Friday, June 26, 2009

60% of Resorts World to be ready at soft opening

WHEN Resorts World at Sentosa (RWS) finally opens its doors in early 2010, just 60 per cent of the project will be ready.

At the soft opening of the 49-hectare integrated resort (IR) next year, Universal Studios Singapore, Resorts World Casino, its resident show theatre, part of its dining strip, and four hotels will commence operations first, RWS said Thursday.

Two more attractions, the Marine Life Park and the Maritime Xperiential Museum, the ESPA and two more hotels - Equarius and Spa Villas - will open progressively.

"Since the award of Resorts World at Sentosa in December 2006, time has been our biggest challenge in building this world-class resort destination," said Mr Michael Chin, Executive Vice President of Projects, RWS.

RWS announced the completion of all structural buildings by July this year.

Fitting out of the hotels' façade and installation of the Universal Studios Singapore attractions - already begun - will ramp up after the last building Hotel Michael tops out next month.

Testing and commissioning of the theme park rides and attractions will take place later this year, as scheduled, to put RWS "on track" for the soft launch.


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