Thursday, November 29, 2007

KSH HOLDINGS LIMITED secures two contracts$file/KSH_NewsRelease_281107.pdf?openelement

CONSTRUCTION company KSH Holdings has secured two contracts from the Ho Bee Group worth more than $118 million to build high-end residences at Sentosa Cove and Orange Grove.

The deals take the value of construction contracts secured by KSH this year to $512.8 million. The company's order book now stands at a record $498 million.

One of the new contracts, worth about $64.8 million, is for Ho Bee's Turquoise @ Sentosa Cove condominium and showflat. Work will start in February 2008 and be completed within 26 months.

The contract takes the total value of KSH's projects at Sentosa Cove to more than $292.8 million. Besides Turquoise @ Sentosa Cove, it is building Ho Bee's The Coast @ Sentosa Cove.
The other contract announced yesterday is for The Orange Grove in Stevens Road. The contract value is about $53.2 million.

The development will have 72 units with attics. Work is scheduled to start this month and be completed in 28 months.

KSH chairman and managing director Choo Chee Onn said that his company has had a strong working relationship with Ho Bee since November 2000.

'With our solid track record of high-profile construction projects, we are confident of benefiting from the construction boom and achieving even greater heights,' he said.

KSH was listed on the Singapore Exchange in February at 36 cents a share but its stock closed at 94 cents yesterday - a jump of about 160 per cent.

On Tuesday, the company proposed a one-into-two stock split to improve the liquidity of the shares and enhance their affordability.


本地建筑商金成兴控股(KSH)获得和美集团(Ho Bee)的两项总值超过1亿1800万元的高档豪宅建筑承包合同。这两个项目分别位于升涛湾(Sentosa Cove)和柑林路(Orange Grove)。



第二个项目是史蒂芬路(Stevens Road)和柑林路上的12层楼高私人共管公寓,合同价值约为5320万元。包括阁楼(attic)在内,这个项目共有72个单位,还有一个地下停车场。项目预计这个月会动工,估计28个月内竣工。


金成兴控股目前已在升涛湾负责承包的工程,就包括圣淘沙升涛湾的ONE°15滨海俱乐部、泊宁轩(The Berth by The Cove)和海韵湾(The Coast)。前两个项目已竣工。第一个工程由SUTL集团颁发,后面两个高档私宅发展项目的发展商也都是和美集团。



除了建筑承包外,金成兴最近也进军本地房地产发展市场,日前,金成兴就一口气以1亿2000万元(即容积率每平方英尺580元),买下仰光路(Rangoon Road)五座集体求售的相连接小型私人公寓。


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