Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
针对与此,梁铭隆仅透露,云顶将会继续寻求任何区域内及全球的赌博业务。 “我们也可能放眼至澳门地区,尽管目前全球最大的赌场市场说过不会再颁发任何赌场执照,澳门仍旧是另一个潜在机会。”
38亿押注筹码 他补充,云顶有可能通过与执照拥有者建立伙伴关系、或以“收购执照拥有者”的方式,进军澳门市场,云顶已经做好准备,其在截至2007年杪时,共有12亿美元现金(约38亿4千万令吉),是其中押注的筹码。
针对与此,梁铭隆仅透露,云顶将会继续寻求任何区域内及全球的赌博业务。 “我们也可能放眼至澳门地区,尽管目前全球最大的赌场市场说过不会再颁发任何赌场执照,澳门仍旧是另一个潜在机会。”
38亿押注筹码 他补充,云顶有可能通过与执照拥有者建立伙伴关系、或以“收购执照拥有者”的方式,进军澳门市场,云顶已经做好准备,其在截至2007年杪时,共有12亿美元现金(约38亿4千万令吉),是其中押注的筹码。

站在新加坡Mandarin Oriental饭店的房间向外望,滨海湾金沙综合度假村正如火如荼兴建中,二、三部工程用起重机同时作业的景观,令人惊叹。看到这个情景,游客一定忍不住要拿出相机拍照。
新加坡政府将国际博彩集团视为发展观光产业重要协作伙伴,企图通过开放赌场引进亚洲各国观光客注意,再创观光产业高峰。除了由美国拉斯维加斯金沙集团投资50亿星元,预计在2009年中完工的滨海湾综合度假村(Marina Bay Sands );另由马来西亚云顶集团投资60亿星元,预计在2010年完工的圣淘沙名胜世界(Resorts World at Sentosa)。
为创造话题,吸引更多观光客前往新加坡,新加坡政府大手笔投资各项观光硬条件,如造价高达2.4亿美元,3月才刚开幕的新加坡飞行(The Singapore Flyer)摩天轮;以及即将在9月底举行第一场赛事的F1方程序赛车。
金沙的赌场和澳门类似,将采开放式经营;而圣淘沙名胜世界的赌场则设置在最顶级的旅馆中,走高单价路线,目标锁定出手大方的豪客。据了解,圣淘沙名胜世界的赌场将设在最顶级的Maxims Residences旅馆内,占地约1.5万平方米,根据云顶集团的规划,这个赌场将采会员制,初期只邀请云顶集团的VIP客户消费。
本报讯 (记者刘珊云)昨天,中国冶金科工集团宣布,世界第六座环球影城——新加坡环球影城总承包工程花落旗下中国京冶工程技术公司,中标工程总额达36亿元,于2009年10月31日完工,2010年开业。这也是中资建筑企业在新加坡获得的最大规模的承包工程。
Genting Bhd,
Resort World At Sentosa
Saturday, June 28, 2008
New drive-in admission to Sentosa from July

DRIVING to Sentosa will be a breeze when a new cashless payment system kicks in from July .
The existing gantry booths at the entrance to the island at Sentosa Gateway will also be relocated and shifted further in to ease congestion near the Telok Blangah junction.
Admissions to the island from next Tuesday will be processed at new gantry booths which have been set up about 400m after the vehicular bridge, said a statement from Sentosa Leisure Group on Thursday, announcing the changes.
After drivers cross the Sentosa bridge, they will coast along on a two-lane road which will fan out into seven lanes to expedite entry. Six lanes will be operational from July 1. A seventh lane will open next year.
The new gantry booths will continue to be manned by Sentosa's Admission Hosts.
To facilitate entry, drive-in guests will pay for their island admission and vehicle charges via the CashCard inserted in their in-vehicle unit. Deduction for Malaysian registered vehicles will be done using the Autopass.
The admission rates which are $2 per person and $2 per vehicle remain unchanged for now.
To keep the traffic flow smooth, Sentosa is calling on all guests who drive in to ensure they have sufficient value in their cash cards.
The cashless admission system is part of Sentosa?s long-term traffic management plan.
Explained Mr Low Tien Sio, Executive Director of Special Projects, 'We are bolstering the island infrastructure for a much bigger capacity, and going electronic will help bring about faster through-put at admissions, and hence keep the traffic flowing smoothly.'
The new electronic system will cut the average processing time from the current 1 minute to 10 seconds, said Sentosa.
An average of 1,000 passenger vehicles carrying leisure guests pass through admissions on weekdays, and the number goes up to about 3,000 vehicles on weekends.
下月起 开车进入圣淘沙将改用现金卡付费
原本设在新加坡本岛上的收费站也将停止使用,新收费站将往圣淘沙岛内移,以避免直落布兰雅路(Telok Blangah)交界处的交通过于拥挤。
Resort World At Sentosa
Friday, June 27, 2008
Brokers' Take

June 26 close: S$5.69
BNP Paribas, June 26
CAPITALAND has acquired 61.9 per cent of the total retail strata area or 510,418 square feet and the car parks of Sungei Wang Plaza in Kuala Lumpur. At a purchase price of RM595 million (S$250 million), this works out to RM1,166 per square foot (psf), excluding car parks.
The freehold mall is strategically located in Kuala Lumpur's prime shopping belt, Bukit Bintang.
The mall has close to 100 per cent occupancy and attracts 24 million visitors each year. Anchor tenants in Sungei Wang Plaza include Parkson Grand, Giant Supermarket and McDonald's. It is understood that the rental yield is higher than 6.5 per cent, and CapitaLand has issued medium-term notes at a rate believed to be around 4.5 per cent, to fund the acquisition.
The mall has close to 100 per cent occupancy and attracts 24 million visitors each year. Anchor tenants in Sungei Wang Plaza include Parkson Grand, Giant Supermarket and McDonald's. It is understood that the rental yield is higher than 6.5 per cent, and CapitaLand has issued medium-term notes at a rate believed to be around 4.5 per cent, to fund the acquisition.
For comparison, Starhill Reit's Lot 10 shopping mall, which is located directly opposite Sungei Wang Plaza, is valued at RM402 million, or RM2,309 psf of net lettable area (as of May 2008).
Though the quality of Sungei Wang Plaza is not comparable to Lot 10, due to its ageing condition (it opened in 1977), we think the price is reasonable (50 per cent discount to Lot 10). Also, there is the potential of asset enhancement after the injection into a proposed Reit, which should boost the valuation of the mall significantly.
A RM2 billion retail Reit is on track by end-2008: Sungei Wang Plaza, along with the two malls acquired by CapitaLand in August last year - Gurney Plaza in Penang and Mines Shopping Fair in Selangor - will form the seed assets for the proposed Malaysian Retail Reit.
Collectively, the three assets amounted to RM2 billion, potentially making it the largest Reit in Malaysia. CapitaLand is on track to launch the Reit by end-2008. We believe that CapitaLand will potentially receive higher gain if the asset enhancement of Sungei Wang Plaza is done prior to the injection into the Reit. Asset enhancement is already in progress for the first two assets and is scheduled to be completed by year-end.
Negligible EPS impact; reiterate 'buy': We remain confident that its expansion in the region will continue due to its well-capitalised position. We reiterate 'buy' on CapitaLand, with our target price maintained at S$7.67, equivalent to our estimated RNAV.
Indofood Agri Resources
June 26 close: S$2.55
DMG & Partners Securites, June 26
KNEE-JERK reaction to higher crude palm oil (CPO) export tax and weaker Malaysian CPO export data: Indofood's share price fell on Wednesday, together with the other Singapore-listed palm oil companies, when news of higher Indonesian CPO export tax levied for July and weaker Malaysia CPO export data broke.
Indonesia's trade ministry raised the base price used to calculate the CPO export tax from US$1,105 per tonne in June to US$1,144 per tonne in July. The tax rate on CPO shipments will be raised from 15 per cent to 20 per cent accordingly.
According to the independent surveyor, Intertek Agri Services, Malaysia's palm oil exports for the period June 1 to 25 declined 9.4 per cent from the prior month to 899,300 tonnes. For the same period in May, Malaysia exported 993,100 tonnes of palm oil.
Selldown overdone, outlook still positive: We are of a view that the sharp selldown is unwarranted as we have already factored in the higher tax rate in our earnings forecasts. In addition, the macro outlook remains positive.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture's projections, global palm oil consumption for 2008/2009 will grow 6 per cent, reaching 42.7 million tonnes.
On the back of forecast growing demand of palm oil from India and China and persistently high petroleum prices, CPO prices are likely to remain at favourable levels, currently at around RM3,553 (S$1,491) per tonne.
Maintain 'buy', fair value of S$3.34: With the global trend of higher consumption and usage of palm oil and the present high CPO price of about RM3,553 per tonne, we believe that Indofood will continue to enjoy the present conducive environment, especially with its high ratio of mature acreage.
This being so, we are maintaining our 'buy' rating and fair value of S$3.34, using a PE of 14 times (in line with the Singapore and Malaysian plantation companies).
Although Indofood's share price has risen 11.7 per cent since our initiation on the platter as at end-May, our fair value of S$3.34 potentially translates into an additional upside of 29.5 per cent from its closing price of S$2.58.
Brokers' Take
SingTel breaks new ground with CEO plan
It is also to reduce to 10% the shares it can issue under a general mandate
(SINGAPORE) Singapore Telecommunications (SingTel) has proposed that its group chief executive, as a director, be subject to the same provisions as the rest of the board - once again taking the lead in raising corporate governance standards.
In addition, Singapore's biggest listed company has agreed to reduce to 10 per cent from 15 per cent the amount of shares it can issue under a general mandate - which has been a contentious issue for minority shareholders worried about dilution.
In its annual report sent to shareholders yesterday, SingTel proposes to amend its Articles of Association to subject the group CEO, as a director, to the same retirement by rotation, resignation and removal provisions as other directors. And 'such provisions will not be subject to any contractual terms that he/she may have entered into with the company'.
At present, the CEO, as a director, is subject to the same retirement by rotation, resignation and removal provisions as the other directors of the company - but this is subject to any contractual terms the person has with the company.
SingTel spokesman Chia Boon Chong declined to reveal the contract terms of Chua Sock Koong, who joined the board in October 2006 and was made group CEO on April 1, 2007.
'This alteration is to make it clear that the CEO, as a director, is subject to the same retirement by rotation, resignation and removal provisions as the other directors and that such provisions will not be subject to any contractual terms that they may have entered into with the company,' Mr Chia said. 'This is part of SingTel's policy to continually assess and improve on its corporate governance practices.'
On the share issue mandate, SingTel is asking shareholders to allow it to lower to 10 per cent from 15 per cent the number of new shares it can issue in a year.
Singapore listing rules allow companies, subject to an annual vote, to issue up to 20 per cent new shares without the need to get additional shareholders' approval, usually for the purpose of funding an acquisition or increasing capital. In Australia, where SingTel is also listed, the share issue mandate is 15 per cent.
But minorities are not happy with this as it dilutes their stake. At SingTel's past shareholders' meetings, this resolution has attracted the highest number of 'no' votes - though parent Temasek's votes have ensured it got through.
'The directors believe that a lower sub-limit of 10 per cent . . . will at present sufficiently address the company's need for flexibility to raise capital and pursue business opportunities whilst providing shareholders enhanced protection against dilution,' SingTel said.
Hugh Young, managing director of Aberdeen Asset Management, said that it is reasonable for a company to have a mandate, which is especially useful when it comes across an acquisition and may have to act fast.
'It's a question of quantum,' he said. 'We do typically vote in favour of 10 per cent - it is within our levels of comfort. Anything over 10 per cent, we are against.'
Mr Young said that his fund owns SingTel shares and has voted against the share issue mandate in the past. But he is full of praise for SingTel's latest moves on improving its corporate governance practices.
'I must not be so laudatory, but they are pretty much a paragon of virtue when it comes to corporate governance,' he said.
(SINGAPORE) Singapore Telecommunications (SingTel) has proposed that its group chief executive, as a director, be subject to the same provisions as the rest of the board - once again taking the lead in raising corporate governance standards.
In addition, Singapore's biggest listed company has agreed to reduce to 10 per cent from 15 per cent the amount of shares it can issue under a general mandate - which has been a contentious issue for minority shareholders worried about dilution.
In its annual report sent to shareholders yesterday, SingTel proposes to amend its Articles of Association to subject the group CEO, as a director, to the same retirement by rotation, resignation and removal provisions as other directors. And 'such provisions will not be subject to any contractual terms that he/she may have entered into with the company'.
At present, the CEO, as a director, is subject to the same retirement by rotation, resignation and removal provisions as the other directors of the company - but this is subject to any contractual terms the person has with the company.
SingTel spokesman Chia Boon Chong declined to reveal the contract terms of Chua Sock Koong, who joined the board in October 2006 and was made group CEO on April 1, 2007.
'This alteration is to make it clear that the CEO, as a director, is subject to the same retirement by rotation, resignation and removal provisions as the other directors and that such provisions will not be subject to any contractual terms that they may have entered into with the company,' Mr Chia said. 'This is part of SingTel's policy to continually assess and improve on its corporate governance practices.'
On the share issue mandate, SingTel is asking shareholders to allow it to lower to 10 per cent from 15 per cent the number of new shares it can issue in a year.
Singapore listing rules allow companies, subject to an annual vote, to issue up to 20 per cent new shares without the need to get additional shareholders' approval, usually for the purpose of funding an acquisition or increasing capital. In Australia, where SingTel is also listed, the share issue mandate is 15 per cent.
But minorities are not happy with this as it dilutes their stake. At SingTel's past shareholders' meetings, this resolution has attracted the highest number of 'no' votes - though parent Temasek's votes have ensured it got through.
'The directors believe that a lower sub-limit of 10 per cent . . . will at present sufficiently address the company's need for flexibility to raise capital and pursue business opportunities whilst providing shareholders enhanced protection against dilution,' SingTel said.
Hugh Young, managing director of Aberdeen Asset Management, said that it is reasonable for a company to have a mandate, which is especially useful when it comes across an acquisition and may have to act fast.
'It's a question of quantum,' he said. 'We do typically vote in favour of 10 per cent - it is within our levels of comfort. Anything over 10 per cent, we are against.'
Mr Young said that his fund owns SingTel shares and has voted against the share issue mandate in the past. But he is full of praise for SingTel's latest moves on improving its corporate governance practices.
'I must not be so laudatory, but they are pretty much a paragon of virtue when it comes to corporate governance,' he said.
Olam to trade wheat, barley, canola in Australia
Olam International Limited on Friday said its subsidiary, Queensland Cotton Holdings (QCH) will open a marketing office in Melbourne on July 1, 2008 to trade in wheat, barley and canola in Australia.
CEO of QCH, Richard Haire said: 'On July 1, 2008, we will open a grain marketing office in Melbourne to trade and export wheat, barley and canola.'
'This move is also consistent with Olam's overall strategic thrust into the Australian agricultural sector by entering into new attractive, related product adjacencies, such as the grains, edible nuts and dairy businesses,' he added.
The Australian government has recently passed legislation to liberalise the wheat industry in the country and is preparing a new bulk wheat export marketing system to be in place by July 1, 2008. QCH will be applying for an export accreditation under this new legislation.
QCH's acquisition of Mt Tyson Seeds in 2003 has since taken the company into the Queensland and northern New South Wales pulses and niche grains markets. QCH also has the broadest ginning and warehousing footprint in Australia which will provide infrastructure and logistics support for the grains business.
QCH's new Melbourne office will be headed by Nathan Brown who has extensive grain trading experience from prior positions with Glencore, AWB and Cargill.
BT Newsroom
CEO of QCH, Richard Haire said: 'On July 1, 2008, we will open a grain marketing office in Melbourne to trade and export wheat, barley and canola.'
'This move is also consistent with Olam's overall strategic thrust into the Australian agricultural sector by entering into new attractive, related product adjacencies, such as the grains, edible nuts and dairy businesses,' he added.
The Australian government has recently passed legislation to liberalise the wheat industry in the country and is preparing a new bulk wheat export marketing system to be in place by July 1, 2008. QCH will be applying for an export accreditation under this new legislation.
QCH's acquisition of Mt Tyson Seeds in 2003 has since taken the company into the Queensland and northern New South Wales pulses and niche grains markets. QCH also has the broadest ginning and warehousing footprint in Australia which will provide infrastructure and logistics support for the grains business.
QCH's new Melbourne office will be headed by Nathan Brown who has extensive grain trading experience from prior positions with Glencore, AWB and Cargill.
BT Newsroom
Market Report
SingTel pays $141 mln for more Globe shares
SingTel has bought an additional 3.8 million Globe Telecom shares from Ayala Corporation for 4.6 billion pesos (US$102.8 million).
The acquisition will raise the Singapore telco's stake in Globe -- the second-largest Philippine phone company -- to 47.34 per cent from 44.47 per cent.
Ayala plans to reinvest the 4.6 billion pesos from the sale in its electronic manufacturing and outsourcing businesses, it said in a statement on Friday.
Manila-based Ayala also owns the nation's largest bank by market value and the largest builder.
'Our value as a holding company lies in our ability to re- allocate and turn over capital in order to start new investment cycles,' Ayala chairman and chief executive officer Jaime August Zobel de Ayala said in the statement.
BT Newsroom
The acquisition will raise the Singapore telco's stake in Globe -- the second-largest Philippine phone company -- to 47.34 per cent from 44.47 per cent.
Ayala plans to reinvest the 4.6 billion pesos from the sale in its electronic manufacturing and outsourcing businesses, it said in a statement on Friday.
Manila-based Ayala also owns the nation's largest bank by market value and the largest builder.
'Our value as a holding company lies in our ability to re- allocate and turn over capital in order to start new investment cycles,' Ayala chairman and chief executive officer Jaime August Zobel de Ayala said in the statement.
BT Newsroom
Sino wins US$28.6 mln China contract
Sino Construction Limited today said its subsidiary, Daqing City Dazheng Building Installation, has been awarded a contract worth RMB202 million (US$29 million) by Daqing Hi-Tech City Construction Investment Development.
The contract is for the construction of Daqing Service Outsourcing Industrial Park - Phase Two.
The work is expected to start in June 2008 and be completed in December 2008.
Sino said the contract is expected to contribute positively to the group's earnings per share or net tangible assets per share for the current financial year ending December 31, 2008.
BT newsroom
The contract is for the construction of Daqing Service Outsourcing Industrial Park - Phase Two.
The work is expected to start in June 2008 and be completed in December 2008.
Sino said the contract is expected to contribute positively to the group's earnings per share or net tangible assets per share for the current financial year ending December 31, 2008.
BT newsroom
Genting launches online casino brand
KUALA LUMPUR: Genting International PLC has launched its first online casino brand, “”, in the United Kingdom.
Genting International managing director Justin Tan Wah Joo said “” would be operated by its unit Genting Stanley Alderney Ltd (GSAL) and it would offer a range of over 100 casino, card and table games.
“Players from around the world will be able to access “” and view the Play for Fun games. However, from launch only players from the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands will be able to deposit funds and Play for Real games,” he said.
On March 13, Genting International had announced that GSAL had received approval from the Alderney Gambling Control Commission for an online gaming licence.
Tan said the launch of “” was not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets and earnings per share of the company for the financial year ending Dec 31.
Genting International managing director Justin Tan Wah Joo said “” would be operated by its unit Genting Stanley Alderney Ltd (GSAL) and it would offer a range of over 100 casino, card and table games.
“Players from around the world will be able to access “” and view the Play for Fun games. However, from launch only players from the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands will be able to deposit funds and Play for Real games,” he said.
On March 13, Genting International had announced that GSAL had received approval from the Alderney Gambling Control Commission for an online gaming licence.
Tan said the launch of “” was not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets and earnings per share of the company for the financial year ending Dec 31.
Malaysia's Genting launches UK online gambling site
KUALA LUMPUR, June 27 (Reuters) - Malaysian gambling group Genting Bhd launched its first online casino brand,, in the United Kingdom, the company said on Friday.
Genting said its wholly-owned unit Genting Stanley Alderney Limited will run the site which gives players access to more than 100 casino, card and table games.
"Players from around the world will be able to access and view the Play for Fun games," Genting said in a statement.
However, only players from the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands can deposit funds and actually play the games, it said.
The entrance of Genting, which owns casino chain Stanley Leisure in the United Kingdom, has been seen as a vote of confidence for the online industry still struggling after internet gambling was effectively banned in the U.S. in September 2006.
Before being bought by Genting in 2006, Stanley failed with several costly attempts to build its own internet betting site.
The Kuala Lumpur-based casino operator may use the new site as a testing ground for potential launches in Asia where many countries are in the process of reviewing online gambling rules.
Genting owns Malaysia's sole casino license. It is currently building a $4.4 billion casino resort in neighbouring Singapore.
On the Malaysian bourse, Genting shares fell 3.5 percent to 5.60 ringgit by 0303 GMT in a broader market down 1.1 percent.
(Reporting by Soo Ai Peng; Editing by Lincoln Feast)
Genting said its wholly-owned unit Genting Stanley Alderney Limited will run the site which gives players access to more than 100 casino, card and table games.
"Players from around the world will be able to access and view the Play for Fun games," Genting said in a statement.
However, only players from the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands can deposit funds and actually play the games, it said.
The entrance of Genting, which owns casino chain Stanley Leisure in the United Kingdom, has been seen as a vote of confidence for the online industry still struggling after internet gambling was effectively banned in the U.S. in September 2006.
Before being bought by Genting in 2006, Stanley failed with several costly attempts to build its own internet betting site.
The Kuala Lumpur-based casino operator may use the new site as a testing ground for potential launches in Asia where many countries are in the process of reviewing online gambling rules.
Genting owns Malaysia's sole casino license. It is currently building a $4.4 billion casino resort in neighbouring Singapore.
On the Malaysian bourse, Genting shares fell 3.5 percent to 5.60 ringgit by 0303 GMT in a broader market down 1.1 percent.
(Reporting by Soo Ai Peng; Editing by Lincoln Feast)
Market Report
Gold hits 1-month high as world stocks fall
* Gold rallies to 1-month high on record oil
* Dollar holds near 3-week low against euro
* World stocks at 3-month low
By Raissa Kasolowsky
LONDON, June 27 (Reuters) - Gold rallied to its strongest level in a month on Friday as record oil prices, a weak dollar and tumbling world stocks boosted the metal's safe-haven appeal.
Gold climbed to $924.10 an ounce, its highest since May 27 and was at $922.00/923.00 an ounce by 0935 GMT, well above $912.60/913.60 an ounce late in New York on Thursday. World stocks fell to a three-month low as a fast deteriorating global inflation picture fanned concerns over the outlook for corporate profits.
"There seems to be a very clear link between people's worries over the economic outlook and investment in gold," said Daniel Smith, an analyst at Standard Chartered.
"The weaker dollar environment has also helped but there does seem to be a clear link between equities and gold. It's safe-haven buying."
In theory, rising energy prices boost gold's appeal as a hedge against inflation, while a weaker dollar makes the metal an attractive alternative investment.
Despite the gains, gold was still well below a lifetime high of $1,030.80 an ounce hit in March. Oil leapt to a new record near $142 a barrel on Friday, extending gains after surging nearly 4 percent in the previous session.
The dollar steadied after sliding in the previous session but held near three-week lows versus the euro. The U.S. currency had dropped as investors reduced their expectations for a Federal Reserve rate hike this year, and as U.S. stocks tumbled.
"After the Fed came in and talked about its inflation concerns the market now sees the possibility of rate rises as relatively low and that is really starting to pull on the gold price which is particularly sensitive to FX and global rates," said Daniel Hynes, metals strategist at Merril Lynch.
Investors will closely monitor key U.S. data to find out more about the health of the economy. U.S. May personal income and consumption data are due at 1230 GMT and Reuters/University of Michigan consumer sentiment data for June due at 1355 GMT.
In industry news, the market also kept an eye on the supply side threats. In Peru, miners are going ahead with a plan to strike for better benefits starting on Monday.
Spot platinum rose to $2,065.00/2,080.00 an ounce from $2,057.50/2,077.50 late in New York. Spot palladium rose to $466.50/474.00 an ounce from $464.00/472.00 an ounce.
Silver edged up to $17.40/17.46 an ounce from $17.22/17.28 late in New York.
(Reporting by Raissa Kasolowsky; Editing by Peter Blackburn)
* Dollar holds near 3-week low against euro
* World stocks at 3-month low
By Raissa Kasolowsky
LONDON, June 27 (Reuters) - Gold rallied to its strongest level in a month on Friday as record oil prices, a weak dollar and tumbling world stocks boosted the metal's safe-haven appeal.
Gold climbed to $924.10 an ounce, its highest since May 27 and was at $922.00/923.00 an ounce by 0935 GMT, well above $912.60/913.60 an ounce late in New York on Thursday. World stocks fell to a three-month low as a fast deteriorating global inflation picture fanned concerns over the outlook for corporate profits.
"There seems to be a very clear link between people's worries over the economic outlook and investment in gold," said Daniel Smith, an analyst at Standard Chartered.
"The weaker dollar environment has also helped but there does seem to be a clear link between equities and gold. It's safe-haven buying."
In theory, rising energy prices boost gold's appeal as a hedge against inflation, while a weaker dollar makes the metal an attractive alternative investment.
Despite the gains, gold was still well below a lifetime high of $1,030.80 an ounce hit in March. Oil leapt to a new record near $142 a barrel on Friday, extending gains after surging nearly 4 percent in the previous session.
The dollar steadied after sliding in the previous session but held near three-week lows versus the euro. The U.S. currency had dropped as investors reduced their expectations for a Federal Reserve rate hike this year, and as U.S. stocks tumbled.
"After the Fed came in and talked about its inflation concerns the market now sees the possibility of rate rises as relatively low and that is really starting to pull on the gold price which is particularly sensitive to FX and global rates," said Daniel Hynes, metals strategist at Merril Lynch.
Investors will closely monitor key U.S. data to find out more about the health of the economy. U.S. May personal income and consumption data are due at 1230 GMT and Reuters/University of Michigan consumer sentiment data for June due at 1355 GMT.
In industry news, the market also kept an eye on the supply side threats. In Peru, miners are going ahead with a plan to strike for better benefits starting on Monday.
Spot platinum rose to $2,065.00/2,080.00 an ounce from $2,057.50/2,077.50 late in New York. Spot palladium rose to $466.50/474.00 an ounce from $464.00/472.00 an ounce.
Silver edged up to $17.40/17.46 an ounce from $17.22/17.28 late in New York.
(Reporting by Raissa Kasolowsky; Editing by Peter Blackburn)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
DBS唯高达(DBS Vickers)在一份研究报告中表示,通货膨胀担忧情绪继续抑制乐观人气,并补充称,海峡时报指数近期倾向于走低。
DBS唯高达(DBS Vickers)在一份研究报告中表示,通货膨胀担忧情绪继续抑制乐观人气,并补充称,海峡时报指数近期倾向于走低。
Market Report
US STOCKS-Fed's steady on rates, oil drops and market gains
* Fed keeps benchmark fed funds rate unchanged
* Boeing shares slide on Goldman rating
* Oil falls over $2 on unexpected rise in crude inventory
By Kristina Cooke
NEW YORK, June 25 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rose on Wednesday, as the price of oil declined, while the Federal Reserve held its key interest rate steady and reduced expectations for a rate hike at its next meeting.
The S&P 500 and Nasdaq rose more than the Dow, which was little changed. Boeing Co weighed on the blue-chip Dow average after Goldman Sachs recommended investors sell the plane maker's shares, given falling orders and high fuel prices.
The Fed boosted optimism among stock investors when it said in its accompanying statement that downside risks to growth appeared to have diminished somewhat.
It was the first time the U.S. central bank has held rates steady since embarking in September on a series of rate reductions to stimulate an economy grappling with a housing downturn and credit crisis.
"The market seems to be reading into it that we're not going to get an aggressive increase in interest rates soon, that it's steady as she goes in terms of monetary policy," said Craig Hester, CEO of Hester Capital Management in Austin, Texas.
The pullback in oil prices added to the positive mood as did a stronger-than-expected quarterly profit from Jabil Circuit, a contract electronics maker. Jabil's stock shot up about 16 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI edged up 4.40 points, or 0.04 percent, to close at 11,811.83. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX rose 7.68 points, or 0.58 percent, to 1,321.97. The Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC rose the most, up 32.98 points, or 1.39 percent, at 2,401.26.
Boeing shares tumbled 6.9 percent to $69.94 and were the top drag on the Dow.
The nosedive by Boeing's stock helped tip the Dow briefly into negative territory in the final half hour of trading, but the Dow managed to reverse that to eke out a tiny gain for the day.
Among tech stocks, iPod maker Apple Inc gained 2.4 percent to $177.39 on the Nasdaq.
Jabil Circuit climbed 15.6 percent to $16.57 on the New York Stock Exchange.
U.S. crude CLc1 dropped $2.45, or 1.8 percent, to $134.55 per barrel, after an unexpected rise in U.S. crude inventories as high fuel prices continued to erode demand.
Trading was light on the New York Stock Exchange, with about 1.40 billion shares changing hands, below last year's estimated daily average of roughly 1.90 billion, while on Nasdaq, about 2.15 billion shares traded, also short of last year's daily average of 2.17 billion.
Advancing stocks outnumbered declining ones by a ratio of about 2 to 1 on the NYSE and by about 9 to 5 on Nasdaq.
* Boeing shares slide on Goldman rating
* Oil falls over $2 on unexpected rise in crude inventory
By Kristina Cooke
NEW YORK, June 25 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks rose on Wednesday, as the price of oil declined, while the Federal Reserve held its key interest rate steady and reduced expectations for a rate hike at its next meeting.
The S&P 500 and Nasdaq rose more than the Dow, which was little changed. Boeing Co weighed on the blue-chip Dow average after Goldman Sachs recommended investors sell the plane maker's shares, given falling orders and high fuel prices.
The Fed boosted optimism among stock investors when it said in its accompanying statement that downside risks to growth appeared to have diminished somewhat.
It was the first time the U.S. central bank has held rates steady since embarking in September on a series of rate reductions to stimulate an economy grappling with a housing downturn and credit crisis.
"The market seems to be reading into it that we're not going to get an aggressive increase in interest rates soon, that it's steady as she goes in terms of monetary policy," said Craig Hester, CEO of Hester Capital Management in Austin, Texas.
The pullback in oil prices added to the positive mood as did a stronger-than-expected quarterly profit from Jabil Circuit, a contract electronics maker. Jabil's stock shot up about 16 percent.
The Dow Jones industrial average .DJI edged up 4.40 points, or 0.04 percent, to close at 11,811.83. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index .SPX rose 7.68 points, or 0.58 percent, to 1,321.97. The Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC rose the most, up 32.98 points, or 1.39 percent, at 2,401.26.
Boeing shares tumbled 6.9 percent to $69.94 and were the top drag on the Dow.
The nosedive by Boeing's stock helped tip the Dow briefly into negative territory in the final half hour of trading, but the Dow managed to reverse that to eke out a tiny gain for the day.
Among tech stocks, iPod maker Apple Inc gained 2.4 percent to $177.39 on the Nasdaq.
Jabil Circuit climbed 15.6 percent to $16.57 on the New York Stock Exchange.
U.S. crude CLc1 dropped $2.45, or 1.8 percent, to $134.55 per barrel, after an unexpected rise in U.S. crude inventories as high fuel prices continued to erode demand.
Trading was light on the New York Stock Exchange, with about 1.40 billion shares changing hands, below last year's estimated daily average of roughly 1.90 billion, while on Nasdaq, about 2.15 billion shares traded, also short of last year's daily average of 2.17 billion.
Advancing stocks outnumbered declining ones by a ratio of about 2 to 1 on the NYSE and by about 9 to 5 on Nasdaq.
Market Report
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
丽星邮轮(00678-HK)宣布,执行董事Veitch已辞任公司职务,从而专注担任由公司与Apollo Management各自拥有50%权益的NCLC总裁兼行政总裁的职务。
Veitch signs $10 million "no compete" agreement with Star Cruises
Star Cruises Ltd. announced today that Colin Veitch has resigned as an executive Director with effect from June 17, 2008, in order to concentrate on his role as president and chief executive officer of NCLC. It also announced that on June 19, it entered into a non-competition agreement with Mr. Veitch for a consideration of US$10 million (approximately HK$78 million).
NCL Corporation Ltd. is the parent of Norwegian Cruise Line and is owned 50% by Star Cruises and 50% by investment partnerships organized by Apollo Management, L.P. ely;
A stock exchange announcement from Star Cruises says that "Mr. Veitch has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter in relation to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company."
The announcement says: "The Directors believe that it is in the interest of the Group to enter into the Non-Competition Agreement with Mr. Veitch given that Mr. Veitch has significant expertise and experience in the cruise industry generally, and has developed specific insight and knowledge of various Asian markets as an executive Director of the Company, in addition to extensive experience in other international markets as president and chief executive officer of NCLC.
The Company is expected to benefit from the covenants of Mr. Veitch under the Non-Competition Agreement, which promote and encourage a continued alignment of his interests with those of the Company and its affiliates."
丽星邮轮(00678-HK)宣布,执行董事Veitch已辞任公司职务,从而专注担任由公司与Apollo Management各自拥有50%权益的NCLC总裁兼行政总裁的职务。
Veitch signs $10 million "no compete" agreement with Star Cruises
Star Cruises Ltd. announced today that Colin Veitch has resigned as an executive Director with effect from June 17, 2008, in order to concentrate on his role as president and chief executive officer of NCLC. It also announced that on June 19, it entered into a non-competition agreement with Mr. Veitch for a consideration of US$10 million (approximately HK$78 million).
NCL Corporation Ltd. is the parent of Norwegian Cruise Line and is owned 50% by Star Cruises and 50% by investment partnerships organized by Apollo Management, L.P. ely;
A stock exchange announcement from Star Cruises says that "Mr. Veitch has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter in relation to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the company."
The announcement says: "The Directors believe that it is in the interest of the Group to enter into the Non-Competition Agreement with Mr. Veitch given that Mr. Veitch has significant expertise and experience in the cruise industry generally, and has developed specific insight and knowledge of various Asian markets as an executive Director of the Company, in addition to extensive experience in other international markets as president and chief executive officer of NCLC.
The Company is expected to benefit from the covenants of Mr. Veitch under the Non-Competition Agreement, which promote and encourage a continued alignment of his interests with those of the Company and its affiliates."
Star Cruises
然而,市场成交量为10亿股,与周二持平,依然疲软,因为投资者们在等待美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简称:Fed)将于周四凌晨公布的利率决定。
然而,市场成交量为10亿股,与周二持平,依然疲软,因为投资者们在等待美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve, 简称:Fed)将于周四凌晨公布的利率决定。
Market Report
Brokers' take

Man Wah Holdings
June 23 close: S$0.27
DMG & Partners Securities, June 23
MAN Wah announced an upward revision of its production capacity, following the integration of Phases 1 and 2 of its Daya Bay Plant.
The integration of both phases (Phase 1 is a flatted factory, while Phase 2 is a five-storey facility) allows Man Wah to streamline its operations and achieve better economies of scale. Management highlighted that this has enabled it to raise its production capacity to 500,000 sofa sets in FY2009, compared with 303,000 sets as projected earlier.
This would enable Man Wah to meet the expected growing demand for its sofa sets.
As Man Wah continues to grow its export and local markets, it expects the new plant to be able to achieve a healthy utilisation rate.
While the increased production capacity bodes well for the group, we are maintaining our FY2009 earnings estimate of HK$195.9 million (S$34.3 million) for now, as we believe it would take a while for production to be ramped up and the average utilisation rate may not be very high, given that China, the US and Europe are feeling the pressures of higher oil and food prices.
Maintain 'buy' for a TP of S$0.46 or FY2009 PE of nine times.
Brokers' Take
Jade's president in Indonesia for coal mine updates
Jade Technologies Holdings said its group president, Sam Chong Keen, is in West Sumatra, Indonesia to obtain updates and supervise the progress of the coal mining project.
It said the board wants to assure shareholders that the company has obtained 'the necessary and relevant regulatory permits and licenses for the Coal Mining Project.'
Jade reiterated that as part of its due diligence exercise, it had commissioned Jones Lang Lasalle Sallmanns Ltd (JLLS) to undertake an inspection of the coalmine, make investigationand analysis to determine an opinion of the fair value of the mining rights to the coal mine held by its local Indonesian partner for the Coal Mining Project, PT Dasacita Pusaka Prima.
According to the valuation report prepared by JLLS, the coal reserves at the coal mine were valued at US$1.033 billion.
Jade added that it had also instructed its legal adviser for the coal project, Lovells Lee & Lee, to conduct a legal due diligence exercise on the regulatory permits and licenses
'As previously announced, the group has obtained the necessary and relevant regulatory permits and licenses, completed exploratory surveys, set up abase camp and has an experienced team on site,' it said.
It said various officers of Jade's new management, including Mr Sam,, and Acting Chairman and Executive Director, Chong Hon Leong, have also visited the coal mine. -- BT Newsroom.
It said the board wants to assure shareholders that the company has obtained 'the necessary and relevant regulatory permits and licenses for the Coal Mining Project.'
Jade reiterated that as part of its due diligence exercise, it had commissioned Jones Lang Lasalle Sallmanns Ltd (JLLS) to undertake an inspection of the coalmine, make investigationand analysis to determine an opinion of the fair value of the mining rights to the coal mine held by its local Indonesian partner for the Coal Mining Project, PT Dasacita Pusaka Prima.
According to the valuation report prepared by JLLS, the coal reserves at the coal mine were valued at US$1.033 billion.
Jade added that it had also instructed its legal adviser for the coal project, Lovells Lee & Lee, to conduct a legal due diligence exercise on the regulatory permits and licenses
'As previously announced, the group has obtained the necessary and relevant regulatory permits and licenses, completed exploratory surveys, set up abase camp and has an experienced team on site,' it said.
It said various officers of Jade's new management, including Mr Sam,, and Acting Chairman and Executive Director, Chong Hon Leong, have also visited the coal mine. -- BT Newsroom.
Market Report
Market Report
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
我国上市中国造船公司JES国际控股(JES International Holdings)获得总值2亿4750万美元的订单,建造四艘散装货船和一艘原油油轮,把过去半年新合同总值增加到4亿零750万美元。
根据最新消息,JES国际控股将以1亿8000万美元为克罗地亚船运业者Atlantska Plovidba建造4艘7万9800载重吨(DWT)散装货船,于2011和2012年分两批交货,现已收到5400万美元首期款项。它曾为后者建造两艘同样货船,新订单相比之下涨价两成。
根据最新消息,JES国际控股将以1亿8000万美元为克罗地亚船运业者Atlantska Plovidba建造4艘7万9800载重吨(DWT)散装货船,于2011和2012年分两批交货,现已收到5400万美元首期款项。它曾为后者建造两艘同样货船,新订单相比之下涨价两成。
Market Report
Monday, June 23, 2008
JES bags two new contracts worth US$248m
GROWING Chinese shipbuilder JES International has announced two new contracts for four dry bulk carriers and a crude oil tanker worth almost US$250 million, bringing orders to just over US$400 million for the year to date.
JES will build four 79,800 dwt Panamax bulk carriers for Croatian shipping firm Atlantska Plovidba for US$180 million, a 20 per cent rise in contract price for two similar ships previously ordered by the same client.
A US$54 million deposit representing 30 per cent of the contract value has been received, JES said. The ships will be built at its current yard and three of the four vessels will be delivered in 2011, with the last one in 2012.
The Jiangsu-based shipbuilding group also said it will build for Pertamina a new Aframax oil tanker, the third vessel order it has secured from the Indonesian state-owned oil and gas company.
The US$67.5 million price is about 10 per cent higher than Pertamina's previous tanker orders from JES. The orders, worth US$247.5 million in all, bring JES new orders over the last six months to US$407.5 million.
The vessel will be built at JES's new yard, which will cater to larger ships above 80,000 dwt, and is expected to be delivered by 2011. The new facility is currently under construction and will begin operations by the second quarter of FY2009, JES said.
When it is fully completed, JES will have additional capacity to construct concurrently three bulk carriers of up to 176,000 dwt each or two crude oil tankers of up to 300,000 dwt each or very large ocean engineering vessels and offshore equipment such as oil rigs.
Although the ongoing demand for dry bulk carriers is still a mainstay of the yard, building larger and more complex vessels for the offshore market is the direction the group plans to take in future.
Citing a recent survey by Lehman Brothers, JES chairman and chief executive Jin Xin notes that oil majors such as ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Chevron, Total and ConocoPhillips will spend a record US$70.7 billion this year on exploration and production.
'Riding on this sustained current growth coupled with a tight global supply of crude oil tankers, we are confident that demand for new tankers will continue to rise,' he said.
JES's current capacity is full till 2011 and with the new yard coming into operation, new building slots will open only in mid-2010.
With the group's current expansion, which will double its capacity and also enable it to take on larger-size jobs, JES intends to move more into the offshore market from 2010 onwards.
Mr Jin said the group has steadily followed its strategy of moving up to higher-value projects. As at March 31, JES's order book stood at about US$1.13 billion.
JES closed one cent lower at 33 cents last Friday.
JES will build four 79,800 dwt Panamax bulk carriers for Croatian shipping firm Atlantska Plovidba for US$180 million, a 20 per cent rise in contract price for two similar ships previously ordered by the same client.
A US$54 million deposit representing 30 per cent of the contract value has been received, JES said. The ships will be built at its current yard and three of the four vessels will be delivered in 2011, with the last one in 2012.
The Jiangsu-based shipbuilding group also said it will build for Pertamina a new Aframax oil tanker, the third vessel order it has secured from the Indonesian state-owned oil and gas company.
The US$67.5 million price is about 10 per cent higher than Pertamina's previous tanker orders from JES. The orders, worth US$247.5 million in all, bring JES new orders over the last six months to US$407.5 million.
The vessel will be built at JES's new yard, which will cater to larger ships above 80,000 dwt, and is expected to be delivered by 2011. The new facility is currently under construction and will begin operations by the second quarter of FY2009, JES said.
When it is fully completed, JES will have additional capacity to construct concurrently three bulk carriers of up to 176,000 dwt each or two crude oil tankers of up to 300,000 dwt each or very large ocean engineering vessels and offshore equipment such as oil rigs.
Although the ongoing demand for dry bulk carriers is still a mainstay of the yard, building larger and more complex vessels for the offshore market is the direction the group plans to take in future.
Citing a recent survey by Lehman Brothers, JES chairman and chief executive Jin Xin notes that oil majors such as ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Chevron, Total and ConocoPhillips will spend a record US$70.7 billion this year on exploration and production.
'Riding on this sustained current growth coupled with a tight global supply of crude oil tankers, we are confident that demand for new tankers will continue to rise,' he said.
JES's current capacity is full till 2011 and with the new yard coming into operation, new building slots will open only in mid-2010.
With the group's current expansion, which will double its capacity and also enable it to take on larger-size jobs, JES intends to move more into the offshore market from 2010 onwards.
Mr Jin said the group has steadily followed its strategy of moving up to higher-value projects. As at March 31, JES's order book stood at about US$1.13 billion.
JES closed one cent lower at 33 cents last Friday.
Market Report
Chosen invest $2 mln in green energy market
Chosen Holdings Limited, a mould design & fabrication company for the electronics industry, said it has entered into an agreement to invest S$2 million Gashub Technology Pte Ltd.
Under the agreement, Chosen will subscribe for 300,000 new Gashub shares, representing a 40 per cent of the enlarged share capital.
The remaining 60% of Gashub's share capital will continue to be held by Mr Lim Shao-Lin, a Gashub shareholder and managing director.
'This investment is timely given that demand for fuel cells is projected to increase due to escalating fuel costs and pressure by government and global bodies to use clean energy. It also marks a new milestone for Chosen, with the expansion of our business interest into this promising energy sector,' Aloysius Lim, Chairman and CEO of Chosen, said.
Gashub, which was established in 2005, manufactures fuel cell1 systems to produce electricity mainly for uninterrupted power supply (UPS) applications. It has a current customer base consisting of both local and foreign governmental organisations and educational institutions.
The investment will be by way of cash payable in four tranches. It will be financed by CIPL's internal funds and is not expected to have a significant effect on the company's net tangible assets per share nor earnings per share for the financial year ending 30 June 2008. -- BT Newsroom
Under the agreement, Chosen will subscribe for 300,000 new Gashub shares, representing a 40 per cent of the enlarged share capital.
The remaining 60% of Gashub's share capital will continue to be held by Mr Lim Shao-Lin, a Gashub shareholder and managing director.
'This investment is timely given that demand for fuel cells is projected to increase due to escalating fuel costs and pressure by government and global bodies to use clean energy. It also marks a new milestone for Chosen, with the expansion of our business interest into this promising energy sector,' Aloysius Lim, Chairman and CEO of Chosen, said.
Gashub, which was established in 2005, manufactures fuel cell1 systems to produce electricity mainly for uninterrupted power supply (UPS) applications. It has a current customer base consisting of both local and foreign governmental organisations and educational institutions.
The investment will be by way of cash payable in four tranches. It will be financed by CIPL's internal funds and is not expected to have a significant effect on the company's net tangible assets per share nor earnings per share for the financial year ending 30 June 2008. -- BT Newsroom
Market Report
NOL in talks to raise US$5-7b: sources
SINGAPORE - Singapore's Neptune Orient Lines (NOL), the world's eighth-biggest container shipping firm, is in talks with banks to take up a US$5-7 billion syndicated loan, sources familiar with the situation said.
Talks for a loan come as German tourism group TUI chief executive Michael Frenzel tours Asia to market his company's container shipping business Hapag-Lloyd, which the German group has put up for sale and NOL is considered a likely bidder.
Hapag-Lloyd is valued by analysts at around US$7 billion, including debt.
A spokesman for NOL declined to comment. The shipping firm is in talks with Singapore's three local banks DBS Group, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp and United Overseas Bank as well as with some foreign banks for the loan, a source close to the situation said.
A second banker said that 'NOL is exploring this'.
'Yes, there have been informal talks,' he said. 'The sum is northwards of US$5 billion. The range is US$5-7 billion.'
The banks expect to receive a formal proposal for the loan this week, he said.
Shares in NOL dropped as much as 3 per cent to a nine-week low at $3.19 on Monday, with over three million shares changing hands.
A source said earlier this month that TUI's Mr Frenzel is set to meet NOL in Singapore during his tour in Asia. NOL, which is about two-thirds owned by Singapore's state investor Temasek , has already been in talks on Hapag-Lloyd and is seen as one of the top bidders.
A source said last week that TUI, which is hiving off Hapag-Lloyd to focus on tourism, is forecasting Hapag-Lloyd's sales to rise 19.8 per cent this year to US$9.7 billion and reach US$11.7 billion by 2010.
Mr Frenzel is prepared to meet Orient Overseas (OOCL), the world's ninth-biggest shipper, in Hong Kong, the source said.
In Tokyo he will meet Japanese market leader Nippon Yusen KK (NYK), the world's tenth-biggest container shipper.
Shipping experts think the group of potential bidders from Asia could include China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL), Cosco STX Pan Ocean and Hyundai Merchant Marine .
In Europe, world market leader Maersk , Switzerland's MSC and France's CMA CGM are considered possible suitors. -- REUTERS
Talks for a loan come as German tourism group TUI chief executive Michael Frenzel tours Asia to market his company's container shipping business Hapag-Lloyd, which the German group has put up for sale and NOL is considered a likely bidder.
Hapag-Lloyd is valued by analysts at around US$7 billion, including debt.
A spokesman for NOL declined to comment. The shipping firm is in talks with Singapore's three local banks DBS Group, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp and United Overseas Bank as well as with some foreign banks for the loan, a source close to the situation said.
A second banker said that 'NOL is exploring this'.
'Yes, there have been informal talks,' he said. 'The sum is northwards of US$5 billion. The range is US$5-7 billion.'
The banks expect to receive a formal proposal for the loan this week, he said.
Shares in NOL dropped as much as 3 per cent to a nine-week low at $3.19 on Monday, with over three million shares changing hands.
A source said earlier this month that TUI's Mr Frenzel is set to meet NOL in Singapore during his tour in Asia. NOL, which is about two-thirds owned by Singapore's state investor Temasek , has already been in talks on Hapag-Lloyd and is seen as one of the top bidders.
A source said last week that TUI, which is hiving off Hapag-Lloyd to focus on tourism, is forecasting Hapag-Lloyd's sales to rise 19.8 per cent this year to US$9.7 billion and reach US$11.7 billion by 2010.
Mr Frenzel is prepared to meet Orient Overseas (OOCL), the world's ninth-biggest shipper, in Hong Kong, the source said.
In Tokyo he will meet Japanese market leader Nippon Yusen KK (NYK), the world's tenth-biggest container shipper.
Shipping experts think the group of potential bidders from Asia could include China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL), Cosco STX Pan Ocean and Hyundai Merchant Marine .
In Europe, world market leader Maersk , Switzerland's MSC and France's CMA CGM are considered possible suitors. -- REUTERS
Market Report
Lian Beng wins $117 mln construction projects
Construction firm, Lian Beng Group Ltd, has won three new construction and civil engineering contracts worth a total of $117 million.
Among the contracts were two construction projects for the private residential sector.
The first of which was a $36.2 million contract awarded by Sing Holdings (Bellerive) Pte Ltd for the construction of Bellerive Condominium, a private residential development located at the junction of Keng Chin Road and Ewe Boon Road.
Work on Bellerive Condominium will involve the construction of 51 apartment units within a 15-storey block, and is scheduled to be complete by July 2010. The cost of constructing the Bellerive development works out to about $585 per sq ft.
Separately, the group won a $50.4 million contract from Lafe (Emerald Hill) Development Pte Ltd, to construct 33 private residential apartments at Emerald Hill Road.
The construction cost of the Emerald Hill development is estimated to be $668 per sq ft and work at this development is expected to be complete around the fourth quarter of 2010.
The group has also secured a $30 million civil engineering project, which was awarded by the Public Utilities Board, for a part of Singapore's network of NEWater pipelines.
For this project, Lian Beng has teamed up with Ri Dong Corporation Pte Ltd in a 50-50 joint-venture.
The civil engineering project will involve the design and construction of a NEWater pipeline running from Changi NEWater Plant to Jurong, Tuas and Jurong Island.
Work on the NEWater pipeline project is expected to be complete in July 2009.
With these latest contract wins, Lian Beng's orderbook stands at about $800 million. -- BT Newsroom
Among the contracts were two construction projects for the private residential sector.
The first of which was a $36.2 million contract awarded by Sing Holdings (Bellerive) Pte Ltd for the construction of Bellerive Condominium, a private residential development located at the junction of Keng Chin Road and Ewe Boon Road.
Work on Bellerive Condominium will involve the construction of 51 apartment units within a 15-storey block, and is scheduled to be complete by July 2010. The cost of constructing the Bellerive development works out to about $585 per sq ft.
Separately, the group won a $50.4 million contract from Lafe (Emerald Hill) Development Pte Ltd, to construct 33 private residential apartments at Emerald Hill Road.
The construction cost of the Emerald Hill development is estimated to be $668 per sq ft and work at this development is expected to be complete around the fourth quarter of 2010.
The group has also secured a $30 million civil engineering project, which was awarded by the Public Utilities Board, for a part of Singapore's network of NEWater pipelines.
For this project, Lian Beng has teamed up with Ri Dong Corporation Pte Ltd in a 50-50 joint-venture.
The civil engineering project will involve the design and construction of a NEWater pipeline running from Changi NEWater Plant to Jurong, Tuas and Jurong Island.
Work on the NEWater pipeline project is expected to be complete in July 2009.
With these latest contract wins, Lian Beng's orderbook stands at about $800 million. -- BT Newsroom
Anwell in China JV for thin-film solar module business
Anwell Technologies Limited, an equipment and technology supplier to the optical disc, OLED and solar industries, today said it has formed a joint venture with a Chinese partner for thin-film solar module business.
The Chinese partner will invest US$7 million for a 10 per cent stake in the JV with 40MW initial production capacity per annum and will provide strategic local support for the solar module plant.
The new plant will be located in Henan, China. The initial 40MW production facility will be installed in the fourth quarter of FY2008 and will be China's first fully automatic thin-film solar module production line.
Following the pilot run in 1Q2009, the JV is expected to generate revenue by 2Q2009.
The management also plans to increase its production capacity to 120MW by 2010. -- BT Newsroom
The Chinese partner will invest US$7 million for a 10 per cent stake in the JV with 40MW initial production capacity per annum and will provide strategic local support for the solar module plant.
The new plant will be located in Henan, China. The initial 40MW production facility will be installed in the fourth quarter of FY2008 and will be China's first fully automatic thin-film solar module production line.
Following the pilot run in 1Q2009, the JV is expected to generate revenue by 2Q2009.
The management also plans to increase its production capacity to 120MW by 2010. -- BT Newsroom
Anwell Technologies
HLH to invest US$6.5 mln in Cambodia agri-business
HLH Group Limited said its subsidiary, HLH Agri International Pte Ltd, has incorporated a unit in Cambodia to invest in integrated agri-business operations.
The unit, H.L.H.I. (Cambodia) Company Limited (HLHI), will invest US$6.5 million to buy 1,791 hectares of freehold land located in Amlang Commune, Thpong District, Kampong Speu, Cambodia.
The company expects to start land clearing and cultivating activities in the fourth quarter 2008.
Of the US$6.5 million, US$3 million will be used to buy the land and US$3.5 million will be used for capital expenditure and working capital.
The project will be fund via internal funds and borrowings from financial institutions. -- BT Newsroom
The unit, H.L.H.I. (Cambodia) Company Limited (HLHI), will invest US$6.5 million to buy 1,791 hectares of freehold land located in Amlang Commune, Thpong District, Kampong Speu, Cambodia.
The company expects to start land clearing and cultivating activities in the fourth quarter 2008.
Of the US$6.5 million, US$3 million will be used to buy the land and US$3.5 million will be used for capital expenditure and working capital.
The project will be fund via internal funds and borrowings from financial institutions. -- BT Newsroom
Market Report
Sunday, June 22, 2008
美军官讲述目击UFO经历 刻有埃及象形文字

Saturday, June 21, 2008
发现号航天飞机发现不明物体 返航一度受阻

据俄罗斯《真理报》6日报道,众所周知,当美国“阿波罗11 号”宇航员阿姆斯特朗乘坐“鹰号”登月舱踏足月球表面后,就发表了那场著名的“个人一小步、人类一大步”的演说;然而鲜为人知的是,当阿姆斯特朗和同伴阿尔德林踏足月球时,曾遭遇了3个直径15米到30米左右的不明飞行物(UFO)!
当宇航员将观测到的这些神秘UFO向美国休斯顿地面任务控制中心汇报后,引起了巨大的震惊和担忧。一些NASA官员相信,这一定是美国“太空争霸赛”的最大对头———前苏联玩的肮脏把戏。其中一种理论甚至认为,前苏联为了挫败美国的登月计划,用火箭秘密发射“太空鱼雷炸弹”跟踪“阿波罗11 号”,试图让其在太空中炸毁。然而3天后,NASA地面官员并没有等来他们最担心的爆炸,但他们仍未放下心来,因为无法对这些神秘UFO作出合理解释。
没有人知道阿姆斯特朗说的是什么,因为NASA已经迅速切换到了安全的通讯频道,防止阿姆斯特朗接下来的话被全世界听到。阿姆斯特朗的助手多年后回忆说:“三个不明飞行物曾逼近到距他们的飞船只有一米远的地方。当他们乘坐登月舱降落到地球表面时,他们看到在陨石坑的边缘处,停着3个直径15米到 30米的UFO!”
当宇航员将观测到的这些神秘UFO向美国休斯顿地面任务控制中心汇报后,引起了巨大的震惊和担忧。一些NASA官员相信,这一定是美国“太空争霸赛”的最大对头———前苏联玩的肮脏把戏。其中一种理论甚至认为,前苏联为了挫败美国的登月计划,用火箭秘密发射“太空鱼雷炸弹”跟踪“阿波罗11 号”,试图让其在太空中炸毁。然而3天后,NASA地面官员并没有等来他们最担心的爆炸,但他们仍未放下心来,因为无法对这些神秘UFO作出合理解释。
没有人知道阿姆斯特朗说的是什么,因为NASA已经迅速切换到了安全的通讯频道,防止阿姆斯特朗接下来的话被全世界听到。阿姆斯特朗的助手多年后回忆说:“三个不明飞行物曾逼近到距他们的飞船只有一米远的地方。当他们乘坐登月舱降落到地球表面时,他们看到在陨石坑的边缘处,停着3个直径15米到 30米的UFO!”
Scientists say they found evidence of ice on Mars

WASHINGTON - The existence of ice on Mars was confirmed Friday by NASA scientists, the first time frozen water has been sampled on another planet. Water in liquid form is an essential ingredient for life.
Whitish, dice-sized chunks, dug from the rocky red soil and warmed in the sun, vanished four days after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Phoenix probe dug them up June 15.
They confirm what NASA satellites have suggested for years: Frozen water exists several centimeters beneath Mars' surface.Now, scientists can tackle the key question they hope to answer: Did the ice ever melt and turn Mars into a habitable place?Scientists believe ice exists on planets including Pluto, though Phoenix is the first probe to confirm it on the ground.
The survey is part of NASA's theme in Mars exploration: follow the water. "We've hit what we're looking for," said Mark Lemmon, an atmospheric scientist at Texas A&M University in College Station and co-investigator on the NASA project.
"The job now is to find out what's mixed in with the ice."
The Phoenix's robotic arm also hit a hard surface Thursday while digging in a different spot, raising scientists' hopes they might uncover a larger ice layer to sample, NASA said.NASA satellites suggest about a quarter of Mars has ice beneath the surface, primarily at the polar regions.
The agency's plan is to gather up ice and dirt, then deliver it to the Phoenix's ovens.
The matchbox-size ovens will then bake the sample.On Mars, the boiling point of water is just 4 degrees Celsius.
Under the planet's faint atmosphere, the water will quickly vaporize, principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona in Tucson said.
Before it does, the probe will analyze the samples for any long-chain carbon molecules such as amino acids, the building blocks of life.
The University of Arizona team ruled out the possibility the material might be dry ice or salt.
Salt wouldn't vaporize, and dry ice exists at much cooler temperatures than found at the Phoenix landing site.
“凤凰”号5月25日在火星北极附近区域着陆,它将在为期3个月的探测任务中探寻可能存在的火星地下冰层。 巧用农学小发明
Whitish, dice-sized chunks, dug from the rocky red soil and warmed in the sun, vanished four days after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Phoenix probe dug them up June 15.
They confirm what NASA satellites have suggested for years: Frozen water exists several centimeters beneath Mars' surface.Now, scientists can tackle the key question they hope to answer: Did the ice ever melt and turn Mars into a habitable place?Scientists believe ice exists on planets including Pluto, though Phoenix is the first probe to confirm it on the ground.
The survey is part of NASA's theme in Mars exploration: follow the water. "We've hit what we're looking for," said Mark Lemmon, an atmospheric scientist at Texas A&M University in College Station and co-investigator on the NASA project.
"The job now is to find out what's mixed in with the ice."
The Phoenix's robotic arm also hit a hard surface Thursday while digging in a different spot, raising scientists' hopes they might uncover a larger ice layer to sample, NASA said.NASA satellites suggest about a quarter of Mars has ice beneath the surface, primarily at the polar regions.
The agency's plan is to gather up ice and dirt, then deliver it to the Phoenix's ovens.
The matchbox-size ovens will then bake the sample.On Mars, the boiling point of water is just 4 degrees Celsius.
Under the planet's faint atmosphere, the water will quickly vaporize, principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona in Tucson said.
Before it does, the probe will analyze the samples for any long-chain carbon molecules such as amino acids, the building blocks of life.
The University of Arizona team ruled out the possibility the material might be dry ice or salt.
Salt wouldn't vaporize, and dry ice exists at much cooler temperatures than found at the Phoenix landing site.
“凤凰”号5月25日在火星北极附近区域着陆,它将在为期3个月的探测任务中探寻可能存在的火星地下冰层。 巧用农学小发明
Friday, June 20, 2008
SingTel says in talks with Chinese telecoms
SingTel, Southeast Asia's largest telecoms firm, is in talks with operators in China about investing in the world's biggest telecoms market, which is being overhauled and opened to foreign investors.
"It's a market we have been monitoring. We have been in discussions with various operators in the China market," Singapore Telecommunications Ltd CEO Chua Sock Koong told reporters on the sidelines of an industry conference.
Last month, Beijing unveiled a long-awaited sector revamp, aimed at improving competition and rolling out high-speed third-generation mobile services, in what has been called the world's largest industrial reorganisation.
The restructure also opens the door to foreign investors who have been restricted to taking small stakes, such as Vodafone's 3.3 percent investment in China Mobile Ltd.
"We are not financial investors, we want to make investments as strategic partners, and the stake is one that would give us the necessary governance rights and involvement at the board and management level," Chua said.
"There are ongoing engagements but no deal has been done," she added, without naming any firms.
China has about 575 million mobile subscribers, and adds some 4 million new users every month.
Mobile penetration stands at slightly above 40 percent.
"China is a very large market -- there are a fair amount of opportunities there," Chua added.
Earlier this month, media reports citing unnamed sources said SingTel was considering investing in fixed-line operator China Telecom Corp, although there have been no formal talks.
This follows China Telecom's comments that it was in talks to sell a stake to a strategic investor and had been approached by four or five companies.
China Unicom early this month paid $24 billion for a fixed-line rival and sold a network for almost $16 billion as part of the industry reshuffle.
SingTel, which derives about two thirds of its pretax earnings from operations outside Singapore, is seeking acquisitions in growth markets to expand its earnings by double-digits over the medium term.
SingTel was actively involved last month in potential takeover talks between India's top mobile operator Bharti Airtel Ltd , in which it owns an around 30 percent stake, and South Africa's MTN Group Ltd , according to a source familiar with the situation.
But Bharti's talks with MTN collapsed over how the two would structure a combined entity.
State-controlled SingTel, Singapore's largest listed company, holds stakes in various mobile operators in markets ranging from Pakistan to Indonesia. It also owns Australia's second-largest telecoms firm Optus.
"It's a market we have been monitoring. We have been in discussions with various operators in the China market," Singapore Telecommunications Ltd CEO Chua Sock Koong told reporters on the sidelines of an industry conference.
Last month, Beijing unveiled a long-awaited sector revamp, aimed at improving competition and rolling out high-speed third-generation mobile services, in what has been called the world's largest industrial reorganisation.
The restructure also opens the door to foreign investors who have been restricted to taking small stakes, such as Vodafone's 3.3 percent investment in China Mobile Ltd.
"We are not financial investors, we want to make investments as strategic partners, and the stake is one that would give us the necessary governance rights and involvement at the board and management level," Chua said.
"There are ongoing engagements but no deal has been done," she added, without naming any firms.
China has about 575 million mobile subscribers, and adds some 4 million new users every month.
Mobile penetration stands at slightly above 40 percent.
"China is a very large market -- there are a fair amount of opportunities there," Chua added.
Earlier this month, media reports citing unnamed sources said SingTel was considering investing in fixed-line operator China Telecom Corp, although there have been no formal talks.
This follows China Telecom's comments that it was in talks to sell a stake to a strategic investor and had been approached by four or five companies.
China Unicom early this month paid $24 billion for a fixed-line rival and sold a network for almost $16 billion as part of the industry reshuffle.
SingTel, which derives about two thirds of its pretax earnings from operations outside Singapore, is seeking acquisitions in growth markets to expand its earnings by double-digits over the medium term.
SingTel was actively involved last month in potential takeover talks between India's top mobile operator Bharti Airtel Ltd , in which it owns an around 30 percent stake, and South Africa's MTN Group Ltd , according to a source familiar with the situation.
But Bharti's talks with MTN collapsed over how the two would structure a combined entity.
State-controlled SingTel, Singapore's largest listed company, holds stakes in various mobile operators in markets ranging from Pakistan to Indonesia. It also owns Australia's second-largest telecoms firm Optus.
20-06-2008: Bintai lands RM290m Sentosa job
PETALING JAYA: Electrical and mechanical engineering services specialist Bintai Kinden Corporation Bhd has clinched sub-contract works valued at about RM290 million from Resorts World At Sentosa Pte Ltd, the company said.
In a statement yesterday, Bintai said the works, secured by its 79.82% subsidiary Bintai Kindenko Pte Ltd, were expected to be completed by the last quarter of 2009.
It said the sub-contract was for the supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning and maintenance of air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation installation, electrical installation and fire protection installation.
Resorts World at Sentosa is wholly owned by Singapore-listed Genting International, which is developing a casino resort on Sentosa Island. The resort is due to open in early 2010.
In a statement yesterday, Bintai said the works, secured by its 79.82% subsidiary Bintai Kindenko Pte Ltd, were expected to be completed by the last quarter of 2009.
It said the sub-contract was for the supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning and maintenance of air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation installation, electrical installation and fire protection installation.
Resorts World at Sentosa is wholly owned by Singapore-listed Genting International, which is developing a casino resort on Sentosa Island. The resort is due to open in early 2010.
Genting Bhd,
Resort World At Sentosa
AmFraser研究部门高级副总裁Najeeb Jarjom表示,个股普遍遭遇抛售可能提供了一个买进的良机,如果股指跌至2950点就是很好的交易机会。
AmFraser研究部门高级副总裁Najeeb Jarjom表示,个股普遍遭遇抛售可能提供了一个买进的良机,如果股指跌至2950点就是很好的交易机会。
Market Report
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
大华继显(UOB-KayHian)研究主管Nancy Wei表示,仍预计市场短线将在2800-3200点之间波动。
大华继显(UOB-KayHian)研究主管Nancy Wei表示,仍预计市场短线将在2800-3200点之间波动。
Market Report
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Market Report
Monday, June 16, 2008
丽星邮轮(00678)与 AGI 开发菲律宾赌场框架协议限期延长
汇港通讯 丽星邮轮(00678)宣布,与菲律宾上市公司 Alliance Global Group, Inc.(AGI)合作开发及经营马尼拉酒店及赌场项目的框架协议限期延长至今年7月31日。
丽星邮轮与 AGI 就合作开发及经营马尼拉酒店及赌场综合物流订立框架协议。
根据补充协议,丽星邮轮于6月16日或之前向 AGI 支付1亿美元作为独家磋商期限延长的可退还按金。
丽星邮轮与 AGI 就合作开发及经营马尼拉酒店及赌场综合物流订立框架协议。
根据补充协议,丽星邮轮于6月16日或之前向 AGI 支付1亿美元作为独家磋商期限延长的可退还按金。
Star Cruises
Market Report
Friday, June 13, 2008
Market Report
13-06-2008: Guoco raises stake in UK’s Rank Group
LONDON: Malaysia-based Guoco continued its stakebuilding in British casino and bingo club operator Rank Group plc, lifting its holding to 12.67% from 12.02%, it said yesterday.
Guoco, part of the Hong Leong group run by Quek Leng Chan, bought the Clermont Club in London’s Berkeley Square from Rank two years ago and is looking to build a casino base in the UK. It has been steadily increasing its shareholding in the owner of Grosvenor Casinos since the start of the year. Rank, hit hard by legislation that has banned both smoking and lucrative gaming machines in its bingo halls, has been the subject of takeover rumours since a profit warning last October led to a collapse in its share price.
Shares in Rank have underperformed the FTSE All Share Travel Index by 34% over the past twelve months. The stock rose 0.7% to 77-1/2 pence (RM4.92) by 0712 GMT.
Malaysia-based gaming group Genting has built an 11% stake in Rank, but has denied that it is considering a bid. — Reuters
Guoco, part of the Hong Leong group run by Quek Leng Chan, bought the Clermont Club in London’s Berkeley Square from Rank two years ago and is looking to build a casino base in the UK. It has been steadily increasing its shareholding in the owner of Grosvenor Casinos since the start of the year. Rank, hit hard by legislation that has banned both smoking and lucrative gaming machines in its bingo halls, has been the subject of takeover rumours since a profit warning last October led to a collapse in its share price.
Shares in Rank have underperformed the FTSE All Share Travel Index by 34% over the past twelve months. The stock rose 0.7% to 77-1/2 pence (RM4.92) by 0712 GMT.
Malaysia-based gaming group Genting has built an 11% stake in Rank, but has denied that it is considering a bid. — Reuters
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Market Report
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
DMG & Partners Securities的Gabriel Yap表示,市场仍在等待美国公布新的经济数据和更多通货膨胀相关消息,具体走势将取决于这些因素。
DMG & Partners Securities的Gabriel Yap表示,市场仍在等待美国公布新的经济数据和更多通货膨胀相关消息,具体走势将取决于这些因素。
Market Report
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Brokers' Take
Construction SectorCIMB-GK Research, June 6
SUBDUED residential property development: In our last sector update on April 4, we highlighted our growing concerns on construction companies that have become opportunistic developers. We maintain that view. Despite the large number of en-bloc sales in 2007, private residential property development appears rather subdued due to weak buyer demand, as reflected by softening property prices and declining transaction numbers.
At the current pace, we think 2008 construction demand may come in at the lower end of the Building and Construction Authority's forecast range of S$23 billion-S$27 billion.
Growing inflationary pressures: After the spike in sand and ready-mixed concrete prices in early 2007, the rapid rise in steel prices as well as general inflation have been deterring construction companies from aggressively pitching for new contracts. Contractors fear that the higher costs may not be passed on to developers and project owners.
Inevitable margin squeeze: The rapid rise in construction costs will put pressure on the margins of developers and project owners, who may be approaching 'pain' thresholds. Given this, coupled with high land costs, we believe that construction costs are nearing a tipping point.
Investment strategy: We are keeping our 'overweight' position on the construction sector, although we caution against possible risks. We recommend reduced exposure to integrated construction stocks and a switch to specialist construction companies, which have low exposure to higher construction material costs or managed exposure through short project turnaround. Our top picks are Tat Hong, Tiong Woon and CSC.Sector - OVERWEIGHT
Singapore Exchange
June 6 close: S$8.00
UBS Investment Research, June 6
A KEY play on ageing Asia: The United Nations has identified the top three socio-economic issues facing the world in the 21st century. They are global warming, global terrorism and global ageing. We note that Asia has four of the 10 fastest ageing countries globally.
In our Q-Series®: Asia Structural Themes: Ageing Asia report published on June 6, Singapore Exchange (SGX) is highlighted as one of 17 key exposures to Asia's changing demographics.
SGX - one of 17 UBS Asian demographics key picks: Changes in Asia demographics will impact countries' long-term economic growth, governments' willingness to privatise assets and the demand for listed instruments. While growth of stock exchanges is typically tied to domestic markets, SGX's structural growth comes from Singapore emerging as the exchange of choice for many Asian and transnational companies' initial public offerings.
We remain upbeat on SGX despite current market sentiment: We believe the current share price assumes no growth over the next four years, which we think is too bearish as the investment environment in Singapore and Asia appears promising in the medium term, given favourable economic and demographic trends.
Changes in market sentiment, Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor fund inflows and an increase in algorithmic trading are potential catalysts.
We reiterate our 'buy' rating and 12-month DCF-based price target of S$13.00.BUY
United Fiber System
June 6 close: S$0.21
DMG & Partners Securities, June 6
PULP fiction no more: United Fiber System (Unifiber) owns one of Indonesia's largest forest concessions. Unifiber possesses 268,585 ha of forest concession rights in South Kalimantan, one of lndonesia's largest forest concessions and plantations. According to management, Unifiber is probably ranked number 3 in Indonesia in terms of forest concessions' land area. The concession rights entitle it to plant, maintain, process and market products extracted from the concession area up to Feb 26, 2041.
Well located for constant supply of wood raw material: Wood raw material costs make up 60-70 per cent of total manufacturing costs, with the remaining comprising of labour costs, chemicals and energy costs. As such, variability in the price of wood will have the largest impact on costs and profitability.
For Unifiber, the exposure to the variability of wood prices should be partially mitigated as it plans to source a large proportion of its wood raw material from its own plantations. Moreover, Unifiber's pulp mill and wood chip mill are located in South Kalimantan where there are no nearby mills.
Proximity to fast growing Asian market, particularly China: China is a major producer of paper and paperboard products. However, China's lack of wood fibre means that it has to continue to rely on imported pulpwood and pulp to meet this demand. China's import of pulp for paper has grown 272 per cent over a 10 year period from 1996-2006.
Lower cost of production: According to management, Indonesia is one of the world's most cost competitive countries for the production of pulp.
Re-initiate with a 'buy': Given that Unifiber has a few distinct businesses, we believe that a sum-of-the-parts valuation is most relevant. We attain a fair value of S$0.31 per share, which implies a 47.6 per cent upside from current levels. Unifiber has the additional kicker coming in from pulp mill PT MBBM when it starts in 2010. We re-initiate coverage on Unifiber with a 'buy' rating.BUY
SUBDUED residential property development: In our last sector update on April 4, we highlighted our growing concerns on construction companies that have become opportunistic developers. We maintain that view. Despite the large number of en-bloc sales in 2007, private residential property development appears rather subdued due to weak buyer demand, as reflected by softening property prices and declining transaction numbers.
At the current pace, we think 2008 construction demand may come in at the lower end of the Building and Construction Authority's forecast range of S$23 billion-S$27 billion.
Growing inflationary pressures: After the spike in sand and ready-mixed concrete prices in early 2007, the rapid rise in steel prices as well as general inflation have been deterring construction companies from aggressively pitching for new contracts. Contractors fear that the higher costs may not be passed on to developers and project owners.
Inevitable margin squeeze: The rapid rise in construction costs will put pressure on the margins of developers and project owners, who may be approaching 'pain' thresholds. Given this, coupled with high land costs, we believe that construction costs are nearing a tipping point.
Investment strategy: We are keeping our 'overweight' position on the construction sector, although we caution against possible risks. We recommend reduced exposure to integrated construction stocks and a switch to specialist construction companies, which have low exposure to higher construction material costs or managed exposure through short project turnaround. Our top picks are Tat Hong, Tiong Woon and CSC.Sector - OVERWEIGHT
Singapore Exchange
June 6 close: S$8.00
UBS Investment Research, June 6
A KEY play on ageing Asia: The United Nations has identified the top three socio-economic issues facing the world in the 21st century. They are global warming, global terrorism and global ageing. We note that Asia has four of the 10 fastest ageing countries globally.
In our Q-Series®: Asia Structural Themes: Ageing Asia report published on June 6, Singapore Exchange (SGX) is highlighted as one of 17 key exposures to Asia's changing demographics.
SGX - one of 17 UBS Asian demographics key picks: Changes in Asia demographics will impact countries' long-term economic growth, governments' willingness to privatise assets and the demand for listed instruments. While growth of stock exchanges is typically tied to domestic markets, SGX's structural growth comes from Singapore emerging as the exchange of choice for many Asian and transnational companies' initial public offerings.
We remain upbeat on SGX despite current market sentiment: We believe the current share price assumes no growth over the next four years, which we think is too bearish as the investment environment in Singapore and Asia appears promising in the medium term, given favourable economic and demographic trends.
Changes in market sentiment, Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor fund inflows and an increase in algorithmic trading are potential catalysts.
We reiterate our 'buy' rating and 12-month DCF-based price target of S$13.00.BUY
United Fiber System
June 6 close: S$0.21
DMG & Partners Securities, June 6
PULP fiction no more: United Fiber System (Unifiber) owns one of Indonesia's largest forest concessions. Unifiber possesses 268,585 ha of forest concession rights in South Kalimantan, one of lndonesia's largest forest concessions and plantations. According to management, Unifiber is probably ranked number 3 in Indonesia in terms of forest concessions' land area. The concession rights entitle it to plant, maintain, process and market products extracted from the concession area up to Feb 26, 2041.
Well located for constant supply of wood raw material: Wood raw material costs make up 60-70 per cent of total manufacturing costs, with the remaining comprising of labour costs, chemicals and energy costs. As such, variability in the price of wood will have the largest impact on costs and profitability.
For Unifiber, the exposure to the variability of wood prices should be partially mitigated as it plans to source a large proportion of its wood raw material from its own plantations. Moreover, Unifiber's pulp mill and wood chip mill are located in South Kalimantan where there are no nearby mills.
Proximity to fast growing Asian market, particularly China: China is a major producer of paper and paperboard products. However, China's lack of wood fibre means that it has to continue to rely on imported pulpwood and pulp to meet this demand. China's import of pulp for paper has grown 272 per cent over a 10 year period from 1996-2006.
Lower cost of production: According to management, Indonesia is one of the world's most cost competitive countries for the production of pulp.
Re-initiate with a 'buy': Given that Unifiber has a few distinct businesses, we believe that a sum-of-the-parts valuation is most relevant. We attain a fair value of S$0.31 per share, which implies a 47.6 per cent upside from current levels. Unifiber has the additional kicker coming in from pulp mill PT MBBM when it starts in 2010. We re-initiate coverage on Unifiber with a 'buy' rating.BUY
Brokers' Take
Chip Eng Seng unit bags $123.5m HDB contract

CHIP Eng Seng Corporation's wholly owned subsidiary Chip Eng Seng Contractors (1988) has been awarded a $123.5 million contract by the Housing and Development Board (HDB).
Mr Lim: 'With increasing demand for construction, we are confident of our prospects for the rest of 2008'
The contract is for the construction of five 25-storey residential blocks in Sengkang. The contract includes the construction of a multi-storey carpark with future community facility on the first storey, and a precinct pavilion. Work is expected to begin this month, with completion slated for 2011.
The contract is not expected to have any material impact on the group's net tangible assets and earnings per share for the current financial year ending Dec 31.
This is the company's second HDB construction contract this year. In January it announced a contract to build 1,394 housing units in Queenstown. The company has also undertaken two other HDB housing projects, one in Sembawang and the other being Pinnacle @ Duxton.
The group's construction order book now stands at about $755 million. Said executive chairman Lim Tiam Seng: 'With increasing demand for construction, we are confident of our prospects for the rest of 2008.'
Mr Lim further believes that the group's construction division will continue to have a busy year ahead with tenders and construction work.
集永成建筑工程(Chip Eng Seng Contractors)获得建屋发展局一项价值1亿2350万元的合同,负责在盛港修建五栋组屋,每栋各25层,拥有698个单位。
Chip Eng Seng,
金英证券(Kim Eng)在一份研究报告中称,随着美国重要经济数据相继公布,未来几日新加坡股市或出现大幅振荡走势。
金英证券(Kim Eng)在一份研究报告中称,随着美国重要经济数据相继公布,未来几日新加坡股市或出现大幅振荡走势。
Market Report
DMG & Partners Securities的资深交易主管Gabriel Yap称,预计海峡时报指数支撑位在2920点。
DMG & Partners Securities的资深交易主管Gabriel Yap称,预计海峡时报指数支撑位在2920点。
Market Report
Sunday, June 8, 2008
亚太股市纷受美股带动 海指后劲不足
Action Economics经济师科恩(David Cohen)指出,市场接下来依然会有波动。这是因为投资者的交投主要还是受新消息影响。
荣南控股起1分或4.6%至23分,为5月12日以来最大单日涨幅。其赢得了两项总值8340万元的“滨海湾金沙”(The Marina Bay Sands)建筑合同。
Action Economics经济师科恩(David Cohen)指出,市场接下来依然会有波动。这是因为投资者的交投主要还是受新消息影响。
荣南控股起1分或4.6%至23分,为5月12日以来最大单日涨幅。其赢得了两项总值8340万元的“滨海湾金沙”(The Marina Bay Sands)建筑合同。
Market Report
纽西兰再生能源集团Pure Power Global昨天宣布选择以新加坡作为其营运总部,并将通过我国展开积极的收购计划,部署其再生能源解决方案进入全球各地的市场。
该公司总裁米罗依(David Milroy)说:“即使石油供应停滞,全球对能源的需求仍快速,根据国际能源机构的预测,从现在到2030年,全球对能源的需求将增长57%,其中三分之二的需求是来自发展中国家,如中国和印度。到了2010年,发展中国家对能源的需求将超越工业国。”
该公司总裁米罗依(David Milroy)说:“即使石油供应停滞,全球对能源的需求仍快速,根据国际能源机构的预测,从现在到2030年,全球对能源的需求将增长57%,其中三分之二的需求是来自发展中国家,如中国和印度。到了2010年,发展中国家对能源的需求将超越工业国。”
Market Report
Indiabulls房地产投资信托昨天较早时也发表文告指出,已同其包销商德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)和美林(Merrill Lynch)达成协议,德意志银行和美林可在公开售股活动结束后,以每股1元至1.10元的价格,分别向IPIT购买1亿2468万股普通股。信托经理和包销商会在公开售股活动结束后,才决定最终的价格。
根据彭博社报道,Indiabulls在一封给投资者的电邮中,指出全世界第四大富豪米塔尔(Lakshmi Mittal)已同意购买其9100万股。
据莱坊(Knight Frank)的市场研究报告,孟买的租金在过去两年已增加了一倍。Indiabulls也表示,孟买有大约3%的办公楼目前是空置的。
Indiabulls房地产投资信托昨天较早时也发表文告指出,已同其包销商德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)和美林(Merrill Lynch)达成协议,德意志银行和美林可在公开售股活动结束后,以每股1元至1.10元的价格,分别向IPIT购买1亿2468万股普通股。信托经理和包销商会在公开售股活动结束后,才决定最终的价格。
根据彭博社报道,Indiabulls在一封给投资者的电邮中,指出全世界第四大富豪米塔尔(Lakshmi Mittal)已同意购买其9100万股。
据莱坊(Knight Frank)的市场研究报告,孟买的租金在过去两年已增加了一倍。Indiabulls也表示,孟买有大约3%的办公楼目前是空置的。
尽管前日有消息指联钢科技(Unisteel Technology)已被Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.(KKR)收购,联钢科技昨日却发出文告声明,它正在商讨的交易不一定会有结果。
Market Report
中华建筑选择到我国挂牌 集团执行主席:现在上市可考验公司实力
尽管股市近期的表现不稳定、走势也不明朗,中华建筑(Sino Construction)却选择在这个时候上市。集团执行主席兼总裁赵传文信心满满地表示:“现在上市能够考验公司的实力。再说,有好的企业加入,市场才会有更好的表现。我们对海指接下来的走势有信心!”
Market Report
中国自动合资公司 获奥迪5250万元合同
本地上市公司中国自动(China Auto Corporation)与欧洲自动汽车集团Dr Schneider Kunststoffwerke(DS),合资成立的汽车气孔零件和模具生产公司——DS中国自动汽车(Dr.Schneider CAC Automotive),获得了一项价值2500万欧元(5250万新元)的五年合同,为德国汽车制造商奥迪(Audi)生产塑料气孔模具。
中国自动欧洲市场运作总裁赖特(Graham Wright)也表示,这项合同对公司的长期策略非常重要,它将成为公司其他有潜力客户的一个参照,因为中国自动也希望能与其他的高端汽车品牌合作,包括大众汽车、法国标致汽车集团(PSA)以及法拉利等多家大型汽车制造商。
奥迪采购部门主管弗赖(Michael Frey)表示,中国自动拥有专业的技术和经验以及全球的业务能力,同时,奥迪还与DS一直保持着长期良好的合作关系,因此奥迪选择他们成为其合作伙伴。
中国自动欧洲市场运作总裁赖特(Graham Wright)也表示,这项合同对公司的长期策略非常重要,它将成为公司其他有潜力客户的一个参照,因为中国自动也希望能与其他的高端汽车品牌合作,包括大众汽车、法国标致汽车集团(PSA)以及法拉利等多家大型汽车制造商。
奥迪采购部门主管弗赖(Michael Frey)表示,中国自动拥有专业的技术和经验以及全球的业务能力,同时,奥迪还与DS一直保持着长期良好的合作关系,因此奥迪选择他们成为其合作伙伴。
Market Report
Resorts World prepares to face up to manpower challenge
It is a sign of the times that the most oft-asked question of Resorts World at Sentosa (RWS) is not how it will fill its six hotels (1,800 rooms) or find customers for its attractions, but where it will find its staff.
By the time it opens in early 2010, the integrated resort is expected to have a total staff force of more than 10,000. While the main bulk of its staffing needs will be filled six to nine months before its opening, the company has started hiring for key personnel covering corporate functions and project management positions.
According to Ms Seah Ee Boon, Senior Vice President, Human Resources & Training, RWS, it currently has on its payroll about 200 employees across various departments like Communications, Finance, IT, HR, Legal, Marketing, Sales and Projects.
"This will be ramped up next year, six to nine months before our opening in early 2010," she said, to allow time for staff orientation and the necessary training.
About 30% of its entire staff strength will be working in the casino, while another 30% will be deployed at Universal Studios Singapore. The rest will be distributed throughout its other attractions, six hotels, shows, MICE (Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions and Exhibitions) and events, said Ms Seah.
And Ms Seah knows it will not be easy finding the manpower. "Not unlike many organisations, we face the manpower crunch in the current booming economy," she said.
Drawing upon synergies and alliances
Since winning the contract to build RWS in December 2006, Ms Seah said the company has been working very closely with the universities, polytechnics and ITE as well as government agencies such as the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the Workforce Development Agency (WDA), the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) and Ministry of Manpower (MOM), to draw synergies and alliances for manpower planning and training.
In July 2007, it signed the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) pledge to adopt Fair Employment standards "and have ensured we do not discriminate for hiring".
"Also, we are committed to hiring Singaporeans, and hence are working closely with government agencies for hiring of older workers, back-to-work mothers, physically challenged and yellow ribbon groups."
However, Ms Seah said, the shortage of manpower and an ageing workforce is a reality. "Given the tight labour situation and also the shortage of skill sets for certain areas of work, including theme parks and casinos, there will be a need for us to hire from overseas, especially to infuse role model training and 'cast and crew members' concept as well as quality assurance in maintenance of sophisticated shows and rides.
Hiring and fast tracking a key part of plan
Ms Seah Ee Boon, Human Resources Director, Resorts World at Sentosa.
"Our target groups would include experienced managers and staff from diverse industries as well as fresh graduates and school leavers. We will also hire staff from beyond the hospitality sector. Besides those with experience in theme parks, resorts, hotels, shows, events and F&B companies, we will also be hiring from banks, retail stores, engineering companies, IT firms etc.
"In a nutshell, we plan to first hire and 'fast track' a core group to undergo intensive training, which involves some overseas attachment. This group will then work on pre-opening projects as well as training those who join later - like their second line and so on.
"Hiring will be intensified by second half of 2009, when we prepare for our pre-opening. Training programmes and on-the-job training will be varied depending on job nature. For example, some staff will get to cut their teeth at other Universal Studios theme parks and our sister company, Genting Highlands Resort in Malaysia."
Added Ms Seah: "We strongly believe - and are confident - in being a good employer.
"Besides providing good career opportunities and prospects, and the creation of fulfilling and enriching jobs, we will also endeavor to promote our employees' well being. We are looking for talents with a good service mindset and very importantly, those who are fun-loving with zest and good energy level.
"Due to the nature of the resort operations, we will also need staff who are flexible towards working hours; this include service staff who will be required to work when the resort is closed for the day."
Response to RWS' manpower overtures has been "tremendous", said Ms Seah. "We see a lot of excitement and buzz from those who attended our career talks, our interactions within the tourism sector as well as from the applications we have been receiving. It has been most encouraging and we look forward to a very successful recruitment drive."
Training critical to differentiation
On what is needed for Singapore to tackle its manpower challenges so that its tourism services can remain at a quality that will command premium rates, Ms Seah said: "Much has been said about the service standards here in Singapore. For local tourism products and hospitality offerings to soar, emphasis must be given to both training and inculcating the need for not just acceptable service - but excellent service - which so many countries are synonymous with.
Service is the one differentiating factor that separates the good from the excellent, and this is something that we need to focus on to ensure that we are top-notch."
On its training programmes especially with regards to the softer skills of interpretation should this be interaction? Or referring to actual interpretation of other languages? required in the theme parks and attractions, Ms Seah said staff would be trained to deliver a most memorable guest experience, yet with safety in mind.
"For example, someone taking on the role of a costumed character would have to be exuberant and expressive, while a theme park ride operator has to be meticulous and vigilant in ensuring that all safety harnesses are in perfect working order.
"Besides conventional training methods, specialised training for specific jobs will also be emphasised as part of our learning culture. This includes sending staff for on-the-job attachments at other Universal Studios Theme Parks. Locally, we are already in collaboration with various government agencies and learning institutions, and will be most happy to explore opportunities to work with industry partners."
By the time it opens in early 2010, the integrated resort is expected to have a total staff force of more than 10,000. While the main bulk of its staffing needs will be filled six to nine months before its opening, the company has started hiring for key personnel covering corporate functions and project management positions.
According to Ms Seah Ee Boon, Senior Vice President, Human Resources & Training, RWS, it currently has on its payroll about 200 employees across various departments like Communications, Finance, IT, HR, Legal, Marketing, Sales and Projects.
"This will be ramped up next year, six to nine months before our opening in early 2010," she said, to allow time for staff orientation and the necessary training.
About 30% of its entire staff strength will be working in the casino, while another 30% will be deployed at Universal Studios Singapore. The rest will be distributed throughout its other attractions, six hotels, shows, MICE (Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions and Exhibitions) and events, said Ms Seah.
And Ms Seah knows it will not be easy finding the manpower. "Not unlike many organisations, we face the manpower crunch in the current booming economy," she said.
Drawing upon synergies and alliances
Since winning the contract to build RWS in December 2006, Ms Seah said the company has been working very closely with the universities, polytechnics and ITE as well as government agencies such as the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the Workforce Development Agency (WDA), the National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) and Ministry of Manpower (MOM), to draw synergies and alliances for manpower planning and training.
In July 2007, it signed the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) pledge to adopt Fair Employment standards "and have ensured we do not discriminate for hiring".
"Also, we are committed to hiring Singaporeans, and hence are working closely with government agencies for hiring of older workers, back-to-work mothers, physically challenged and yellow ribbon groups."
However, Ms Seah said, the shortage of manpower and an ageing workforce is a reality. "Given the tight labour situation and also the shortage of skill sets for certain areas of work, including theme parks and casinos, there will be a need for us to hire from overseas, especially to infuse role model training and 'cast and crew members' concept as well as quality assurance in maintenance of sophisticated shows and rides.
Hiring and fast tracking a key part of plan
Ms Seah Ee Boon, Human Resources Director, Resorts World at Sentosa.
"Our target groups would include experienced managers and staff from diverse industries as well as fresh graduates and school leavers. We will also hire staff from beyond the hospitality sector. Besides those with experience in theme parks, resorts, hotels, shows, events and F&B companies, we will also be hiring from banks, retail stores, engineering companies, IT firms etc.
"In a nutshell, we plan to first hire and 'fast track' a core group to undergo intensive training, which involves some overseas attachment. This group will then work on pre-opening projects as well as training those who join later - like their second line and so on.
"Hiring will be intensified by second half of 2009, when we prepare for our pre-opening. Training programmes and on-the-job training will be varied depending on job nature. For example, some staff will get to cut their teeth at other Universal Studios theme parks and our sister company, Genting Highlands Resort in Malaysia."
Added Ms Seah: "We strongly believe - and are confident - in being a good employer.
"Besides providing good career opportunities and prospects, and the creation of fulfilling and enriching jobs, we will also endeavor to promote our employees' well being. We are looking for talents with a good service mindset and very importantly, those who are fun-loving with zest and good energy level.
"Due to the nature of the resort operations, we will also need staff who are flexible towards working hours; this include service staff who will be required to work when the resort is closed for the day."
Response to RWS' manpower overtures has been "tremendous", said Ms Seah. "We see a lot of excitement and buzz from those who attended our career talks, our interactions within the tourism sector as well as from the applications we have been receiving. It has been most encouraging and we look forward to a very successful recruitment drive."
Training critical to differentiation
On what is needed for Singapore to tackle its manpower challenges so that its tourism services can remain at a quality that will command premium rates, Ms Seah said: "Much has been said about the service standards here in Singapore. For local tourism products and hospitality offerings to soar, emphasis must be given to both training and inculcating the need for not just acceptable service - but excellent service - which so many countries are synonymous with.
Service is the one differentiating factor that separates the good from the excellent, and this is something that we need to focus on to ensure that we are top-notch."
On its training programmes especially with regards to the softer skills of interpretation should this be interaction? Or referring to actual interpretation of other languages? required in the theme parks and attractions, Ms Seah said staff would be trained to deliver a most memorable guest experience, yet with safety in mind.
"For example, someone taking on the role of a costumed character would have to be exuberant and expressive, while a theme park ride operator has to be meticulous and vigilant in ensuring that all safety harnesses are in perfect working order.
"Besides conventional training methods, specialised training for specific jobs will also be emphasised as part of our learning culture. This includes sending staff for on-the-job attachments at other Universal Studios Theme Parks. Locally, we are already in collaboration with various government agencies and learning institutions, and will be most happy to explore opportunities to work with industry partners."
Resort World At Sentosa
荣南控股(Yongnam Holdings)取得滨海湾金沙(The Marina Bay Sands)综合度假胜地的两个建筑承包合同,总值8335万元。它在去年11月和今年5月间,已取得了四个合同,总值1亿7770万元。
两个新的合同当中,一个是日本五洋建设公司(Penta-Ocean Contruction)发给的,价值4135万元,荣南控股将为这个客户供应、装配和建起综合度假胜地的ArtScience Museum的钢筋结构。
第二个合同是胜宝旺工程建筑(Sembawang Engineers and Constructors)发给的,价值4200万元,荣南控股将为该客户供应、装配和建起综合度假胜地的赌场和剧场墩座的钢筋结构。此外,它也将为该项目供应、装置和拆除零时支架、装备和覆工钣(metro decking)等。
两个新的合同当中,一个是日本五洋建设公司(Penta-Ocean Contruction)发给的,价值4135万元,荣南控股将为这个客户供应、装配和建起综合度假胜地的ArtScience Museum的钢筋结构。
第二个合同是胜宝旺工程建筑(Sembawang Engineers and Constructors)发给的,价值4200万元,荣南控股将为该客户供应、装配和建起综合度假胜地的赌场和剧场墩座的钢筋结构。此外,它也将为该项目供应、装置和拆除零时支架、装备和覆工钣(metro decking)等。
Saturday, June 7, 2008
几位交易员称,另外一个支撑贵金属价格走高的因素来自以色列副总理Shaul Mofaz的言论;他警告称,如果伊朗发展核武器项目,以色列可能会对其发动进攻。
CNCB电视台周五报导,美国国防部(U.S. Defense Department)一位官员称,没有迹象显示以色列正准备向伊朗采取军事行动。
几位交易员称,另外一个支撑贵金属价格走高的因素来自以色列副总理Shaul Mofaz的言论;他警告称,如果伊朗发展核武器项目,以色列可能会对其发动进攻。
CNCB电视台周五报导,美国国防部(U.S. Defense Department)一位官员称,没有迹象显示以色列正准备向伊朗采取军事行动。
Market Report
Friday, June 6, 2008
Market Report
云顶国际将竞标 英国附设赌场娱乐城
云顶国际(Genting International)成为英国The NEC Group的合作伙伴,将携手在英国发展一个消闲娱乐城,发展成本达9000万英镑(2亿4000万新元)。
该消闲娱乐城就坐落在英国伯明翰国家展览中心(The National Exhibition Centre,简称The NEC)内。云顶国际是通过英国子公司Genting Stanley (Solihull)Limited,进行这个合作项目。虽然具体详情未确定,但云顶国际发布消息时透露,该消闲娱乐城将有个“大型赌场”、水疗美容养生设施(spa)、酒店、优质酒吧及参观以及其他消闲项目。
The NEC是英国最成功的展览会场,每年吸引超过300万访客,建议中的消闲娱乐城,将为该中心增添吸引力。这个项目还需取得英国当地政府(Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council)批给执照,以经营该大型赌场。合作团队将参与竞标活动,以取得赌场经营执照。
该消闲娱乐城就坐落在英国伯明翰国家展览中心(The National Exhibition Centre,简称The NEC)内。云顶国际是通过英国子公司Genting Stanley (Solihull)Limited,进行这个合作项目。虽然具体详情未确定,但云顶国际发布消息时透露,该消闲娱乐城将有个“大型赌场”、水疗美容养生设施(spa)、酒店、优质酒吧及参观以及其他消闲项目。
The NEC是英国最成功的展览会场,每年吸引超过300万访客,建议中的消闲娱乐城,将为该中心增添吸引力。这个项目还需取得英国当地政府(Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council)批给执照,以经营该大型赌场。合作团队将参与竞标活动,以取得赌场经营执照。
Brokers' Take

June 5 close: $1.65
UBS Investment Research, June 4
$149 million convertible bond with equity swap: Sino-Environment is issuing $149 million of 4 per cent coupon convertible bonds with $2.19 conversion price, maturing in July 2013 with an investor put date in July 2010.
Sino-Env will use $67 million to enter an equity swap at $1.8276, while $76 million is earmarked for capital expenditure, working capital and M&A activities. We think that the downside, apart from dilution, is the risk from the periodic swap settlement.
We question the need for the convertible bonds, since Sino-Env's 648 million yuan (S$128 million) net cash is sufficient for its current expansion plans.
For de-nitrogenation Sino-Env will spend 265 million yuan for its facility, working capital for three desulfurisation projects should soak up 150 million yuan, and the remaining cash coupled with bank borrowings can be used for acquiring the new dust elimination company and the remaining 40 per cent of Weidong.
We think this could be a prelude to announcements that may be related to:
1) major desulfurisation and de-nitrogenation M&As; and
2) large desulfurisation project wins. Taking the long position on the swap also suggests that management is very confident of positive share price performance, in our view.
Valuation: We are reviewing our estimates. Our 12-month TP of $1.96 is based on discounted cashflow and assumes 10 per cent cost of equity and 2.5 per cent terminal growth.
China Hongxing Sports
June 5 close: $0.57
Kim Eng Research, June 4
SUCCEEDING at home and abroad: We recently received questions from clients about:
1) whether higher export sales in Q1 2008 suggest less management focus on the domestic market; and
2) whether higher overheads related to current ongoing programmes for store upgrading (revenue discounts) and store lease advance programmes will be temporary or permanent.
What's all the fuss about exports? Export mix in Q1 2008 was higher at 20 per cent of total sales compared to 12 per cent in 2007. The reasons for this are: 1) seasonality, 2) more apparel sales versus previous years, and 3) new overseas markets (eg Brazil, Vietnam, Ecuador, etc). Amidst this, domestic sales still reassuringly grew more than 35 per cent y-o-y.
Domestic sales should accelerate in H2 2008 and reduce the export mix: The higher exports certainly do not mean management is paying less attention to the domestic market, as can be seen from the higher spending on advertising & promotions this year (20 per cent versus 15 per cent in 2007). However, exports serve as a useful valve to keep capacity fully utilised and are opportunistically channelled to demand hotspots.
Vitally, export margins exceed domestic margins due to zero advertising & promotional costs. Also, as export markets are price-takers, we do not expect average selling price growth, currently projected at 5-6 per cent in 2008, to be capped at anything less.
Expansion-related overheads are temporary: China Hongxing currently has two store-related incentive programmes: a one billion yuan (S$197 million) disbursement programme to secure the leases of premium locations for mid-sized stores (100-200 sq m versus the average of 67 sq m), which they aim to complete before August 2008 (499 million yuan already disbursed); and
a 200 million yuan sales discount programme to incentivise distributors to upgrade older stores, which will end in Q1 2009. Normally, distributors are required to self-fund store upgrades every three years, but the current round is ahead of schedule.
Already seeing positive returns: China Hongxing aims to have 420 mid-sized stores opened by August 2008 (183 opened as at end-Q1 2008). Normally, it takes about six months for each store to reach six million to eight million yuan in revenue per annum, which will allow each store to be self-sustaining.
So far, the trend has been encouraging, with some stores reaching the targeted revenue within 4-5 months. We expect the revenue impact of the expanded floor space to be felt more in H2 2008, as the new stores will need to stock up on inventory. We are maintaining our 'buy' recommendation, with a TP of $0.87.
Brokers' Take
Thursday, June 5, 2008
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