Thursday, December 6, 2007


KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 6 - Malaysia's RAM Ratings opines that Genting Berhad's (Genting or ''the Group'') recent acquisition of a 9.38 percent-stake in Rank Group plc # the second-biggest casino operator in Britain will not materially impair the Group's sturdy credit protection; as such, it will not have any impact on Genting's AAA corporate credit rating.

The transaction conducted through subsidiary Genting International Plc for an estimated 30 million-40 million pounds cash - is small relative to the Group's size. As at end-September 2007, Genting had RM11.21 billion of cash and liquid short-term money market instruments (mainly comprising negotiable certificates of deposits and bankers' acceptances), and remained in a net-cash position.

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