Saturday, December 8, 2007

More hotel plots up for sale next year

TEN hotel sites will be made available next year to meet demand from the fast-growing tourism sector.

Three are new sites in the Government's land sales programme for next year, while the others are carried over from last year's programme, said theMinistry of National Development yesterday.

One of the new sites is between Balestier Road and Ah Hood Road, near the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall. It had been put up for sale before but there were no takers, so the Government enlarged the parcelto include a park and an adjacent land plot.

The other two new sites are downtown. One is at the corner of Gopeng and Peck Seah Streets, and can host 330 hotel rooms. The other is at the corner of Clemenceau Avenue and Havelock Road, and canaccommodate 260 rooms.

The Balestier Road site, which can hold 675 rooms, is on the confirmed list and will be released in March. The only other hotel site on the confirmed list is at the junction of Race Course and Bukit Timah Roads. It will belaunched for sale in February.

All the other hotel sites on sale, including the Gopeng Street and Clemenceau Avenue plots, are on the reserve list. This means they will not be launched for tender until a developer puts in an acceptable bid.

Theother reserve list plots are at Victoria Street, New Bridge Road, Kallang Road, Jalan Bukit Merah, Jalan Besar and Bernam Street.

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