Monday, December 17, 2007

Lowered minimum bids to trade in stocks on SGX from Dec 24

SINGAPORE : The new minimum bids for trading in stocks on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) will take effect from December 24.

The SGX said the new schedule seeks to improve trading efficiency and market liquidity. Under the new structure, the minimum bid sizes for shares priced above $3 will be cut.

For shares valued between S$3 and S$9.99, this will be lowered to one cent from between 2 cents and 5 cents. Shares priced at S$10 and above will see their minimum bids reduced to two cents from 10 cents previously.

Forced orders bids will also be raised from 6 to 10 bids. The minimum bids for Exchange Traded Funds, bonds, debentures and loan stocks will also be lowered.

The decision to reduce the minimum bids came after a public consultation exercise carried out by the SGX this year. - CNA /ls

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