Friday, June 27, 2008

Genting launches online casino brand

KUALA LUMPUR: Genting International PLC has launched its first online casino brand, “”, in the United Kingdom.

Genting International managing director Justin Tan Wah Joo said “” would be operated by its unit Genting Stanley Alderney Ltd (GSAL) and it would offer a range of over 100 casino, card and table games.

“Players from around the world will be able to access “” and view the Play for Fun games. However, from launch only players from the UK, Isle of Man and Channel Islands will be able to deposit funds and Play for Real games,” he said.

On March 13, Genting International had announced that GSAL had received approval from the Alderney Gambling Control Commission for an online gaming licence.

Tan said the launch of “” was not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets and earnings per share of the company for the financial year ending Dec 31.


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