Saturday, June 21, 2008

Scientists say they found evidence of ice on Mars

WASHINGTON - The existence of ice on Mars was confirmed Friday by NASA scientists, the first time frozen water has been sampled on another planet. Water in liquid form is an essential ingredient for life.

Whitish, dice-sized chunks, dug from the rocky red soil and warmed in the sun, vanished four days after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Phoenix probe dug them up June 15.

They confirm what NASA satellites have suggested for years: Frozen water exists several centimeters beneath Mars' surface.Now, scientists can tackle the key question they hope to answer: Did the ice ever melt and turn Mars into a habitable place?Scientists believe ice exists on planets including Pluto, though Phoenix is the first probe to confirm it on the ground.

The survey is part of NASA's theme in Mars exploration: follow the water. "We've hit what we're looking for," said Mark Lemmon, an atmospheric scientist at Texas A&M University in College Station and co-investigator on the NASA project.

"The job now is to find out what's mixed in with the ice."

The Phoenix's robotic arm also hit a hard surface Thursday while digging in a different spot, raising scientists' hopes they might uncover a larger ice layer to sample, NASA said.NASA satellites suggest about a quarter of Mars has ice beneath the surface, primarily at the polar regions.

The agency's plan is to gather up ice and dirt, then deliver it to the Phoenix's ovens.

The matchbox-size ovens will then bake the sample.On Mars, the boiling point of water is just 4 degrees Celsius.

Under the planet's faint atmosphere, the water will quickly vaporize, principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona in Tucson said.

Before it does, the probe will analyze the samples for any long-chain carbon molecules such as amino acids, the building blocks of life.

The University of Arizona team ruled out the possibility the material might be dry ice or salt.

Salt wouldn't vaporize, and dry ice exists at much cooler temperatures than found at the Phoenix landing site.




“凤凰”号5月25日在火星北极附近区域着陆,它将在为期3个月的探测任务中探寻可能存在的火星地下冰层。    巧用农学小发明


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