告诉本报,目前正处理两个IR的申请,预计有关业者背景是否清白的调查工作(probity investigations)需大概三个月时间完成。











在2006年12月,云顶新加坡的前身云顶国际(Genting International)和丽星邮轮(StarCruises)在赢得我国第二个IR经营权后不久,宣布将和澳门赌场大亨何鸿燊合作,结果引起我国内政部介入调查,要进一步了解云顶、丽星与何鸿燊的合作关系。





Saturday, September 26, 2009

海指昨微跌4点  指数股成交量渐缩
















云顶新加坡自2005年12月上市新加坡后接连蒙受亏损,主要是因为其新加坡赌场的兴建成本,以及相关收购英国赌场的成本所造成。 在截至今年6月杪的第2季,该公司蒙受5070万新元净亏损,比前的180万新元净亏严重扩大。

英国赌场赌客减少 在之前一个季度,即截至2009年3月31日止首季,云顶新加坡的业绩已经由盈转亏,蒙受3190万新元(7700万令吉)净亏损,主要是英国赌场业务继续蒙受赌客减少冲击。

在公布业绩时,该公司表示,其表现主要是受到英国赌场业务低迷冲击,同时新加坡的新赌场在首季再动用4亿2500万新元贷款,也令到业绩表现逊色。 尽管在财务上面对成本增加的窘境,但是云顶新加坡在这期间还是不断地重申,新加坡赌场会如期在2010年初开幕,而且更有消息传出指,有关赌场甚至会比预定的期限提前开张。

云顶股价水涨船高 提前开张消息出街之后,除了云顶新加坡的股价之外,控制其54%股权的云顶母公司股价也随着扬升。可见市场是多么重视新加坡赌场的发展计划,这赌场的一举一动都牵动市场对云顶新加坡和云顶母公司的股价表现。

改变亚洲观光业面貌 其实,云顶集团本身更加重视这项计划,因为毕竟这项计划得之不易,它是与美国的环球制片结盟,联手参与竞标,打败来自巴哈马的赌场经营业者——柯兹那国际公司以及来自拉斯韦加斯的第八大奇景公司,成功拿下新加坡政府发出的第二张赌场度假胜地开发执照。

新加坡政府的第一张执照是于今年5月由拉斯韦加斯金沙集团 (Las Vegas Sands)取得。 该集团斥资36亿美元的新加坡赌场度假区开发案,预定在2009年7月以前对外营业。

根据云顶的规划,这项名为圣淘沙度假世界的发展计划,在2010年完工后,将改变亚洲地区观光业面貌,一年可望吸引1千500万名游客到访。 圣淘沙度假世界共占地49公顷,内有6座酒店,总计超过1800个房间;一座占地8公顷的海洋公园;一座占地20多公顷、有22项游乐设施的环球影城主题公园;以及一座梦工场动画制片场。


现金充裕·融资无压力 根据云顶在云顶新加坡持有54%股权,届时它将认购云顶新加坡10亿5000万的附加股,所需资金约21亿令吉。



因此,自从云顶新加坡提出附加股计划之后,其股价便应声下跌。 另一方面,摩根大通则因省下的利息而调高了云顶新加坡接下来三个财年的净利预测,但将它的目标价从1.20新元下调至1.15新元,以便反映股本的扩大。

瑞银投资研究则表示,圣淘沙名胜世界(Resorts World at Sentosa,RWS)已有充分资金——之前40亿新元(97.6亿令吉)的贷款和前年20亿新元(48.8亿令吉)的配股集资活动。因此,它认为,这次筹集的资金料不会用于该项目。




总结 显而易见的,从云顶新加坡获得新加坡赌场计划以来,众人的目光便一直紧盯着它,它的任何举动都会引起市场的揣测。


Friday, September 25, 2009

史瑞克与马达加斯加 将落户新加坡环球影城


这是因为全世界首座以史瑞克动画片里“遥远王国城堡”(Far Far Away Castle)为设计主题的景点将落户新加坡环球影城。
除此之外,以另一部梦工厂(DreamWorks Animation)卖座动画片《马达加斯加》(Madagascar)为主题的景点也将是全世界唯一以该部动画片为背景的主题公园。
在《遥远王国》主题区里,高达40米的哈洛德国王(史瑞克的岳父,费欧娜公主的父亲)城堡里将设有“史瑞克四维影院”、“多话驴耍宝秀”(Donkey Live)和摩天轮“魔法轮转”(Magic Potion Spin)等景点。
《马达加斯加》主题区里的皇牌则将是名为“马达加斯加:木箱漂流记”(Madagascar: A Crate Adventure)的过山车游戏,小型过山车“小龙飞行学校”(Enchanted Airways),以及旋转木马“朱利安国王旋转舞会”(King Julien’s Beach Party-Go-Round)。
动画片里的多话驴将带领访客一起唱歌,甚至近距离聊天!另外,位于“遥远王国”的罗密欧大街的夜店“铁钩骑士俱乐部”(Hook’s Knight Club)也将是城中最热闹的一角。
二、《马达加斯加》主题区 5)朱利安国王旋转舞会

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Casino operators can expect stringent probity checks

CASINO operators at the upcoming integrated resorts can expect probity investigations to be 'extensive and intrusive'.

Speaking on the sidelines of a training symposium for officers of the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and Casino Regulatory Authority (CRA) yesterday, Lim Tung Li, manager of the investigations division at CRA, reiterated that the casino licenses are a 'privilege and not a right'.

'This is why we can enforce what some might consider extensive and intrusive checks on the operators,' he said.

Probity investigations into Marina Bay Sands and Resorts World at Sentosa were done in the run-up to the two operators winning the tenders to build their resorts.

But such investigations will be an ongoing process, and the next round of checks are expected to start when the operators apply for casino licences, which will be issued by CRA.

One issue that could be contentious is a recent investment by Genting Singapore's parent Genting Bhd in MGM Mirage.

The New Jersey Association of Gaming Enforcement in the US raised objections about MGM Mirage's Macau joint venture with Pansy Ho, the daughter of Macau's casino kingpin Stanley Ho.
Genting Bhd invested US$200 million in MGM Mirage - half of it on a 3.2 per cent equity stake and the other half on a bond issue.

Whether this will jeopardise Genting's standing with casino regulators is not known.

Mr Lim said enforcement agencies and regulators will share their expertise and information on industry players.

'An association with any company with possible criminal links would be something we would look into,' he noted.

On the merits of the symposium, Mr Lim said it gives CRA the opportunity to 'network' with other casino regulators.

'This allows us to understand what kind of checks they do, what they look into more often than not, and what are the red flags to look out for,' he explained. Forging links with 'strategic partners' is vital, he added.

Participants in the symposium included representatives of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Nevada Gaming Control Board, Commission Against Corruption of SAR Macau and the Hong Kong Police Force's Criminal Intelligence Bureau.

At the opening of the symposium on Wednesday, CRA chief executive Raja Kumar said: 'I cannot over-emphasise the importance of forging such links. We live in a highly connected world, and crime is increasingly transnational. For the casino regulators, casino operators are expanding internationally. Both Marina Bay Sands and Resorts World at Sentosa have parent companies with an international presence. Hence, CRA has to liaise with fellow regulators where our operators have a presence.'

CRA is already developing protocols to prevent money laundering and screen key casino employees, associates and junket operators.

New South Wales casino supervising inspector P J Hennessey, who also attended the symposium, added: 'Whenever there is money involved, people will find a way to cheat the system.'

Sunday, June 28, 2009

工程已完成80% 圣淘沙IR春节前可落成



圣淘沙新桥工程耗资约8000万元,由圣淘沙名胜世界出资,澳洲建筑与工程公司McConnell Dowell负责建造。



Friday, June 26, 2009

60% of Resorts World to be ready at soft opening

WHEN Resorts World at Sentosa (RWS) finally opens its doors in early 2010, just 60 per cent of the project will be ready.

At the soft opening of the 49-hectare integrated resort (IR) next year, Universal Studios Singapore, Resorts World Casino, its resident show theatre, part of its dining strip, and four hotels will commence operations first, RWS said Thursday.

Two more attractions, the Marine Life Park and the Maritime Xperiential Museum, the ESPA and two more hotels - Equarius and Spa Villas - will open progressively.

"Since the award of Resorts World at Sentosa in December 2006, time has been our biggest challenge in building this world-class resort destination," said Mr Michael Chin, Executive Vice President of Projects, RWS.

RWS announced the completion of all structural buildings by July this year.

Fitting out of the hotels' façade and installation of the Universal Studios Singapore attractions - already begun - will ramp up after the last building Hotel Michael tops out next month.

Testing and commissioning of the theme park rides and attractions will take place later this year, as scheduled, to put RWS "on track" for the soft launch.


Thursday, June 25, 2009


圣淘沙名胜世界IT部高级副总裁Yap Chee Yuen表示:“我们需要寻找的是长期合作伙伴,而不只是眼前项目的设备供应商。阿尔卡特朗讯拥有广泛的产品线、专业的服务及全球的影响力,我们相信阿尔卡特朗讯能够理解我们的战略目标,从而助力我们成为家庭度假的首选。”
圣淘沙名胜世界由云顶新加坡公司(Genting Singapore)开发,是投资达65.9亿新元的综合娱乐城。此处将建成东南亚首家也是唯一一家环球影城、世界最大的海洋馆-- Marine Life Park、一座海洋博物馆、一座水上主题乐园,六家不同风格的主题酒店,以及众多娱乐、购物及美食场所。
阿尔卡特朗讯Hotel Link(AHL)解决方案:允许集中连接至酒店物业管理系统,从而更有效地管理多个酒店设施。
为所有管理员及房务人员提供OmniTouch统一通信套件。用户通过功能丰富的桌面插件“我的即时通”(My Instant Communicator)来无缝集成电子邮件、传真服务器、语音信箱及“我的团队”(My Teamwork)通知服务器等功能。
阿尔卡特朗讯企业网络集团东南亚区副总裁Derrick Lee指出:“我们很高兴圣淘沙名胜世界能够选择阿尔卡特朗讯为其综合娱乐城提供全面的IP通信及统一通信解决方案。圣淘沙名胜世界深知在当今竞争激烈的酒店行业中构建可靠的语音通信系统的重要性。阿尔卡特朗讯业界领先的解决方案将确保游客更好的体验,使运营管理更加顺畅,并最大限度地提升运营收益。”









Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Malaysia's Genting pays $100 mln for MGM stake-paper

KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 (Reuters) - Malaysian gaming group Genting has paid $100 million for a 3.2 percent stake in U.S. casino operator MGM Mirage, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday.

Genting is "constantly looking to broaden our portfolio of strategic investments and strengthen partnerships around the world," Justin Leong, head of strategic investments and corporate affairs for Genting, was quoted by the newspaper as saying.

When contacted by Reuters, Leong said the company is not required to disclose the share purchase.

Genting and its unit Resorts World had earlier subscribed for a combined $100 million worth of notes issued by MGM Mirage last month.

The debt papers were part of MGM's $1.5 billion fund-raising exercise to help settle its outstanding debts and for general corporate purposes.

Analysts had said the investments could pave the way for Genting to acquire a stake in MGM or take over the U.S. casino operator's investment in MGM Grand Macau.


云顶再拨3.5亿 参股美高梅3.2%







3.5亿购米高梅幻影3.2% 云顶进军澳门前兆?

(吉隆坡10日讯)云顶(Genting,3182,主板贸服股)已斥资1亿美元(约3亿5200万令吉)收购米高梅幻影(MGM MIRAGE)3.2%股权,分析员不排除该集团持续增持后者股权的可能性,也进一步加强了云顶借助米高梅幻影进军澳门赌场的传言。







目标价上修至7.20令吉 分析员依旧保持云顶的收益预估及“超越大市”投资评级,惟将截至年杪的目标价格,从原本的6.80令吉上调至7.20令吉。




马来西亚博彩集团云顶(Genting)出资1亿美元,买入美国博彩集团米高梅幻影公司(MGM Mirage) 3.2%的股份。


上月,在米高梅幻影10亿美元的股权融资中,其最大股东科克•科克里安(Kirk Kerkorian)的出资额也是1亿美元。云顶与科克里安旗下的Tracinda Corp各自以每股7美元的价格购入1430万股。


云顶的创始人是已故马来西亚华人大亨林梧桐,该公司尤其热衷于在澳门发掘商机。米高梅幻影与澳门赌王何鸿燊(Stanley Ho)之女何超琼(Pansy Ho)在澳门有一家对等持股的合资企业。

米高梅幻影与拉斯维加斯金沙集团(Las Vegas Sands)在澳门经营着世界上最大的两家赌场。二者一直在努力减轻债务负担,市场猜测它们可能通过出售股份来筹集现金。

云顶战略投资与公司事务主管梁铭隆(Justin Leong)表示:“我们一直在寻求机会,扩大我们的战略投资组合,加强在世界各地的合作关系”。记者无法联系到米高梅幻影请其置评。

但新泽西州博彩业执法局(Division of Gaming Enforcement)官员最近作出裁决,称何超琼“不适合”作为米高梅幻影的合作伙伴,使其在澳门的任何后续交易充满了悬念。米高梅幻影还拥有大西洋城Borgata赌场50%的股份。

云顶一直有意入股何超琼与米高梅幻影的合资赌场——规模达12.5亿美元的澳门美高梅金殿(MGM Grand Macau)。


新泽西州博彩监管委员会(Casino Control Commission)未对博彩业执法局的建议置评,但预计将就此事举行听证会。

英国《金融时报》汤姆•米切尔(Tom Mitchell)香港、马修•加拉汉(Matthew Garrahan)洛杉矶、约翰•伯顿(John Burto)新加坡报道


Monday, June 8, 2009

惠誉国际下调不足为患 云顶维持买入评级

云顶(Genting,3182,主板贸服股) 的评级展望虽面对惠誉国际的下调,唯分析员维持该股的买入评级。






Sunday, June 7, 2009


云顶新加坡(Genting Singapore)投入65亿9000万元建造的“圣淘沙名胜世界”(Resorts World at Sentosa),还有10个月就开业,前个星期却有9%的股权转手,引发市场猜测这个综合度假胜地(IR)执照的颁发可能有变卦。
云顶集团(Genting Bhd)控制股东林氏家族的两家相关企业,脱售云顶新加坡的9%股权,被认为是要投资美高梅集团(MGM Mirage)在澳门的赌场项目。这次脱售股权,林氏家族总共筹集到大约6亿1500万元,加上去年11月脱售在美国Walker Digital的10%股权给名胜世界(Resorts World),筹措2亿5000万令吉,两项脱售共筹措17亿5000万令吉的资金。
这样的分析是合理的。云顶集团和名胜世界5月21日刚买入面值1亿美元的美高梅集团担保票据(secured notes),云顶集团入股对方在澳门的赌场项目的可能性非常高。
在2006年12月,云顶新加坡的前身云顶国际(Genting International)和丽星邮轮(Star Cruises)赢得我国第二家赌场的执照后不久,宣布将和澳门赌场大亨何鸿燊合作,让我国政府感到不快。
在上个月,美国新泽西州赌博监管局(New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement)要求美高梅集团,断绝与何鸿燊女儿何超琼的生意联系,理由是何鸿燊被指与非法组织人士来往。美高梅集团需要决定放弃在澳门的投资项目,还是退出在大西洋城的投资。
云顶新加坡引进新的股东,可能使得取得赌场执照的过程复杂化,云顶新加坡还未向负责监管综合度假胜地赌场的法定机构赌场管制局(Casino Regulatory Authority)申请执照,也不知道它何时会这样做,赌场管制局会在搞清楚新股东的背景、资金来源及与其他业务的关系后才颁发执照。
林国泰家族在5月27日将9%云顶新加坡股权出售给投资机构,新股东的身份并没有透露,云顶集团是否和其他个人或集团有关联,而“不受欢迎的联系”绝对是我国政府所关注的,特别是涉及有组织的犯罪活动(organised crime)。



Saturday, May 30, 2009

Brokers' Take

Genting SingaporeMay 28 close: $0.71OCBC INVESTMENT RESEARCH, May 28
TWO major shareholders of Genting Singapore (GTSG) - controlled by the founding Lim family - have pared their stakes in the company. According to the company's filings, Lakewood Sdn Bhd sold about 265.809 million shares and Golden Hope Limited sold 649.073 million shares yesterday, all reportedly done at $0.72 each via placement agreements through JPMorgan Chase and UBS AG.

In total, the two parties sold nearly 9 per cent of the outstanding share capital of about 9.64 billion to raise $615 million.

However, as these were vendor shares, GTGS will not be getting any of the proceeds.

No negative implications behind the sale. Other than the sharp 16 per cent discount to the previous day closing price of $0.865, we do not think that there are any major negative implications behind the move. For one, reports suggest that the placement was made to close to 40 parties, including specialist gaming investors, long-only Asia funds and deal players who liked the big discount.

As mentioned in our earlier report, the outlook for the gaming market in Asia remains very promising - industry watchers expect the market to grow by 15.7 per cent CAGR (compound annual growth rate) for the next five years.

Lim family eyeing Mirage Macau asset? And the third reason for the stake sale could be related to talks that the Lim family is raising cash for a possible investment in MGM Mirage's Macau casino. Parent Genting Bhd and sister company Resorts World earlier bought a combined US$100 million of secured notes sold by MGM Mirage.

But given the link to Pansy Ho, the daughter of Stanley Ho, the investment could be quite a sensitive issue with authorities in Singapore. As such, we suspect the Genting group may not want to be directly involved.

The news of the discounted share sale has resulted in GTGS's share price tumbling 17.9 per cent on Wednesday to $0.71. As the share price is now 6.6 per cent below our recently revised fair value of $0.76, we upgrade our rating to 'hold'.

However, the near-term outlook for GTGS has not improved - we are still expecting its UK operations to languish for the rest of this year. Although we continue to expect a net loss in FY10, the opening of Resorts World at Sentosa in Q1 2010 could prove to be a wild card. Nevertheless, we would be buyers closer to $0.60 or so.


Genting reaps $615m from S'pore unit stake sale

SINGAPORE: The family that owns Malaysian gaming firm Genting Bhd sold about 9 per cent of shares in its Singapore unit to institutions yesterday, raising US$425 million (S$615 million), two sources with knowledge of the deal told Reuters.

A total of 853.8 million Genting Singapore shares were sold at S$0.72 a share, a discount of around 17 per cent on its last closing price, raising S$615 million.

The sale, through the family's vehicles Golden Hope and Lakewood, was aimed at boosting the stock's liquidity, according to one of the sources.

Shares of the unit dropped more than a fifth. In Malaysia, shares in Genting, which is controlled by the family of chairman and chief executive Lim Kok Thay, fell 4.5 per cent.

The Genting Singapore shares were sold at the lower end of a S$0.72-S$0.76 per share range listed in a term sheet seen by Reuters.

Analysts in Malaysia said it is no secret that Genting has been scouting around for investment opportunities in Macau and Las Vegas, but the Genting Singapore stake sale appears to take advantage of the steep rise in the firm's share price.

Genting Singapore shares had more than doubled since early March to S$0.89. Genting shares in Malaysia have been up 7.6 per cent since last Wednesday.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two shareholders sell 854m shares in Genting Singapore

SINGAPORE: Two shareholders in Genting Singapore have sold a total of some 854 million shares in the gaming firm at 72 cents a share.

Golden Hope and Lakewood sold the shares to raise some S$615 million.

Bucking the overall upward trend of the local market, Genting Singapore's share price fell about 17 per cent to 72 cents in mid-afternoon trade.

The sudden price fall has prompted a query from the Singapore Exchange.

In response, Genting Singapore said it received the confirmation of the share disposals at about 12.30pm on Wednesday.

Genting Singapore said three substantial shareholders have sold a total of 1.18 billion of the company's shares.

Earlier, Dow Jones Newswires reported that Genting's founder, Lim Goh Tong, had sold a nine per cent stake, or 854 million shares, in the firm at 72 cents a share.

Genting Singapore, formerly known as Genting International, is opening a massive integrated resort in Sentosa next year.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

市场看好狮城赌场 云顶新加坡股价写2年新高

(新加坡22日讯)随着市场乐观认为云顶新加坡公司(Genting Singapore)发展中的赌场度假村将刺激其净利,该公司股价今日大起至2年来的新高。


新加坡华侨银行分析员黄凯丽(译音)说:“亚洲拥有迷人的赌博市场。投资者希望该公司即将于明年年初开张的赌场,将较其英国的赌场业绩更好。” 云顶新加坡公司在圣淘沙赌场度假村总值66亿新元(约159亿令吉),其中包括一家环球影城(Universal Studio)主题公园。




Genting Singapore surges to 2-year high

GENTING Singapore Plc, partly owned by Asia’s biggest casino operator, jumped to its highest level in almost two years amid optimism the resort casino it is developing in the city will boost profits.

Genting jumped as much as 8.9 per cent to 79.5 Singapore cents, its highest since July 2007 in morning trade. The stock settled at 76 Singapore cents at the 12:30 pm trading break.

“They have a captive gambling market in Asia,” said Carey Wong, an analyst at Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp in Singapore.

“Investors are hoping that their Singapore casino will do better when it opens early next year than their casino operations in the UK.”

Genting’s S$6.6 billion project (US$4.56 billion), called Resorts World at Sentosa, will include Southeast Asia’s first Universal Studios theme park.

The project is one of two casino resorts the government has allowed to be built in the city-state as part of its goal to lure 17 million tourists and triple annual tourism revenue to S$30 billion by 2015.

Las Vegas Sands, controlled by US billionaire Sheldon Adelson, is planning to open the first phase of its $5.4 billion resort in December or in January 2010. -- Bloomberg


Thursday, May 21, 2009

云顶及名胜世界完成认购 MFM Mirage担保债券

(吉隆坡20日讯)云顶(Genting,3182,主板贸服股)及名胜世界(Resorts,4715,主板贸服股)今日同时宣布,分别通过旗下子公司完成认购由美国赌场营运商MFM Mirage所发行的优先支付有担保债券。


两家公司都分别认购了面值5000万美元(约1亿7600万令吉)的债券。 云顶和名胜世界均指出,这是双方拓展投资组合和加强现有现金回酬的好机会。



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

盛傳博彩稅調高 雲頂第3季或遇賣壓




馬銀行投資銀行研究指出,雲頂近期不斷攀高,屬不合理發展,因投資者明顯忽略聖淘沙名勝世界(Resorts World at Sentosa)開業前所需花費,或達4億新元(約9億6619.68萬令吉)。


此外,經濟不景氣,旅客人數或減少,新加坡雲頂(Genting Singapore)早前預測,聖淘沙名勝世界明年首季營業,每年可吸引500萬人次,可新加坡旅遊局日前指出,旅客人次已減少至900萬。







扬子江船业(Yangzijiang Shipbuilding)今年以来已经成功交付了11艘船,总价值4亿4590万美元,总吨位达20万1053吨(以CGT为基准)。


Valiram Group confirms luxury retail breakthrough with Resorts World at Sentosa

SINGAPORE. The Valiram Group today confirmed its appointment, first revealed last week by The Moodie Report, as the exclusive and sole luxury retail operator of Resorts World at Sentosa, Singapore.

The company said: “This strategic collaboration signifies the Valiram Group’s strength as one of the region’s leading luxury goods retailer and travel-retail specialist, as it adds onto its portfolio a world-class integrated casino-retail project.”

Resorts World at Sentosa is a lush 49-hectare integrated resort on Singapore's holiday island of Sentosa. It is due to open early next year.

Resorts World at Sentosa will own and operate all other key attractions at the resort, including six hotels, a casino, Southeast Asia’s first and only Universal Studios Singapore theme park, Marine Life Park, and a host of other family entertainment amenities and offerings.

Valiram said: “The approximately 30,000sq ft of luxury retail space will include an exciting line-up of über luxury brands, ranging from the best jewellers and fine watchmaking brands to leading fashion houses.

Additionally, it will include an exclusive Swiss Watch Gallery concept which showcases the best of Swiss watchmaking as well as a modern beauty hall which will include all major fragrance and cosmetics brands.”

The luxury retail esplanade is nestled within a linkway connecting all the three major hotels – Festive Hotel, Hotel Michael and the ultra-deluxe Maxims Tower. It is designed to provide a seamless luxury shopping experience for discerning international visitors.

Ashvin Valiram, Director of the Valiram Group, said: “We are extremely excited and honoured to be partnering the Genting Group in this world-class project slated to open in the first quarter of 2010. Luxury Fashion at Resorts World at Sentosa will bring together some of the world’s most sought-after iconic luxury brands in a distinctive and stylish environment.

“This project will encompass our experience, commitment and ability in creating exciting cutting-edge retail concepts, which we have now done successfully across many cities in South East Asia and Australia.”

Resorts World at Sentosa Vice President of Resort Operations Noel Hawkes, added: “We are confident that the Valiram Group will enhance the attraction of our fully integrated casino resort project. "We believe their deep understanding of the luxury retail sphere, coupled with their skills to create exceptional retail environments, will offer visitors a compelling and exciting luxurious shopping experience which is unique, imaginative and unparalleled.”

The luxury retail boutiques at Resort World at Sentosa are to be opened in early 2010.


Sunday, May 17, 2009






Thursday, May 14, 2009

云顶新加坡 首季亏损3187万元

由于赌场的访客减少,云顶新加坡(Genting Singapore)今年第一季亏损3187万元,营收下滑36%至1亿零537万元。

该公司最近刚从云顶国际(Genting International)改名为云顶新加坡。该公司表示,营收的下滑主要是因为集团在英国的赌场业务营收下跌5840万元,这是由业务量减少和不好的运气因素造成的。另外,相比起前一年,赌场访客的减少和英镑的贬值,进一步导致了营收下滑。

投入65.9亿在本地 建赌场和主题公园


云顶2子公司建议易名 名胜世界-云顶大马 亚地种植-云顶种植

(吉隆坡13日讯)云顶(Genting,3182,主板贸服股)旗下公司的名胜世界(Resorts,4715,主板贸服股)和亚地种植(Asiatic,2291,主板种植股),分别建议把公司易名为“云顶大马”(Genting Malaysia Berhad)和“云顶种植”(Genting Plantation Berhad)。









Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Resorts World at Sentosa picks agencies for creative review

SINGAPORE - Resorts World at Sentosa (RWS) has selected seven agencies, among them Euro RSCG, McCann Worldgroup and Y&R, for its creative review.

Three local agencies have also been invited to pitch, say sources, though RWS has declined to disclose participants.

The integrated resort’s creative account came into play late in April when TBWA resigned the business after two years.

Robin Goh, assistant vice president, communications, Resorts World at Sentosa, said at the time: “Resorts World at Sentosa is on track for its opening early next year, and will be exploring options for its next creative agency.”


Monday, May 11, 2009

2利好因素激励 云顶新加坡前景乐观

(吉隆坡11日讯)由于圣淘沙名胜世界的长期盈利能力及英国博彩领域的复苏,大马研究给予云顶新加坡公司(Genting Singapore)“买入”评级,合理价格为0.90新元(2.17令吉)。






云顶2010年盈利看涨 该研究认为,云顶2009财年的净利料会下滑47%至9亿7800万令吉,但在2010财年将增长37%至12亿令吉。


该公司的资本开销预计在2009财年到达20亿新元(48亿令吉),而在2010财年减至10亿新元。 “当圣淘沙名胜世界自由现金流量在2012财年料提高至每股0.16新元(0.38令吉)时,预估该公司将有能力派息。”


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Universal Studios conquers Southeast Asia and the Middle East

The world's most famous movie theme park, Universal Studios, is inching closer to Middle Eastern travellers as it sets off for Singapore next March.

Before it opens its doors in Dubai next year, Universal Studios hopes to beckon Middle Eastern travellers to its shores in Singapore where the theme park will open in March 2010 as part of the Sentosa Island Resort.

A first in Southeast Asia, Universal Studios Singapore will have 24 rides and attractions, 18 of which are brand new or specially redesigned for Singapore. Thrill seekers and movie buffs can look forward to brand new rides such as Transformers, as well as popular favourites the Revenge of the Mummy and the WaterWorld stunt show.

Universal Studios Dubailand is under construction and will be situated at the heart of Universal City, a huge complex of theme parks spanning over 20 million sq ft (nearly 2 million sq m) in Dubai. The city will also include hotels, restaurants and shops as well as residential and commercial areas, and will open some time next year (completion date yet to be announced).

Universal already runs theme parks in Los Angeles, Florida and Japan.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

觊觎海外赌场资产 名胜世界趁机壮大实力

(吉隆坡5日讯)马银投资银行在投资研究报告中说,名胜世界有限公司(RESORTS ,4715,主板贸易服务组)仍然是它选择的赌场业股之一,是因为回弹潜能强大。即使是在新加坡的两个综合休闲胜地开始营业之后,相信盈利仍然强劲增长。





随着收购10%的Walker Digital Gaming股权后,股东投资值损失45亿令吉;马银投资银行相信名胜世界将减少建议联号公司之间交易。

与此同时,名胜世界持股19.6%的丽星邮轮(Star Cruises)唯一重大投资承诺,是最终将5000万美元投资在它持股50%的联营企业Newport City NCL。该50%联营企业已再融资大约8亿美元在2009年以及2010年届期的债务,以及获取80%融资收购12亿美元的Norwegian Epic邮轮。



Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chrysler Drags U.S. Auto Sales to 34% Drop, Trailing Estimates

May 1 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. auto sales tumbled 34 percent in April, the 18th straight monthly decline, as Chrysler LLC’s slide toward bankruptcy helped shrink the industry more than analysts estimated.

Chrysler’s U.S. deliveries fell 48 percent in joining Toyota Motor Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Nissan Motor Co. with decreases that were worse than analysts expected. General Motors Corp. and Honda Motor Co. sales dropped less than projections.

April ended with Chrysler’s Chapter 11 filing, the swine flu outbreak and GM still racing to beat a June 1 deadline to restructure without ending up in court, tempering any benefits from rising consumer confidence.

“The cloud of bankruptcy is still very much hanging there,” said Rebecca Lindland, an IHS Global Insight analyst in Lexington, Massachusetts. “We can’t just see these little glimmers of hope in consumer confidence. We need to see an actual sustained recovery in the economy.”

April sales ran at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 9.3 million units, according to industry research firm Autodata Corp. of Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey. That missed the 9.9 million estimate of 7 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.

Lindland said she expects the rate to fall to 9 million in May and June. The March rate was 9.9 million, after February’s 9.1 million came in as the lowest since 1981. Sales totaled 13.2 million in 2008, and averaged 16.8 million this decade through 2007.

Automakers’ Decreases

Industrywide deliveries slid to 819,171. Ford slumped 32 percent, Toyota tumbled 42 percent and Nissan fell 38 percent. GM decreased 34 percent, and Honda dropped 25 percent from a year earlier.

Automakers took comfort from the 34 percent industrywide decline, which was the smallest this year.

“It seems like we’re bouncing around at the bottom of a bathtub,” Chrysler Vice Chairman Jim Press said in a conference call. “We have found the bottom.”

With Auburn Hills, Michigan-based Chrysler in bankruptcy court, the industry’s focus now shifts to GM’s bid to shrink $44 billion in obligations under the deadline set by President Barack Obama or face a government-backed bankruptcy.
‘A Martian’

“I’ve seen everything except that a Martian is going to run General Motors,” the automaker’s sales chief, Mark LaNeve, said on a conference call. “We’ve been fighting every one of these rumors, and I can tell you they don’t help sales.”

GM beat the average estimate for a 37 percent sales decline, based on a survey of 5 analysts. Purchases by fleet customers buoyed results, while sales to individual consumers fell 45 percent, Detroit-based GM said. Honda was projected to drop 27 percent, based on 4 estimates.

Ford’s slide exceeded the 30 percent average estimate among 5 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg, and Chrysler outstripped projections for a 37 percent drop. Toyota’s decline was greater than the 37 percent average of 4 estimates, while Tokyo-based Nissan’s slump exceeded a projected decrease of 28 percent. April had 26 selling days, the same as a year earlier.

Ford said sales slowed in the last week of April, which it attributed to heavy news coverage of the bailout plans for GM and Chrysler, as well as reports about the new flu strain.

“There was a bit of a CNN effect this week with the news focusing on Chrysler and GM,” Ford’s sales analyst, George Pipas, said in a conference call.

Ford Tops Toyota

Ford outsold Toyota City, Japan-based Toyota in April, 134,401 vehicles to 126,540, to take the No. 2 U.S. sales position behind GM. For the year, Toyota remains ahead of Dearborn, Michigan-based Ford by 27,400 cars and trucks.

South Korea’s Hyundai Motor Co. posted the smallest decline among major automakers, sliding 14 percent. Kia Motors Corp., Hyundai’s affiliate, reported a 15 percent decrease.

Automakers’ spending on incentives averaged $3,031 for each vehicle, a 29 percent increase from a year earlier, according to automotive researcher of Santa Monica, California. Still, that was down from the record of $3,165 in March.

Honda’s increased incentives for Accord allowed the car to become the top-selling U.S. model, surpassing Ford’s F-Series pickups and Toyota’s Camry sedan.

Average incentive spending rose 7.9 percent at Honda to $1,439 a vehicle, said. Chris Martin, a Honda spokesman, wouldn’t give a figure, while Bob Carter, Toyota’s U.S. vice president of sales, said Accord incentive spending surged “more than 50 percent” last month.
Economic Impact

Consumer sentiment surged last month to its highest since before the collapse of credit markets late last year, according to a Reuters/University of Michigan index released today.

“It’s all about credit and confidence,” said Michael Robinet, an analyst at CSM Worldwide in Northville, Michigan. “Credit continues to free up, albeit at a slow pace, and we’re not seeing confidence degrade like we have in the past.”

While the government may say May 8 that unemployment rose to 8.9 percent from 8.5 percent in March, job losses likely eased in April, based on Bloomberg surveys of economists. The drop in nonfarm payrolls was projected to be 610,000, 8 percent fewer than a month earlier.

A 9.4 percent gain for the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, the biggest monthly rally since March 2000, also may have eased consumers’ alarm over Wall Street’s tumble late last year. As of today, the benchmark index for U.S. stocks needs to rise only 2.9 percent to erase its 2009 loss.
Those signs of life for the stock market and confidence will position auto sales for a modest second-half recovery, said Gary Dilts, an analyst at market-research firm J.D. Power & Associates in Troy, Michigan.

“It’s nothing to have a party over,” Dilts said. “But we’ve reached the point where there’s just not much lower that you can go.”


Friday, May 1, 2009

談判破裂 克萊斯勒破產成定局







Thursday, April 30, 2009

Resorts World at Sentosa to seek new agency

SINGAPORE - Resorts World at Sentosa (RWS) is to launch a search for a creative agency after parting ways with TBWA yesterday.

"Resorts World at Sentosa is on track for its opening early next year, and will be exploring options for its next creative agency,” said Robin Goh, assistant vice president, communications, Resorts World at Sentosa.

Other sources have suggested that “several” agencies have already held talks with the client, while one argued that a pitch consultant could be brought in to invite agencies to pitch in time.

TBWA Singapore resigned the RWS creative business after two years, citing "creative and strategic differences".

Angela Lam, head of marketing at Resorts World at Sentosa, said: “Both companies have decided that this would be the best move at this point in time.”


Traders bet on Wall Street rising

Hang Seng's surge, 60-point bounce in Dow Jones Industrial Average June futures push STI up 41 points

IF INDICES in this part of the world should rise sharply, it's a fair bet that it was because traders are betting heavily on Wall Street rising just as sharply later the same day. Such was the case yesterday when fears of Mexican swine flu, which had dragged the Straits Times Index down some 45 points on Monday and Tuesday, were suddenly banished, thanks to a 2.7 per cent rise in Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index and a 60-point bounce in the June futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

The outcome was a 41.16-point rise in the STI to 1,849.57, with some amount of short-covering no doubt playing a part.

The bulk of brokers' reports dealt with the possible consequences on markets if the swine flu threat was to rise beyond present, relatively benign levels.

In a Hong Kong Economics report on Tuesday, Morgan Stanley said that it thinks the negative impact on the economy will be smaller than that experienced during the 2003 Sars outbreak. 'The biggest blow during Sars was the collapse of in-bound tourism, which will unlikely be the case this time round as Hong Kong/China is not the source of the outbreak,' said MS. It also said that Hong Kong today is different from 2003 because the relevant authorities are better prepared for epidemic disease outbreaks.

Airline stocks have understandably come under pressure this week, although Singapore Airlines yesterday rebounded 16 cents to $10.30 with 2.7 million traded.

In assessing the impact of the swine flu on SIA, DBS Vickers said in a Tuesday note that it does not expect a major impact on the airline's business yet, because SIA does not fly to Mexico and flies to only a few US cities.

'Of greater importance is a recovery in demand and thus load factors, which can help the stock re-rate . . . Maintain 'hold' with $11.30 target price. The earnings outlook for the next two quarters remains weak and we would advise buying only if 1) load factors start to improve or 2) the shares drop below $9 per share,' said DBSV.

Elsewhere, Chartered Semiconductor was the day's most active stock, rising 1.5 cents to 16.5 cents on volume of 84.4 million. Goldman Sachs yesterday released a 'sell' on the counter, saying that because the stock has doubled in the past month and is now trading at 0.6 times 2009 estimated book, it is overvalued. Among other reasons, GS also based its call on Chartered not having had positive annual cash flow since inception and the likelihood that it will need further financing in 2009-10 to supplement a recently-completed rights issue.

Meanwhile, Credit Suisse (CS) joined the ranks of investment houses such as Nomura, UBS Investment Research and Citi Investment Research in recommending an 'overweight' on the local market.

In a April 28 Strategy report, CS said it believes that the local market may have bottomed and could gain 20-48 per cent from current levels. It said it is 'overweighting' banks and financials while 'underweighting' telecoms and property.

In a April 24 Global Economics Weekly report, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch said that the current bounce on Wall St is at best, 'the famed reflexive rebound that occurs between down-legs of a secular bear market'.

It added that economic support for the rally has been dubious so far and pointed out that although bull markets may start out being driven by technicals like sentiment and market positioning, they have to be driven by economic fundamentals to be sustained.

Shares close up 2.28%

SINGAPORE - Singapore shares closed 2.28 per cent higher on Wednesday, boosted by strong performances in the Chinese and Hong Kong markets, dealers said.

The blue-chip Straits Times Index closed 41.16 points higher at 1,849.57 on volume of 1.52 billion shares worth $1.16 billion (US$777 million).

Gainers led losers 373 to 116, with 761 issues unchanged.

'We are basically following the region,' said a trader at bank-backed brokerage.

'The initial reaction by the market to the swine flu outbreak was probably overdone.'

Hong Kong share prices closed 2.76 per cent higher on Wednesday, while China shares climbed 2.78 per cent.

Banking shares closed higher. DBS advanced 11 cents to $9.10, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp climbed 12 cents to $5.48 and United Overseas Bank edged up six cents to $11.00.

Among property shares, CapitaLand rose 13 cents to $2.56, City Developments gained 14 cents to $5.82 while Keppel Land was unchanged at $1.67.

Singapore Airlines gained 16 cents to $10.30 and Singapore Telecommunications rose eight cents to $2.54.

Investment holding company Sembcorp Industries was up nine cents to $2.65 and motor vehicle firm Jardine Cycle and Carriage climbed 34 cents to $13.26.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009









Tuesday, April 28, 2009

名胜世界或购海外博彩资产 手持庞大现金·财务稳固




在美国及亚洲(尤其是澳门),一些博彩公司在过去18个月来是在低估值下交易;而在欧洲,反而是线上或网络博彩已开出另一条生路,法国及德国有可能会合法化网络博彩活动。在这些博彩公司面对财务危机之际,进而为名胜世界提供了并购的机会,包括了波伊德博彩(Boyd aming)、驿站集团(Station Casino),以及热带娱乐公司(Tropicana Entertainment)。


另外较引人瞩目的是澳门的银河娱乐(Galaxy Entertainment)以及新濠博亚博彩(Melco Crown)这两个主要特许经营公司,名胜世界仅需80%以下的现有现金,就能够收购其中一家。




Monday, April 27, 2009

Shares close 1.8% lower

SINGAPORE - Singapore shares fell 1.85 per cent on Monday on fears over the economic impact of a deadly swine flu outbreak, analysts said.

The blue-chip Straits Times Index (STI) closed 34.24 points down at 1,818.61, led by Singapore Airlines on concerns that air travel will take a further hit from the new health threat.

Volume was 1.77 billion shares worth $1.16 billion (US$774 million). Losers outnumbered gainers 427 to 125, with 700 issues unchanged.

The STI's decline was in line with other regional bourses, as fears of a worldwide swine flu outbreak dragged markets down.

'We expect uncertainty to hit the markets this week on growing concerns of the swine flu spreading and that a possible cure for this is not yet certain,' said NetResearch Asia.

'Much like SARS did in 2003, this would deal another blow to the travel and leisure industry.' Singapore Airlines dived 48 cents to $10.12 and Singapore Telecommunications eased two cents to $2.47.

Banking shares closed lower. DBS and United Overseas Bank eased six cents apiece to $8.98 and $11.12 respectively, and Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp shed 12 cents to $5.31.

Among property shares, CapitaLand fell 12 cents to $2.47, City Developments retreated 16 cents to $5.67 and Keppel Land slid five cents to $1.71.

Motor vehicle firm Jardine Cycle and Carriage fell 40 cents to $12.66 while agricultural products supplier Olam International rose five cents to $1.68.

亚太股市大多下跌 猪流感疫情令投资者谨慎行事



航空和酒店类股大幅下跌拖累香港股市收盘走低,墨西哥、美国和加拿大猪流感疫情的爆发引发了国际旅游业可能大幅下滑的担忧。中资银行股也走低,因在美国运通(American Express)和安联保险(Allianz)合计持有的2.3%的中国工商银行股份有限公司(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., 简称:工商银行)股份中,有一半即将解除锁定。恒生指数跌418.43点,至14,840.42点,跌幅2.7%,盘中低点14,798.90点。成交额总计530.1亿港元,高于上周五的517.3亿港元。


澳大利亚股市小幅走高,全天走势振荡。墨西哥爆发猪流感疫情在全球股市引起紧张情绪。基准S&P/ASX 200指数收盘涨19.3点,至3731.6点,涨幅0.5%,市场交投淡静。股指早盘曾一度升至五个交易日高点3780.8点,之后又回落至3680.6点低点。


旅游业惊弓之鸟 云顶名胜世界一起跌

2009/04/27 17:54:51




原棕油价格大挫4.3% 另一方面,由于墨西哥在受感染的情况下将减低肉类及谷类的需求,进而影响总是跟随谷类市场波动的植物油价格,大马原棕油价格今日大挫4.3%。



Friday, April 24, 2009

Still no dividend payout for Genting shareholders

SINGAPORE: If you own Genting International shares, don't bet on receiving dividends anytime soon. It has been almost 20 years since the casino operator last rewarded its shareholders with a dividend payout. And its board of directors warned on Friday that shareholders may have to wait at least a few more years.

At Genting's annual general meeting, several shareholders asked the board when they would finally receive a dividend payout. The answer was "at least five years from now".

Managing director Justin Tan said the company's finances would likely remain stretched for the first few years after the opening of its Resorts World integrated resort on Sentosa in 2010.

This is because the firm has to repay almost S$1 billion in loan each year over the next five years. This is for a loan of almost S$4.2 billion that Genting had obtained from over 20 banks early last year to fund the building of the integrated resort.

But once the company has stabilised its gearing, Mr Tan said, it would definitely reward its shareholders. This answer was good enough for at least one shareholder, who declined to be named.

The shareholder said: "Dividends are important, but until and unless the company has established itself and there is some balance in the company, then it can start paying slowly, stage by stage, in order to keep the shareholders happy, if the company does make money. If it doesn't make money, you have to bear with it for a little while."

Genting's board said it is confident that Resorts World Sentosa will be completed within budget, as labour and material costs have stabilised. As such, the firm has no plans to launch a rights issue to raise more funds.

The board added that the integrated resort is on track for its soft opening in the first quarter of 2010. On day one, four of the six planned hotels at the resort should be ready, as well as a Universal Studios theme park and the casino.

Genting's CEO Lim Kok Thay said he is confident that Resorts World will be able to reach its target of seven to eight million visitors in its first year, and 10 million annually thereafter.


Resorts World family fun rooms

[top photo: A room in Festive Hotel. The family-friendly hotel has designed most of its room with loft beds for children, while parents will have separate sleeping chambers.]

A room in the Maxims Tower.

When Resorts World at Sentosa opens next year, young visitors can crash out in their own loft beds after a day at the Universal Studios theme park.

The family-friendly Festive Hotel has designed most of its 390 rooms with loft beds. Parents have separate sleeping chambers.

For the kids, this means climbing a ladder to their private space for the night. Each loft bed can sleep two children.

Mr Patrick Burke, 51, principal architect at American firm Michael Graves & Associates, which is the architect for the Resorts World, gave the media a sneak preview of the rooms in three hotels at Resorts World yesterday.

The other two hotels are Maxims Tower and Hotel Michael. He said: 'The Festive Hotel is about having fun, and loft beds allow families with kids to share the same room.''

The $6.59-billion casino development is the firm's first project in Singapore. It is also doing the interiors for five of the six hotels on the site.

The three hotels which had the media preview yesterday and Hard Rock Hotel Singapore, which has its own team of designers, are scheduled to open in the first quarter of next year. They will account for about 1,350 hotel rooms out of the 1,800 rooms at the resort. Two other hotels will open later.

Mr Burke, who designed the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotels in Florida and Hotel New York at EuroDisneyland Paris, says the perfect hotel room is one that is 'warm and inviting and makes the visitor feel at home'.

But he throws in little surprises to cater to the needs of target guests.

For example, the loft beds and bright colours in the Festive Hotel make it fun for youngsters.
The 120-room Maxims Tower, aimed at high rollers, is furnished with deep woods and rich colours such as red and gold. The bathrooms come with a personal steam room.

The Hotel Michael, which has 470 rooms, is named after the famous American architect Michael Graves. All the rooms will come with a circular shower decorated with blue mosaic tiles, a replica of his personal shower room.

Resorts World at Sentosa says room rates will be announced at a later date.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

STI closes up 0.9%

SINGAPORE - Singapore shares closed 0.90 per cent higher on Thursday as investors picked up bargains following recent declines, dealers said.

The blue-chip Straits Times Index added 16.57 points to end at 1,859.98 on volume of 1.55 billion shares worth $1.25 billion (US$831 million).

Gainers led losers 251 to 198, with 792 issues unchanged.

'It seems as though the correction in the last few days has been enough to get some bargain-hunting underway again,' said a trader at a local brokerage.

Banking shares were mixed. DBS eased two cents to $9.03 while Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp gained seven cents to $5.56 and United Overseas Bank closed 12 cents higher at $11.20.

Among property shares, CapitaLand fell five cents to $2.65 while City Developments climbed seven cents to $5.83 and Keppel Land rose 12 cents to $1.88.

Singapore Airlines advanced 22 cents to $10.82 while Singapore Telecommunications remained at $2.47.

Agribusiness group Wilmar International gained 18 cents to $3.61 and beverage maker Fraser and Neave edged up a cent to $2.60.



东京股市周四走高,汽车类股领涨,因为在高盛(Goldman Sachs)将汽车类股评级上调至具有吸引力的级别之后,市场预期全球汽车销售将有所回暖。日经225指数涨119.71点,至8847.01点,涨幅1.4%。包括东京证交所一部所有股票的东证指数涨9.54点,至839.50点,涨幅1.2%。大阪证券交易所,六月日经225指数期货收盘涨80点,至8830点,涨幅0.9%。


澳大利亚股市涨至三日高点,受指数基金买盘、消费必需品行业的并购活动以及瑞信(Credit Suisse)好于预期的业绩等诸多因素推动。基准S&P/ASX 200指数收盘上涨74.8点,至3743.0点,涨幅2.0%;盘中一度触及3745.4点。成交量放大。此前,股指自上周五触及3851.2点的五个月新高后,已连续三个交易日走低。今日的上扬扭转了市场的颓势。


Genting Int 23 April 2009 - Can break 0.63-0.64 ??

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Star Cruises shares surge 65 percent

Star Cruises Ltd (麗星郵輪), Asia’s biggest cruise operator, surged by a record 65 percent in Hong Kong trading after China said it would allow cruise tours to Taiwan to stop in the city.

Star Cruises rose as much as HK$0.53 to HK$1.35, the most since being listed in Hong Kong in 2000, and traded at HK$1.18 as of 2:35pm.That boosted the stock’s gains for this year to 97 percent, compared with a 10 percent climb for the benchmark Hang Seng Index.

After his meeting with Chinese authorities, Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang (曾蔭權) said on Saturday in a press briefing at the Boao forum in Hainan that China would allow cruise tours from mainland ports to stop at Hong Kong en route to Taiwan.

Star Cruises said in November it plans to begin a service between Taiwan and China by the end of the first quarter of this year.


The Singapore-traded shares of Star Cruises rose 26 percent, the most in two years.The cruise operator isn’t aware of the reasons for the increases in price and trading volume, it said in statements to the Hong Kong and Singapore stock exchanges yesterday.

Calls to the Hong Kong-based office of Star Cruises weren’t immediately returned.

RESTRICTIONS RELAXEDHong Kong will relax travel restrictions for Taiwanese visitors entering the city, the city’s government said in a statement on April 15.

Taiwanese residents with a valid travel permit for China will be allowed to stay in Hong Kong for seven days.Taiwan, Hong Kong, Guangdong and Fujian should form a regional economic alliance to improve their competitiveness, Taichung Mayor Jason Hu (胡志強) said last week after meeting in Hong Kong with Stephen Lam (林瑞麟), the city’s secretary for constitutional and mainland affairs.Taiwan plans to start talks with China on cross-strait economic cooperation at the end of this year, Mainland Affairs Council Deputy Chairman Chao Chien-min (趙建民) said last week.


Genting Int

Monday, April 20, 2009

劉兆祥: 知悉麗星(0678.HK)可星港套戥能免炒錯市


倫敦(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)匯控(0005.HK)(0005.HK - 新聞 - 公司資料)似乎要跌穿上升軌,如果上升軌失守,加上近日英鎊轉弱,便有可能跌回50元水平。至於市場經常出現不理性活動,正如今早筆者所言,中央挽救,個別股份可以受惠,但要小心當中一隻是麗星郵輪(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)(0678.HK)(0678.HK - 新聞 - 公司資料),股價開市即炒高,最多更升至$1.35,但隨後大幅回落。

如果炒開這隻股份的投資者到清楚,這隻股票在香港及新加坡(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)上市,因此投資者可以進行套戥活動,而且過去一段時間,都是新加坡股份高於香港超過$0.10,而今天新加坡股份並沒有上升,但香港竟然升至$1.30,較新加坡高出$0.40,自然有大量套戥者加入沽貨行列,使股價回落。

到中段時,新加坡股份才接力向上,但以收市計,香港股份仍高於新加坡$0.10,如果明白這個關係,今天便不會炒錯市。 這個世界往往是一物治一物,例如被小股東痛罵的電盈(0008.HK)(0008.HK - 新聞 - 公司資料)主席李先生,卻千不該,萬不該,竟然找到這些律師代表上庭,看到這個律師的表現,真的大嘆難道香港沒有人才嗎?筆者作為電盈的股東,深信私有化的理據在電盈那邊(撤除是否有一致行動的情況),因此一定成功,竟然出現上訴情況,已經大跌眼鏡(因為這些律師提出的理據不能服人),而且隨時輸掉這場官司,就算能贏,仍然面對終審法院(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片),如果李先生能聘請清洪作為律師(一定不可能,因為他是英皇的御用律師),一定在第一堂已經控制大局,贏得極精彩,怎會到目前仍未分勝負呢?






Sunday, April 19, 2009

GENTING: Resorts World Sentosa to contribute from 2010

THE GENTING GROUP will be the biggest winner and we reiterate our Buy recommendation - so said Merrill Lynch last week in a report evaluating how different sectors stand to gain with the opening of the integrated resorts.
However, FY09 may be the third year in a row that SGX-listed Genting International loses money. This will change when its integrated resort opens in Sentosa next year.
The broker believes the integrated resort will start contributing to Genting’s revenues in 2H10, turning around pretax loss of S$148.5 million in FY08 as well as expected losses this year.
With operations in Australia, USA, Malaysia, the Philippines and UK, the leading integrated resort developer has lost one cent per share in FY08 and 5 cents in FY07.Merrill Lynch's and other brokers’ consensus on Bloomberg is that Genting International will lose another 2.5 cents per share for FY09 before making half a cent per share for FY10.
Resort World @ Sentosa’s much-hyped amenities are a casino, four hotels and a 7,300-seat ballroom, as well as the first Universal Studio theme park in Southeast Asia will soft launch in the first quarter of next year.
The movie theme park will transport visitors into 6 unique movie settings and simulate experiences of movie protagonists.But be it Resorts World @ Sentosa or Marina Bay Sands, whoever opens doors first will claim first mover advantage.
After all, some gamblers may not visit both casinos, deterred by the prospect of paying entrance fees twice.Merrill Lynch estimates the gaming market in 2010 to be about S$3-4 billion.
Based on this, it projects the integrated resort’s total earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation (EBITDA) will reach S$720 million by 2011, of which gaming will contribute 85-90%.
The integrated resorts are expected to increase tourist arrivals to Singapore by 25% from a forecasted 9 million visitors in 2009.Of this, Genting expects Universal Studios to attract about 5 million visitors a year, comprising of a 60:40 foreigner to local ratio.
These estimates appear conservative, considering that Hong Kong’s Disneyland has consistently achieved 4 to 5 million visitors a year since opening in 2005. Genting International’s stock price last closed at 61 cents per share on Friday.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Is SGX price surge overdone?

THE stock market, they say, is driven by hope, greed and fear.

In simple terms, greed led investors to push stock prices to dizzying heights some two years back, while fear drove investors out as the economy headed south.

And judging by the recent stock market rally, hope appears to be creeping back into the system.
Anecdotally, there is evidence that investors starved for some stock market action have been nibbling away.

This has benefited the stock of Singapore Exchange (SGX) as some investors went on a buying spree in the hope that the market could have bottomed.

Within a short span of three months, the stock has recovered some 25 per cent in price and has even outperformed the Straits Times Index.

But should investors be hopeful? Several analysts have noted in their comments on SGX's Q3 earnings that the speed of the stock's recovery was not justified.

The exchange reported a 45.5 per cent dive in quarterly net profit to $55.3 million from $101.5 million a year ago.

Though the earnings broadly met expectations, there were surprises in the derivatives trading segment, as net derivatives clearing revenue dropped 20 per cent to $31.2 million.

This suggests that SGX's derivatives trading - seen as the means to offset the slump in securities revenue - may not have been as strong as earlier touted.

'As the derivatives engine sputtered, SGX's earnings stream is not looking as robust anymore,' said CIMB-GK analyst Kenneth Ng, who downgraded the stock to 'underperform' from 'outperform'. 'Time to take money off the table,' he said in a client note.

'On a more structural note, we wonder if the blow-up over the S-chip asset class means that listing pipelines and turnover velocities for SGX will be hampered in the years ahead, making HKSE (Hong Kong stock exchange) the preferred exchange,' he added.

Many have also hesitated to call a bottom, despite the improved average daily trading value seen in April. It now hovers around $1 billion, as compared with $910 million in Q3.

OCBC analyst Carmen Lee noted yesterday that it was too early to call for a recovery. 'While some indicators have shown signs of bottoming-out, our view remains that a sustained economic recovery is necessary for confidence to return to the market.'

While some see the GDP figures of Q1 as indicating that the economy has hit the floor, analysts have cautioned that other factors such as consumer spending would determine a turnaround.
And as unemployment is set to rise, spending will be crimped, indicating a potential fall in investor interest over the next few quarters as pent-up demand pushing the markets up now fades away.

As Kim Eng analyst Pauline Lee puts it, there has been 'an overdose of optimism'. 'SGX's sharp price rally . . . and premium valuations to its peers look overdone,' she said in a report yesterday.
So take a swig from your cup and call it half-empty. This burst of hope that shares of SGX are riding on could pop soon.



受客户Petroprod临时清盘影响 胜科海事股价下跌

受客户Petroprod公司临时清盘(provisional liquidation)事件影响,胜科海事(Sembcorp Marine)的股价昨天一度跌至两个多星期以来的新低。
挪威石油公司Petroprod公司是在开曼群岛(Cayman Islands)注册的,这家公司日前被令临时清盘。
胜科海事独资子公司裕廊船厂(Jurong Shipyard)在2007年5月,曾获得Petroprod子公司——Petroprod D&P I Ltd一份价值4亿4200万美元(约6亿7000万新元)的合同,为对方建造一座能在恶劣环境中运作的升降式钻油台(jack-up rig)。裕廊船厂原本预计在2010年中交货。  
Petroprod的另外一家子公司Petroprod 1也把一个将现有油槽船(tanker)改造成浮式生产储油船(FPSO)的项目合同,颁发给裕廊船厂。因此,两项合同的总值超过5亿美元。




荣南控股(Yongnam Holdings)获得总值4040万元的三项迪拜地铁(Dubai Metro)合约。


九天化工集团(Jiutian Chemical)

(联昌国际研究,CIMB-GK Research)


Thursday, April 16, 2009


美国股市大幅上扬,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数收盘上涨逾100点;因为投资者关注国际纸业公司(International Paper Co., IP)、英特尔(Intel Co., INTC)的表态及联邦政府数据中体现出来的经济需求改善迹象。道琼斯指数涨109.44点,至8029.62点,涨幅1.38%;距离近期收盘高位还有不到60点。标准普尔500指数涨10.56点,至852.06点,涨幅1.25%;纳斯达克综合指数涨1.08点,至1626.8点,涨幅0.07%;不过英特尔下跌限制了该指数涨势。

在美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简称Fed)于美东时间下午2点公布黄皮书(Beige Book)后,美国股市进一步上涨。


据美国全国住房建筑商协会(National Association of Home Builders, 简称NAHB)/富国银行住房市场指数(Wells Fargo Housing Market Index)显示,4月份单户型预售屋建筑商信心指数上升了5点,至14点,为2003年5月份以来的最大单月升幅。

这是该指数六个月以来首次升至两位数字。国际纸业公司股价涨1.58美元,至8.80美元,涨幅22%,因德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)此前援引该公司管理人士的话称,对经济敏感的市场即将复苏。英特尔股价跌39美分,至15.62美分,跌幅2.4%,该公司此前警告称,预计第二财政季度收入与第一财季持平或略低于第一财季。

不过,英特尔表示,个人电脑市场最糟糕的时期可能已经过去。野村证券公司(Nomura Securities)经济学家David Resler表示,周二的一个积极信号是库存销售比率在下降。他表示,这是经济复苏或反弹的先期迹象。









中国周四将公布包括GDP数据在内的一系列第一季度经济数据。接受道琼斯通讯社(Dow Jones Newswires)调查的经济学家们预计,中国第一季度GDP将较上年同期增长6.0%,低于去年第四季度6.8%的增幅。

对中国而言,6.0% GDP的增幅已是7年来最低水平,但考虑到世界大多数国家的状况,这仍是相当不错的增长率。市场还对中国季度性经济数据寄予厚望。(中国政府通常不公布季度性经济数据,但多数经济学家会从官方数据中推算出季度数据。)德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)经济学家马骏预计,经季节性因素调整后,中国第一季度GDP折合成年率将较上季度增长6.8%,根据估算的第四季度GDP增速为1.5%。市场普遍预计,定于周四公布的固定资产投资、工业产值及消费者价格指数(CPI)等数据将对中国经济增长前景构成支撑。





对中国经济反弹以及中国政府将推出更多经济刺激措施的预期推动香港股市连续第三个交易日走高,指数权重股中国移动有限公司(China Mobile Ltd., 0941.HK, 简称:中国移动)补涨,推高大盘。恒生指数收盘上涨89.46点,至15,669.62点,涨幅0.57%,盘中交易区间15,213.39点至15,669.85点。


澳大利亚股市小幅走低,近期买进银行股的投资者在美国金融企业公布业绩前获利回吐。基准S&P/ASX 200指数收盘跌5.4点,至3747.5点,跌幅0.1%。


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

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