Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hong Kong-listed Star Cruises

Hong Kong-listed Star Cruises 'B1' rating to remain under review
Tuesday, November 27, 2007; Posted: 03:57 AM

HONG KONG, Nov 27, 2007 (XFN-ASIA via COMTEX) ---- Moody's investors service said the "B1" corporate family rating of Star Cruises Ltd (SCL) will remain under review with its direction uncertain.

The review was initiated on Aug 20, 2007, after the announcement by Apollo Management LP (Apollo) that it was to invest 1 bln usd cash in NCL Corp Ltd for a 50 pct equity interest with SCL owning the remaining 50 pct stake..

"SCL's current financial profile is largely dragged down by its consolidation with NCL. An improvement in the latter's financial and liquidity positions could lower SCL's financial burden and therefore the need to provide ongoing support to NCL," Moody's said.

Moody's added that a potential dissociation with NCL, as a result of a reduction in the ownership stake it holds, could also enhance SCL's adjusted key credit metrics.

Moody's review will focus on the future development and funding plans of SCL and the associated impact on its stand-alone credit profile as well as the likelihood of SCL extending support to NCL and the impact on its adjusted financial profile.


评级机构穆迪周二表示,仍在检讨丽星邮轮(0678.HK)的“B1”企业家族信贷评级,因其早前以10亿美元出售旗下邮轮旅游业务公司挪威邮轮(NCL)50%股权,予机构投资者Apollo Management。所以,该行对丽星邮轮的未来方向仍未清晰。  


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