Monday, December 31, 2007










地产和银行等蓝筹股周一收盘大多走高,因其2008年前景依然向好。嘉德置地(CapitaLand)收盘涨1%,至6.27新元;City Developments涨1.6%,至14.20新元。

Genting International

Genting Int traded within a small volume & range and closed at 0.685

The chart of Genting is looking steady, MACDs are turning around and about to cut upwards.

UOB Kay Hian Report - 31 Dec 2007

Market Pulse

US stocks fell and were poised for their first 4Q decline since 2000 after government reports on durable goods and unemployment fuelled speculation the housing-market collapse would shove the economy into a recession. Last Friday, the DJIA inched up 6.26, or 0.05%, to 13,365.87 while the Nasdaq slipped 2.33, or 0.09%, to 2,674.46.

From the media, some brief corporate news:
  • Koh Brothers Group and Brothers (Holdings) have terminated their deal over JV Construction Consortium, which will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koh Brothers. Brothers (Holdings) will sell its 46.58% stake in the JV to Koh Brothers for $18.97m.
  • China Flexible Packaging Holdings, a producer of biaxially-oriented polypropylene film, has seen its sales cross Rmb1b (S$198m) for the year ended 31 October. 4Q net profit grew 9.66% to about Rmb43m, while revenue rose 7.42% to some Rmb284.1m.

OCBC Report - 31 Dec 2007

STX Pan Ocean Ltd (STX SP)(028670 KS): STX Pan Ocean, a South Korean shipping firm whose stock is listed in Seoul and Singapore, said investors will be able to shift their shares between the two markets from 2008 after regulatory changes. STX was listed in Singapore in 2005 and obtained a second listing in South Korea in September this year. "We'll work on details of the share migration process and make them available to investors soon," an STX spokesman said on Friday. "The legal barriers in migrating shares have been lifted but investors will have to bear risks associated with foreign exchange moves and the time required to make such migration." STX's Singapore-listed shares, which were halted from trading prior to the announcement, soared 25.4% to a five-week high of S$3.65 when the shares resumed trade at 1645pm, before closing 21% higher at S$3.51. The stock is still trading at a 32% discount to the Korea-listed stock, which closed at 2,990 won or about S$4.62. (Reuters)
STATS ChipPAC Ltd (STAT SP): Temasek Holdings Pte, Singapore's state-owned investment fund, is ``still considering'' delisting Stats Chippac Ltd. from the city-state's exchange. ``There remains no certainty'' about plans to stop trading of Stats Chippac in Singapore, Southeast Asia's biggest provider of chip testing and assembly services, according to a statement filed by the semiconductor company to the stock exchange today. Temasek owns about 83% of Stats Chippac through unit Singapore Technologies Semiconductors Pte Ltd. (Bloomberg)
Koh Brothers Group Ltd (KOH SP): Koh Brothers Group and Brothers (Holdings) are terminating their deal over joint venture Construction Consortium. The companies said separately over the weekend that Construction Consortium would become a wholly owned subsidiary of Koh Brothers. Brothers (Holdings) agreed last Friday to sell its 46.58% stake in the venture to its partner for $18.97m. It said that the proposed disposal would strengthen its overall financial position - about $99m of securities (including performance bonds, corporate guarantees and indemnities) that it furnished in support of Construction Consortium's contractual and financial obligations with third parties will be assumed by Koh Brothers. (BT)
China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (386 HK): Asia's largest refiner, also known as Sinopec, said it will buy 3.66bn yuan ($501m) of assets and gas station operation rights from its parent to expand its refined oil retail network. The stock fell 46 cents, or 3.8%, to HK$11.70. (Bloomberg)
Resorts World Bhd (RNB MK): Malaysian casino operator Resorts World Bhd announced on Friday a non-renounceable offer for sale of its entire stake in Genting International to Resorts World shareholders. Resorts owns about 6.2% stake in Genting International, it said. (Reuters)
TMB Bank Plc (TMB TB): TMB Bank Pcl, a Thai bank partly owned by DBS Group Holdings Ltd., raised 37.2bn baht ($1.1bn) selling shares to ING Groep NV, the country's finance ministry and other investors. The state-controlled bank sold all of its 25bn new shares offered this month, TMB said in a filing to the Stock Exchange of Thailand today. Buyers included units of UBS AG and JPMorgan Chase & Co, the Thai bank said. TMB raised funds to boost its capital after rising bad loans caused an 18.4bn baht second-quarter loss, the most for any quarter since 2000. DBS, Southeast Asia's largest bank, didn't subscribe to the offering after ING last month won a bid to buy 30% of the unprofitable Thai bank. (Bloomberg)
Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. (042660 KS): Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, the world's third-largest shipyard, said it received an order to build a drill ship for 606.1bn won ($646m). The vessel, which will be able to drill for oil in deep waters, will be delivered to a company in Oceania by July 2011, Seoul-based Daewoo Shipbuilding said in a regulatory filing today. (Bloomberg)
STX Shipbuilding Co (067250 KS): STX Shipbuilding Co., the first South Korean company to set up a yard in China, received an order from the Middle East to build four bulk carriers valued at 187.8bn won ($200m). The vessels will be delivered by June 2011, the Jinhae, South Korea-based company said in a regulatory filing today. STX Shipbuilding climbed 3% to close the year at 50,000 won in Seoul. The stock has more than tripled this year, the fourth-biggest gainer among the 200 largest companies traded on South Korea's Kospi index. (Bloomberg)
Japan Airlines Corp (9205 JP): Japan Airlines Corp., Asia's largest carrier by sales, fell the most in seven weeks in Tokyo trading following a report it may sell preferred shares as part of an effort to raise as much as 150bn yen ($1.32bn). Japan Airlines dropped 15 yen, or 5.6%, to close at 255 yen at 11 a.m. on the Tokyo Stock Exchange after the report by Nikkei English News. The carrier is seeking agreements with Mitsubishi Corp., Mitsui & Co. and its four main lenders by the end of March, and may also speed up asset sales, the news service said without citing anyone. (Bloomberg)
Crude Oil (CL1 Comdty): Crude oil fell from a one-month high in New York amid forecasts that temperatures will be above normal in January, reducing demand for heating oil. Crude oil for February delivery fell 62 cents, or 0.6%, to close at $96 a barrel at 3:11 p.m. on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Futures touched $97.92, the highest since Nov. 26. Prices gained 2.9% this week and have risen 59% from a year ago. Oil is heading for its biggest annual gain in eight years. (Bloomberg)
Gold Futures: Gold rose, heading for the biggest annual gain since 1979, as a decline in the dollar boosted the appeal of the precious metal as an alternative investment. Gold futures for February delivery rose $10.90, or 1.3%, to $842.70 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. The metal gained 3.3% this week. (Bloomberg)
US Markets: U.S. stocks fell and were poised for their first fourth-quarter decline since 2000 after government reports on durable goods and unemployment reinforced speculation the housing-market collapse will push the economy into recession. Lower-than-forecast orders for durable goods in November and an unexpected rise in jobless claims last week added to evidence that the housing slump is spreading to the broader economy. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index has declined 3.2% since the end of September, paring its 2007 advance to 4.2%. The S&P 500 dropped 0.4 percent to 1,478.49 this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 0.6% to 13,365.87. The Nasdaq Composite Index lost 0.7% to 2,674.46. (Bloomberg)
Other News: Insider Market: Busy insider market sees heavy buying, which was almost twice sell deals, with Directors chalking up $2.2bn transactions in 2007. China Flexible Packaging Holdings: Has crossed 1bn yuan (S$198m) in sales for the year ended Oct 31.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sentosa Construction Update



Tat Hong Holdings Ltd (hereafter referred to as the “Company”) refers to the announcement no.00004 made on 27 October 2007.The Company wishes to inform that Yongmao Holdings Pte Ltd (formerly known as SunfieldInvestments Pte Ltd) has on 28 December 2007 been informed by Singapore Exchange Limitedthat Yongmao Holdings Pte Ltd is conditionally eligble for a SGX Mainboard listing.
By Order of the BoardOng Tiew SiamExecutive Director/Company SecretaryDated: 29 December 2007



达丰控股(Tat Hong Holdings)的子公司Sunfield Investments,已经委任联昌国际证券公司(CIMB-GK)为发行经理,该子公司已提出上市申请,将公开售股在我国第一级股市挂牌。

达丰控股上周发布消息时透露,Sunfield在10月11日已向新交所提出上市申请,进一步的详情将在适当时候发布。Sunfield在中国有一家联号公司——抚顺永茂建筑机械有限公司(Fushun Yongmao Construction Machinery Co., Ltd),主要从事设计、制造和销售塔式起重机和塔式起重机的组件以及配件。


Saturday, December 29, 2007


  • 陆续出现了一些关于2012年的预言,难道这仅仅是一种巧合吗?以下搜集到的关于2012年的预言资料,供大家作为茶余饭后聊天的谈资。













2012年12月31日是玛雅人长历法(Long Count Calendar)中本次人类文明结束的日子。此后,人类将进入与本次文明毫无关系的一个全新的文明。  



玛雅古文明密码  斐声国际的作家、工程师兼业余科学家“摩利斯.科特罗(Maurice Cotterell)”精于玛雅古文明研究,他从许多古庙与碑石中发现了一组一再重覆出现的密码:1,366,560。若将这个密码的单位视为“天”,则 换算为年的话,为3,740年。玛雅族诞生于公元前3113年,到750年突然消失,其中间生存的年代接近3740这个年数。根据玛雅文献的记载,地球每 隔3,740年就会被毁灭一次,而地球生命在过去已曾被毁灭四次;换言之,现代人类应已是地球第五代子孙了。


由于地球的磁场受到太阳磁场很大的牵制,当太阳磁极逆转时,“摩利斯”推论地球磁极也跟着对调,令地球磁南北两球互换。生物无法适应突然发生的 重大气候变化,而集体死亡。长毛象咸信是热带地区的生物,但由于磁极的对调,使它们生存的地方变成天寒地冻的不毛之地,于是发生长毛像在西伯利亚、阿拉斯 加集体死亡的事情。而考古学上的证据显示这二个地方原本属于热带气候的。     




2012 年曾被多次引用,其中北美的玛雅人历法讲我们人类正在经历着一个历时五千多年的星系更新,时间是从公元前3113年起到公元2012年止。其中每二十年又是一个小周期,从1992年到2012年这二十年是本次太阳纪的最后一个周期,又被叫做“地球更新期”,其间一切都将面临净化和更新,然后人类就将进入新纪元。不谋而合的是,中国唐代的《推背图》第五十二象里的“乾坤再造在角亢”(“角亢”是借传统上的东方青龙七宿寓指龙年),2012年也恰恰是龙年。    









另据印度日报(India daily)3月1日报导,海德拉巴德(Hyderabad)的一家公司的研究人员预言2012年地球和太阳的磁极将发生逆转。地球磁极逆转是指地球磁场的北极和南极发生对调,在这个过程中地球将经历在某个时间点上没有磁场的状态。  


  • 所有动物,包括人类的免疫系统将明显削弱。
  • 地壳变动会有更频繁的火山、更剧烈的地质构造运动、地震和山体滑坡。
  • 磁场减弱造成宇宙射线成倍增加,导致的放射污染会造成更多的癌症。
  • 小行星可能会更容易接近地球。
  • 地球重力场发生变化。     

5.藏僧遥视2012年 外力拯救,地球不灭    

据《印度日报》(India Daily)12月26日报道,遥视功能在西藏寺院里不是甚么新鲜事,几千年来,它一直是主导西藏文化的精神活动之一,而最近一些从几个西藏寺院归来的印度游客了解到的信息,着实极其使人震惊又引人入胜。  


西藏僧人说,从现在到2012年间,世界超级大国将继续参与地方战争,恐怖主义和隐蔽的战争将是主要问题。2010年左右,世界政治将发生某种变化,世界大国将威胁互相毁坏。2010年到2012年间, 全世界将变得极端化,并为末日做准备,繁多的政治回旋与交涉将不会有一点进展。2012年, 世界将开始进入一次全面破坏性的核战争,那时一件卓越的事件将会发生。超自然的神力量将干预,世界将不会自我毁灭于此时。    




在印度和中国,UFO出没事件增加了几倍,许多人认为外星人与中国和印度政府都有过接触,近来UFO频繁活动在那些致力发展核武器的国家。当问到那些地球外的力量是否会在2012年显示时,僧人们说: 他们将会必不使我们惊吓的形式显露自己,他们只会在必需的情况下才会显露自己。随我们的科学技术进步,我们注定会看到并与他们接触的。  







将地球推入第四度空间的能量,是来自于地球人类的精神进化,这种说法是违反达埃文的演化论的,因为不是环境造成人去演化,而是人的精神进化决定了一切外在环境的演化。所谓「适者生存」的假说,并不适合人类的精神进化,同时它也不适合星系的进化,它只适合达埃文本身的演化。     至于地球是否真的能安全地进入第四度空间?这任谁也无法预测的,因为决定权在全体人类的身上,是我们选择是否要进入第四度空间的?所以我们应该问谁呢?     

如果人类的精神能量在二0一二年尚未提高地话,地球将无法进入第四度空间,而冲出它应循的轨道,引起爆炸,而人类将全部消失在宇宙中。这就是有些人所说的「世界末日」的来临。但是因为克里昂改变这网格,所以不会死很多,会没太阳没光,变的快速冷冻,几天后会正常,天气环境会变的更好     为了人类能转形到第四度空间,整个银河系已开始清除过去业的型态,在二O一二年将全部清除完毕,「业」的学习课程到时将全面停止。     






在玛雅历法中,有一个叫“卓金历”的历法,这种历法以一年为260天计算,但奇怪的是,在太阳系内却没有一个适用这种历法的星球。依照这种历法,这颗行星的大致位置应在金星和地球之间。   有玛雅学者认为,这个叫“卓金历”的历法记载了“银河季候”的运行规律,根据玛雅预言上表示,现在我们所生存的地球,已经是在所谓的第5太阳纪,这是最后一个“太阳纪”。到目前为止,地球已经过了四个太阳纪,而在每一纪结束时,都会上演一出惊心动魄的毁灭剧情。   

第一个太阳纪是马特拉克堤利MATLACTIL ART,最後唯一场洪水所灭,有一说法是诺亚的洪水。
第四个太阳纪是宗德里里克 Tzontlilic,也是火雨的肆虐下引发大地覆灭亡。   














电脑模拟显示:2012年地球与太阳的磁极同时颠倒,可能引发系列混乱———磁力危机威胁地球。   据印度报业托拉斯3月1日消息,一项电脑模拟预测显示,地球与太阳的磁极将于2012年发生颠倒,所引发的地球磁力混乱可能对人类造成一定程度的影响。     



















血族神话的中心,《挪得之书》(<<THE BOOK OF NOD>>)中的火焚末日(the Winnowing),同样预言了世界末日和”终夜苏醒”(Final Nights),解开诅咒,得到救赎.Seties族坚信末世之时把世界拖入黑暗中以使Set苏醒.SET在埃及神话中是暴风破坏之神,他杀死了自己的亲兄弟何露斯(HORUES),这与公认的第一个吸血鬼该隐(GAIN)弑弟情节一致.终夜苏醒肉体巨变的上古耆宿血族(Antediluvian)的预言给末日留下了极其重要的线索2015年!“最终审判”(Reckoning)的夜晚近在眉睫.    


在《伊斯拉第二书》中,记载记载著有关人类未来的预言:“当地球的人口逐渐增加到一程度时,会再度出现危机,人们开始变的不虔敬。当他们因私欲步入罪恶的渊薮中,急需从他们之中挑选出一人,他的名字是亚伯拉罕,在他夜深独处时告知世界终了之时。神倾覆天、震撼地、摇动世界、震动水深处、搅乱时局。神的荣光是四扇门,亦即穿过火(火)、地震(土)、风(气)和冰门(水)。”其中还记载:“将已逝的世界加封时,可看见这些徵候。空中展开卷轴,所有的人都望著它。” 神的荣光四扇门,四大元素隐寓的四大浩劫,也许是“大审判”的步骤!太阳或地球南北磁极周期性对调,生态气候骤变,生灵灭绝.生命之海中的文明从零污染重新开始.    

Proposed non-renounceable offer for sale by Resorts World Limited of its entire equity interest in Genting International PLC to the shareholders of Resorts World Bhd.

* Resorts World Bhd - Company Announcement (pdf)

Resorts to sell entire GIL stake

It is making an offer of one GIL stock for 10 Resorts shares

PETALING JAYA: Resorts World Bhd has proposed to sell its entire 6.16% stake in Singapore-listed Genting International plc (GIL) to its own shareholders.

The company told Bursa Malaysia yesterday that the price and entitlement period for the non-renounceable offer of one GIL share for every 10 Resorts World shares would be announced at a later date.

Resorts World said it “intends to fix the offer price at the ringgit equivalent of Resorts World's average cost of investment” in GIL.

At Dec 14, Resorts World owned 593.72 million shares in GIL valued at about US$158.8mil.
Assuming it sells the shares at 89 sen each, or 38.8 Singapore cents, the exercise would net total proceeds of RM527mil for Resorts World.

Based on GIL's closing price of 69.1 Singapore cents on Dec 14, the offer would translate to a discount of nearly 44% against the stock's market price.

The share sale exercise is targeted for completion by the end of the first quarter 2008.

Resorts World said proceeds from the divestment would be used for working capital and investment, including mergers and acquisitions. The exercise will give Resorts World investors direct exposure to GIL.

In 2006, the GIL group acquired Britain's largest casino operator Stanley Leisure plc and de-listed the company from the London Stock Exchange (LSE) in November the same year.

GIL also assumed 100% equity and full control of the integrated resort on Sentosa Island, a project awarded by the Singapore government late last year.

As of Dec 13, the company also had a 10% stake in LSE-listed Rank Group plc, Britain's second largest bingo operator and second largest casino operator, which also has online gaming businesses.


Friday, December 28, 2007

Genting and WorldCard in Vietnam

CRM Sync From Axle, Gartner Rates StayinFront 'Positive,' Shoptech Releases Webview 7.1, USOnyx and LiveChat, Genting and WorldCard in Vietnam
December 28, 2007

The news as of the first coffee this morning, and the music is First Coffee's Fourth Favorite Album from 2007, not necessarily an album released in 2007, but what First Coffee reckons was his fourth most-played album of the year… envelope please…

Lou Reed's Live In Italy (1984). I admit, I was skeptical at first that any Lou Reed live album could top Rock 'n' Roll Animal, Reed's classic live album from the Druggy 70s. Live In Italy doesn't have guitarists Dick Wagner and Steve Hunter's blazing pyrotechnics, but it does have punk/jazz veteran Robert Quine, probably the most interesting guitarist Reed's worked with. Throw in bassist Fernando Saunders and drummer Fred Maher and it's Reed's best backing band ever. They tear through an eclectic song list -- is that really "Betrayed?" "Kill Your Sons?" -- ending with Reed's definitive "Rock 'n' Roll." Is it better than Animal? Nothing tops Animal's version of "Heroin," but for the rest, well, I think so.

And First Coffee's Fourth Favorite Book Read in 2007 is "12 Byzantine Rulers: The History of the Byzantine Empire" by Lars Brownworth (2007). Which isn't technically a book, it's a series of free iTunes podcasts by a Stony Brook School teacher which was so popular that Brownworth was given a contract to turn the series into a book. Living here in Istanbul you'd think First Coffee would be up on his Byzantine history, but there was so much packed into Brownworth's absorbing presentations that I had to listen to each one two or three times. A nod here to John Julius Norwich's 1998 three-volume history Byzantium, a work as enjoyably readable as Brownworth's lectures are enjoyably listenable, and one to which Brownworth, as any Byzantine buff, is heavily indebted.…

German Business Intelligence software company Axle Studio GmbH has entered the North American market with a $1,095 per seat product called Axle Studio 2007 offering what the Axlians call "real-time synchronization across multiple vendors' databases and ERP, CRM and SFA systems.

"Axle Studio also configures for end-user reports, dashboards and ad hoc multi-dimensional cube analysis. "

Axle Studio 2007 is a multifunctional BI platform," suitable for end user applications using multiple databases for trending, performance monitoring, and business reporting requirements, according to Bruce Ringrose, President of Axle Studio Canada. "Unlike many BI platforms," he adds, "no server software or dedicated hardware is required, so Axle Studio really opens up BI to a much larger SMB market."

Controller and CMA Stephen Clark of Rochester, New York-based metal components fabricator Firth Rixson said the company's ERP vendor offered proprietary report-writing software, but "it was expensive and very hard to master. I didn't have the time or money to implement something like Cognos or Business Objects," since they "demanded a huge data warehouse project." With Axle, "I spend 10 to 15 percent of my time working with data as opposed to 60 to 70 percent," says Clark.

StayinFront, a CRM vendor, has been rated "Positive" in Gartner's recent report "MarketScope for Sales Force Automation in the Consumer Goods Industry, 2H07."

The criterion for inclusion is at least $5 million in consumer goods sales force automation revenue specific to five key sales processes. The sales processes are category management, customer planning and TPM, volume planning, retail execution and monitoring and settlement.

StayinFront Consumer Goods Version 10 was noted for sales force automation, marketing automation and customer service applications. StayinFront officials say the product can be configured for use with existing business structures.

Thomas R. Buckley, StayinFront's CEO, said the vendor has enjoyed a strong presence in the pharmaceutical industry, but "have strategically intensified our presence in the consumer goods market."

StayinFront CRM can be delivered as a hosted application or installed on a corporate network. It supports a wide variety of mobile devices, such as tablet PCs, laptops and Pocket PCs. Headquartered in Fairfield, New Jersey, StayinFront has offices in Illinois, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Ireland, India, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand.

Shoptech Software has announced the release of Webview 7.1, a product the Shoptechies describe as "a CRM complement to the E2 Shop System." The product lets customers and vendors of E2 users access information via the Internet.

Manufacturing software like E2 is used as an alternative to ERP software. It's sometimes called "shop management software" or "job shop software."

Phil Hutchinson, President and CEO of Shoptech Software, said "we like to think of our software as the most powerful tool in our customer's shop."

"The name Webview is a little bit of a misnomer," added Paul Ventura, Senior VP of Marketing for Shoptech. "Users can actually send information back and forth through the customer and vendor portals, and documents can be attached on both the customer and vendor side. Customers are able to submit RFP's and place orders on-line."

Established in 1984, headquartered in Glastonbury, Connecticut, Shoptech sells ERP business products for small to mid-market custom and make to order manufacturers.

From the industry journal VietNamNet Bridge comes the news that Genting International, an Asian entertainment group, has announced the selection of a local firm as the reseller and licensee of their customer loyalty program WorldCard in Vietnam.

"WorldCard is specialized in the business of operating and managing customer loyalty programs. WorldCard is also engaged in the business activities of providing technical platform and technical resolutions in relation to Customer Relationship Management (CRM)," said Genting International PLC executive manager Justin Tan.

Through its member company Worldcard Overseas Holdings Limited, the contract between Genting and Tai Ngan was signed in Ho Chi Minh City.

According to Genting officials, WOHL introduced the technical product which would be applied for the use of WorldCard services. Tai Ngan kicked off a business partnership with Gloria Jeans and Medicare, adopters of the WorldCard products in Vietnam.

Tan said the customers of the participating merchants who are holders of the Loyalty Cards would be granted rewards in the form of points to be accumulated and kept in the Loyalty Accounts whenever the customers frequent the participating outlets. The points accumulated could be redeemed with goods or services among the participating merchants' outlets at real-time, online and on site.

USOnyx, a Singaporean vendor of Web hosting services, has introduced a new range of Web-based communication products, offered in cooperation with LiveChat Software.

LiveChat Contact Center uses Web technology such as Macromedia Flash to provide a customer contact tool. The Contact Center suite has conferencing capabilities, file sharing, live demonstrations and remote desktop functions, and can spit out reports based on the number of chat sessions, invitations and time spent with each specific operator. Customers can choose to leave operators a message Web forms.The LiveChat Communicator is billed by the company as offering "a greater level of protection against online threats with its 128 bit SSL protocol. In addition," company officials say, the Communicator suite lets users reach people who use other instant messengers, such as MSN or ICQ, while "its customizable contact list minimizes distractions caused by unnecessary conversations."


Malaysia's Resorts plans Genting Int'l stake sale

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 28 (Reuters) - Malaysian casino operator Resorts World Bhd (RWBW.KL: Quote, Profile, Research) announced on Friday a plan to sell its entire stake in Singapore-listed Genting International (GNTG.SI: Quote, Profile, Research) to Resorts World shareholders.

Resorts, which owns about a 6.2 percent stake in Genting International, could raise about 527 million ringgit ($158.9 million) from the sale assuming a full take-up of the offer, it said.

"The proposed offer for sale will enable the Resorts World Group to divest its stake in Genting International in a manner that provides the entitled shareholders with an opportunity to have a direct participation in the prospects and future performance of Genting International at a potential discount to the market price," Resorts said in a statement.

"The divestment is intended to allow the Resorts World group to streamline its investments as part of a continuous review of (its) strategic positioning and interests worldwide."

The proceeds will be used for investments and acquisitions, Resorts added.

Genting International owns gaming firm Stanley Leisure plc and almost a 10th of Rank Group plc (RNK.L: Quote, Profile, Research), the United Kingdom's biggest and second-biggest casino firms.

Genting International has also said it expects to spend as much as S$6 billion ($4.14 billion) to build a casino resort on Singapore's Sentosa Island.

Resorts is 48 percent-owned by Malaysian gaming giant Genting Bhd (GENT.KL: Quote, Profile, Research) as at December, Reuters data shows.

The planned sale involves a non-renounceable offer for sale of the stake to Resorts shareholders at a price to be later determined, on a pro-rated basis of 1 offer share for every 10 Resorts shares owned, the firm said. ($1=3.317 Malaysian Ringgit)


Singapore Hot Stock

SINGAPORE, Dec 28 (Reuters) - Shares of South Korean shipping firm soared 25.4 percent to a 5-week high of S$3.65 with 25 million traded after the firm said that recent ammendants to South Korean regulations would make possible the migration of shares of the company listed in Singapore and Seoul.

0851 GMT - Straits Times Index down 0.86 percent.

Resource shrs up on high palm oil prices

Shares of plantation plays Wilmar International and Golden Agri-Resources surged to fresh highs as global palm oil prices continued to rise, dealers said.

"Because of the record high palm oil prices. The market probably thinks there's more upside to these stocks," said a local dealer.

Wilmar, the world's largest-listed palm oil firm by market value, rose as much as 1.2 percent to a record high of S$5.26 with 1.6 million traded. Golden Agri-Resources rose as much as 1.4 percent to a six-week high of S$2.15 with 4.4 million traded.

Recently listed Indonesian palm oil producer First Resources rose to a 2-week high of S$1.22 and was the most actively traded counter on the Singapore bourse with 30 million traded.

0241 GMT - Straits Times Index down 0.69 percent.


手/球 (Lot Size / Million Share)





高水/低水 (Premium / Discount)



拋空(沽空) (Short Sale)




套戥 (Arbitrage)

經濟學上有一個理論,名為“同一價格理論”(Law of one price) 。一件商品在不同地方的售價,扣除了交易費用之後,應該是相同,否則套戥活動便會出現。



即日鮮 (Day Trading)




香港的T+2交易系統已沿用多年,原意是給予買賣雙方的股票經紀行有充足時間去核實交易,以及作出金錢上的調撥。正因為在作出股票交易之後兩天才交收,有些經紀行會給予其客戶一些安排,就是在買入股票後而未到交收日T+2之前,如果客戶把其購入的股票沽出,基本上是不用付錢(假如購入價是低於賣出價);如果購入價是高於賣出價的話,也只需付出相差額給予經紀行。如果股票一買一賣在同日進行的話,就稱為“即日鮮” 。因為真正的金錢流量,只限股票買入價和賣出價的相差,所以同一筆金錢便可操控更大的資產,這等於變相槓桿投資。股票買賣原屬長線,“即日鮮”這種買賣方法有違股票投資的原意,因此屬投機,與賭博並無分別。



換馬 (Switching)












期貨與股票最大分別,是期貨有桿槓作用,以少許資金便能操控相同數量的股票。但是期貨是一個零和遊戲(zero-sum game),有人做期指好倉,亦會有人做期指淡倉,有買賣兩方,期指合約才能成交。期貨是有期限的,在期限到期當日,即結算日,期貨持倉者必須平倉。如果投資者覺得自己所持的倉是正確的,例如他在八月做期指淡倉,繼而覺得九月份恆生指數在九月也是向淡居多;這樣,他可以把八月份的期指合約平掉,然後再做九月期指淡倉,以賺盡預期九月恆指跌幅,這種把期指續期的做法,就叫做轉倉。

長倉 (Long Position)



以期指市場為例,投資者只可買入或沽出期指。換句說話,採用長倉策略,等於買入期指,單頭持貨即看好後市。反之,短倉(short position)則等於沽出期指,單頭沽貨即看淡後市。



(1) 射倉是什麼?
射倉,即將部分或全數股票轉往其他證券行已開設的戶口。射倉所需時間, 是因不同證券行而異, 若非市況混亂, 或遇到個別證券行出現財政困難, 一般可以在即日內完成. 舉特別例子說明, 正達證券當年財政不穩, 其孖展客戶的股票資金隨時附諸流水, 不少證券行客戶因而倉忙射倉, 在恐慌性射倉的情況下, 射倉時間由3天至7天不等. 至於射倉手續費如何, 則因不同證券行而有異,沒有劃一準則。
一是受市場氣氛影響所致. 當某證券行出現財政問題及經營困難,甚至其經紀監守自盜向銀行抵押貸款. 在人心惶惶的情況下, 小投資者為免畢生積蓄化為烏有, 多傾向將所持股票射往其證券行或銀行已開設的股票戶口之內. 。對於孖展客戶來說,若遇上述情況時,射倉更是刻不容緩,因孖展戶口的保障有限,監管亦不足,加上股票普遍以證券行名義存於財務公司(因方便向銀行貸入資金予孖展客戶),投資者變成並非股票的持有人,為此孖展客戶須特別小心。
二是投資者沿用的經紀另謀高就,轉往其他證券行工作. 為免客戶流失, 該經紀會徵詢有關客戶的意見, 如同意將股票跟經紀而唔跟證券行, 經紀將會代客戶將股票“射”往即將任職的證券行. 若然該名客戶交易較為密切或交易金額較大, 個別經紀更會出錢代辦射倉手續, 為的是保持客戶人數及每日成交金額。

面對上述轉變, 客戶應首要考慮該經紀的操守和效率,若非稱職者則無需考慮轉倉, 寧願另覓經紀, 以保障自己的財產及提升一己勝算. 若經紀屬稱職者, 則需要考慮新證券行的規模、聲譽、經營住績、交收手續等。






斬倉 (Stop Loss)





挾倉 (Cornering the Market)

(1) 挾倉是什麼?
  投身股海, 非勝則敗, 有贏家自然有輸家. 以期指及期權市場為例, 所有交易是零和遊戲, 即是有贏家的利潤是來自輸家身上, 若反則逆然. 若想成為勝利的一方, 財力較大者自會運用本身優勢, 以驟然增加的龐大買盤或沽盤去挾高或挾低指數或股價, 務求贏取對手的金錢.
(2) 挾倉大場面點樣見到…
  挾倉的出現,多數是一面倒的。以股票市場為例, 若有不少人拋售股票企圖造淡, 但拋售金額總數未及好友的為多. 一旦好友進行反擊, 大手買入不少股票, 造淡者為免全軍覆沒, 將被迫反手回補空倉, 泛稱為挾淡倉.在好友買盤及回補空倉盤的帶動下, 該股價格將會被挾高.
  情況之二, 是莊家未將股票完全派發,在適當情況下,有關莊家將掉頭挾高股價, 去吸引投資者飛身跟買, 或逼令拋空股票者以高價回購已沽出的股數. 屆時, 有關莊家將逐步所持倉滲出, 直至沽出所有股票為止. 相反, 若莊家欲收集個別股票, 多數會先行大手沽售該股, 增加該股沽壓, 這種挾好倉的手段有利莊家以偏低股價收集股票. 這種由莊家發動,用大量買盤或沽盤扭轉股價跌勢或升勢的手段,亦泛稱為挾倉。
  以恆指期貨為例,若市勢偏淡,沽家多過買家,指數自然會下挫,但當期指極度超賣時, 將吸引期指好友趁低買進. 一旦外圍市況轉趨明朗, 期指好友的買盤將會大增, 進而借勢挾淡倉, 在市勢突然轉好的情況下, 淡友唯有斬倉盤或平倉盤, 令指數大幅上升, 這現象亦泛稱為挾倉. 之前講過, 期指市場是零和遊戲, 有贏家自然有輸家, 某些大戶以心無好淡, 只以金額較小的一方視作對賭對象, 即是無論財力較小的一方造好或造淡, 財力較厚的大戶賭對邊, 由於大戶財力較厚, 將較容易挾小戶的好倉或淡倉.


(1) 莊家震倉如家常便飯!
  震倉是莊家常用的買賣手段之一。莊家要將一隻二、三線股份,由低位炒上高位並非難事, 但當股價急升時, 會吸引散戶趁機會買進, 為免散戶搭其順風車, 莊家將會進行震倉活動, 直至該股確認市場傳聞, 或莊家派貨為此. 另一震倉原因, 是基於莊家企圖炒波幅去賺盡升勢.
(2) 震倉手法知多D
  震倉手法, 普遍是莊家即使極看好某股表現, 在炒賣及操控該股時,亦要盡量使股價按照市場規律,在升市時或好消息之時上升,在跌市時或壞消息時下跌,這樣小投資者才不會知悉而跟風買賣。若市場盛傳該股有利好消息公布時, 莊家更會趁散戶追買該股期間, 滲出大量空倉以壓抑該股升勢, 結果該股走勢普遍是高開低收(甚至倒跌收市), 莊家樂於執平貨的同時, 亦可炒波幅賺錢.

收集期間, 莊家通常會盡量收乾貨源, 去方便控制股價.通常莊家在收集股份之時,股價只會窄幅波動。當莊家收緊貨源後,一旦莊家刻意震倉, 該股將會在極短時間內大幅下跌,在恐慌性的拋售下, 屆時散戶將震走. 同樣, 一旦莊家未收夠貨源的,有些散戶卻聞風而至,為引開散戶的注意力, 莊家亦寧願大手沽出股票,把散戶手上的股票“震”出來,再在低位吸納股票。

老鼠倉 (Rat Trading)





莊家 (Market Maker)

莊家的英文是“Market Maker”,即市場製造者,本身並無貶意。然而,在股票市場裡,莊家往往給人的印象是操控市場或製造虛假市場以欺騙小投資者金錢的“壞人”。




  坐盤,即是主要莊家、幫莊等聯手或獨自控制股價升跌的活動。莊家之所以收集及派發股票,是希望藉著在低買高沽之間賺取利潤. 為成功控制該股升跌, 及減少出錯或暴露行動的機會, 除了坐盤以控制股價升勢外, 莊家們更會各自分配角色. 例如, 由主要莊家會糾集幫莊聯手造市, 幫莊則聽從主莊指示買賣。主莊普遍持倉較重,投入資金較為龐大,所以他們買賣股票的舉動亦會左右該股走勢. 不過, 若市況逆轉,主莊需面對較大的風險。
(2) 順風車唔易搭…
  追蹤莊家牌路, 是不少股民的興趣, 為的是希望跟買其心水股票, 搭其”順風車”是也。可惜, 莊家坐盤就是為了刻意造市, 務求將持倉趁高派予散戶,因此散戶實不易從中取利,一不小心,反而會招致損手。

Rank Group Receives Mecca Bingo Bid

Rank Group Plc is once again at the centre of takeover speculation following reports of a bid from private equity group Duke Street Capital for the purchase of Rank’s Mecca Bingo.

According to the UK’s Sunday Times, Rank’s Chief Executive, Ian Burke, received a written proposal from Duke Street regarding the acquisition of the company’s bingo operation, however it is understood that Rank’s board of directors have rejected the proposal and that no talks are ongoing.

This latest bid follows an unsuccessful offer last month by America’s Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. to sell a significant portion of London Clubs International to Rank, in return for a 28% stake in the resulting enlarged Rank Group.

Malaysia’s Genting Group has also demonstrated an appetite for the casino and bingo operator, having recently accumulated a 10% shareholding in Rank which sparked speculation of a bidding war for the company, whose share value has plunged since an earnings warning in October.
Genting aggresively increased its share of the UK gambling market last year with £650 million worth of acquisitions, buying London’s Maxims Casino as well as casino operator, Stanley Leisure.

Many analysts have picked Rank Group plc as a stock to watch in 2008 as a result of the takeover interest, and the company’s current share price of 90 pence from a high earlier this year of 230 pence. The slump in share value has been as a result of reduced earnings following the introduction of the smoking ban in the UK this year, as well as removal of highly profitable gaming machines in accordance with the new Gambling Act which came into force in September.







DBS唯高达(DBS Vickers)在一份报告中称,新加坡股市明年第一季度将继续保持整理格局,投资者最好远离那些因美国经济前景不确定、油价高涨以及通货膨胀压力而面临收益方面风险的公司。


Singapore Hot Stocks

SINGAPORE, Dec 28 (Reuters) - Property and retail group Wing Tai Holdings and construction company United Engineers may be in focus after they submitted a joint top bid of S$288.4 million ($199 million) for a residential land site in Singapore.

U.S. stocks dropped on Thursday, as the assassination in Pakistan of Benazir Bhutto sparked fears of global unrest, while an analyst warning of larger mortgage-related write-offs pressured financial shares.

Stocks and factors to watch:
  • Property and retail group Wing Tai Holdings and construction company United Engineers have submitted a joint top bid of S$288.4 million for a residential land site in Singapore, the Urban Redevelopment Authority said.
  • Construction firm Tee International said it has been awarded a S$33 million ($23 million) contract to relocate and refurbish a government agency's office.
  • Toll road operator China Merchants Holdings (Pacific) said it has signed a preliminary agreement with a Chinese highway bureau to invest around 1.81 billion yuan ($247 million) in two highway projects in China that would be funded by cash and debt.
  • MacarthurCook Industrial, a real estate investment trust, said it intends to raise up to S$200 million by issuing new units, in order to finance the purchase of some properties.
  • Singapore's Straits Times Index rose 0.12 percent to 3,477.20 points on Thursday.
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.42 percent to end at 13,359.61. The Nasdaq Composite Index lost 1.75 percent to 2,676.79.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Singapore Hot Stocks

SINGAPORE, Dec 27 (Reuters) - Yeo Hiap Seng may be in focus on Thursday after the food and beverage firm issued a profit warning.

U.S. stocks were little changed on Wednesday after retailer Target Inc cut its sales forecast and depressed retail shares, offsetting gains in major energy companies as oil hit a one-month high.

Stocks and factors to watch:
  • Food and beverage firm Yeo Hiap Seng said it expects to make a loss for 2007 due to tax provisions on three property projects the firm is involved in.
  • United Engineers, Singapore's biggest builder by market value, said it has sold its 67-percent stake in an energy firm to a Chinese power company for $85.6 million.
  • Singapore Press Holdings, Southeast Asia's biggest newspaper publisher, said it will buy a Hong Kong media company selling luxury magazines for around $16 million, to be funded by cash.
  • South Korean shipping firm STX Pan Ocean said it has established a joint venture company in Dubai, United Arab Emirates to engage in the dry bulk and tanker business in the Middle East, India and Pakistan region.
  • CitySpring Infrastructure Trust said it has received in-principle approval from the Singapore Exchange to list new units as part of its fund raising activities to finance its purchase of Basslink, which owns the world's longest underwater power cable.
  • Xpress Holdings, a dotcom firm turned printer, plans to expand in Vietnam to tap demand from the country's growing financial sector, company officials told Reuters.
  • Singapore Airlines, the world's second-largest carrier by market value announced a new three-year contract for its chief executive officer Chew Choon Seng.
  • Singapore's Straits Times Index gained 1.13 percent to 3,473.21 points on Wednesday.
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average inched up 0.02 percent to end at 13,551.69. The Nasdaq Composite Index gained 0.40 percent to 2,724.41.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007







Norwegian Cruise Line announces significant enhancements to its onboard product as part of its Freestyle 2.0 initiative
Monday, December 24, 2007

As the transaction between Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) and Apollo Management, LP (“Apollo”) nears completion and the infusion of $1 billion comes into the company, NCL announced its Freestyle 2.0 fleet wide initiative featuring significant enhancements in its onboard product that will further improve the guest experience. The enhancements include a major investment in the total dining experience; upgrading the stateroom experience across the ship; new wide ranging onboard activities for guests all of ages; additional recognition, service and amenities for balcony, suite and villa guests; and a re-launch of a tiered Latitudes past guest recognition program.

The initiative has been driven by quantitative and qualitative feedback from both guests and travel partners and has been enabled by Apollo’s billion dollar investment in NCL and Star Cruises continued commitment and vision.

“Our innovative Freestyle Cruising and exciting, dynamic fleet of new ships have combined to make NCL a truly unique and exciting cruise vacation,” said Colin Veitch, NCL’s president and CEO. “We have achieved the milestone of offering the youngest fleet in the cruise industry, and will now focus our attention on delivering the next generation of freestyle cruising - Freestyle 2.0 – a significant enhancement to the guest experience fleet wide.”

NCL will immediately begin to roll out Freestyle 2.0 fleet wide. Highlights of the different onboard initiatives include:

  • Freestyle Dining:
  • An increased investment in food of $50 million before we deliver our first F3, equating to a 20 percent increased investment in food per passenger per day plus major fleet-wide capital investments;
  • Lobster Galore - Lobster in the main restaurant on multiple days and in one restaurant every night of the cruise;
  • A signature specialty dish in every restaurant (i.e. 48oz Porterhouse in the steak house, chocolate fondue tower in the action station restaurant)
  • An enhanced nighttime dining/ambience in the action station restaurant with table cloths, muted lighting and enhanced service;
  • One or two alternative restaurants open for lunch on sea days;
  • A new and expanded room service menu;
  • A "bubbly welcome" - a welcome aboard glass of bubbly for everyone;
  • A Taste of Freestyle on embarkation day - samplings from all of the specialty restaurants;
  • A major hardware investment to bring all buffets to Norwegian Gem/Norwegian Pearl "action station restaurant";
  • An investment in back of house to refine the reservations process and system.
  • Stateroom Experience:
  • An upgrade in bedding and sheets, pillows, duvets;
  • An upgrade in towels and bathrobes;
  • An upgrade in in-room amenities including coffee maker and expanded TV offerings;
  • Addition of sofa beds to suite categories.
  • Balcony and mini suites
  • A distinctive colored key card for ship wide recognition;
  • An "at your service" hotline;
  • A separate check-in for balcony and mini suite guests;
  • A personal escort to stateroom;
  • Priority disembarkation.
  • Suites and Villas:
  • All suites and villas to have concierge and butler service
  • Welcome champagne in suite/villa;
  • Upgraded canapes every day;
  • Private breakfast/lunch in Cagney's Restaurant
  • An exclusive concierge lounge;
  • Priority disembarkation;
  • Priority restaurant reservations;
  • Dedicated Butler presence in the Courtyard(a);
  • Private breakfast/lunch in the Courtyard(a).
  • Onboard activities:
  • An enhanced educational, entertainment and lifestyle program - NCL "U":
  • A range of new classes such as Improv, organic cooking, bartending, sommelier, etc.;
  • An enhanced Health and Wellness program;
  • An enhanced Pool Deck experience:
  • Entertainment taken upscale
  • Drink flags on all deck chairs
  • Pool of indulgence - Evian spritz, cold towels, etc.
  • Quiet zones and times
  • Past Guest Latitudes program:
  • A new program with various tiers rewarding both spend and frequency;
  • A new range of tangible, meaningful and deliverable benefits;
  • A staffed concierge lounge for Latitudes members.

Freestyle 2.0 enhancements will begin rolling out immediately and will be largely implemented by summer of 2008.

(a) Available to Villa and Owner’s Suite guests.

NCL Corporation Ltd. is the holding company for various subsidiary companies involved in owning and operating the ships of Norwegian Cruise Line, NCL America and Orient Lines.

NCL plans to build two new third generation Freestyle Cruising ships for delivery in 2010. NCL today has the youngest fleet in the industry, providing guests the opportunity to enjoy the flexibility of Freestyle Cruising on the newest, most contemporary ships at sea, and has recently added its latest new ship, the 2,400-passenger Norwegian Gem.


Singapore Hot Stocks

SINGAPORE, Dec 26 (Reuters) - Shares of Singapore Airlines may be in focus on Wednesday after the world's second-largest carrier by market value said its unit has received notification of alleged infringements from the European Commission.

U.S. stocks rallied on Monday, led by financial companies, after Merrill Lynch took steps to shore up its balance sheet with plans to raise up to $6.2 billion and sell a lending unit. The market was closed on Tuesday for a Christmas.

Stocks and factors to watch:
  • Singapore Airlines' cargo unit said it has received notification of alleged infringements from the European Commission in an investigation into airfreight surcharges and rates.
  • Food and beverage firm BreadTalk Group has appointed Goh Tong Pak as group chief executive officer to oversee the firm's business in China, Singapore and the region.
  • Shares of heart-stent maker Biosensors International Group will be halted as of 9 a.m. pending an announcement, the company said.
  • Singapore's Straits Times Index gained 1.07 percent to 3,434.53 points on Monday.
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.73 percent to end at 13,549.33. The Nasdaq Composite Index gained 0.80 percent to 2,713.50.

Harrah may revisit Rank

Harrah's Entertainment, the American gaming giant, has appointed advisers to explore strategic options in the European gambling market, including a potential bid for UK casino and bingo group Rank.

The Las Vegas-based owner of London Clubs International, the UK casino operator, has appointed Morgan Stanley and Rank's former broker, Deutsche Bank, to review its European options.

Harrah's, which also owns 40 mega casinos in three countries under the Harrah's, Caesars and Horseshoe brands, is itself the subject of a $17.1bn (£8.6bn) takeover by private equity groups Apollo and TPG, and is not expected to make any immediate move. The Harrah's takeover is expected to complete shortly.

Harrah's has, however, already made one abortive approach to Rank, which is currently on a valuation of just over £350m after its Mecca bingo business was clobbered by the smoking ban and a sharp cut in the permitted number of £500 jackpot machines. Rank has recently rebuffed an approach from Duke Street Capital for its bingo business.

Last month, Harrah's proposed injecting the majority of London Clubs' casinos into Rank in return for a stake of around 28pc in the combined group.

Since then, Malaysian casino operator Genting, which owns Stanley casinos in the UK, has taken a stake of over 9pc in Rank, while the family-controlled UK property developer Richardson Capital has acquired a similar-sized holding.

One source close to the situation said: "I think this is a slow-burn situation for Harrah's. There's not a huge amount going on at the moment but they can move pretty quickly if they need to."

Harrah's and Genting tussled over London Clubs, which the US operator acquired in August 2006 for £279m. At the time Genting held a 28pc stake in London Clubs, but decided to sell to Harrah's rather than launch a counter bid.

One analyst said: "Whatever happens, this is the beginning of the end for Rank."

Morgan Stanley and Deutsche's remit extends to examining opportunities if the Government reintroduces legislation for an additional 16 casinos in Britain. The two banks are also reviewing opportunities for Harrah's in mainland Europe. None of the parties involved would comment.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007







半年前开始动工兴建的圣淘沙名胜世界(Resorts World at Sentosa,简称RWS),目前已完成了约七成的挖掘工程,预计明年初就会挖好地基,过后便可“往上发展”,开始建造地面层多个令人引颈期待的设施。



明年第一季,它将颁发另外10亿元的合同,建造位于地面层中部和东部的酒店以及环球影城(Universal Studios)等设施。  





坐落在中部的酒店和赌场,地下将设有两层楼面,而位于东部的环球影城则将深入地下一层。目前已有约一半的停车场平底板(base slab)铺好。日后,进出圣淘沙名胜世界的交通量将大部分集中到地下,来往各景点的短程巴士和电车也将在地下道路川行。  


此外,工程人员也动工为岛上一条道路改道,要把桥门道(Gateway Ave)往左移(较靠近海岸线),现在这条道路刚好切入IR地段中央,改道工程大概会在明年四五月完工。







该地段深入地面约10公尺处淤积了大量的海泥(marine clay),土质十分松软,工人往下挖掘铺设地基,需进行大量的打桩工作,以便把地基打稳。  








滨海湾金沙发展项目副总裁塔那斯泽维(George Tanasijevich)说:“过去一年半里,滨海湾金沙不论是在设计、建筑工程或行政与运作各方面,都取得了相当显著的进展。”  



拉斯维加斯金沙集团总裁怀德(William Weidner)今年8月在澳门受访时曾透露,因陆沙成本上涨及建筑设计有所改进,滨海湾金沙的建造费将比原先预计的36亿美元(约52亿新元)增加20%至40%,增幅最高可超过10亿美元(近21亿新元)。

Genting brings WorldCard program, solutions to Vietnam
13:04' 25/12/2007 (GMT+7)

VietNamNet Bridge – Genting International, a top Asian entertainment group, has announced the selection of a local firm as the reseller and licensee of their customer loyalty program WorldCard in Vietnam.

Through its member company Worldcard Overseas Holdings Limited (WOHL), the contract between Genting and Tai Ngan was signed last Friday at the Park Hyatt Hotel in downtown HCMC.

WOHL introduced the technical solution which would be applied for the use of WorldCard services. Tai Ngan kicked off a business partnership with Gloria Jeans and Medicare, which is among the first to adopt the WorldCard solutions in Vietnam.

"WorldCard is specialized in the business of operating and managing customer loyalty programs. WorldCard is also engaged in the business activities of providing technical platform and technical resolutions in relation to Customer Relationship Management (CRM)," said Genting International PLC executive manager Justin Tan.

Tan said the customers of the participating merchants who are holders of the Loyalty Cards would be granted rewards in the form of points" to be accumulated and kept in the Loyalty Accounts whenever the customers frequent the participating outlets.

The points accumulated could be redeemed with goods or services among the participating merchants' outlets at real-time, online and onsite.

He said, "Apart from the recognized WorldCard program, Genting also offers the solutions of WorldCard Powered Loyalty & Prepaid, which helps the merchants who are interested to operate and manage their own customer loyalty programs under their respective branding or private label but do not have their own technical platform can rely now on WorldCard Solutions.

"It provides solutions and templates for a typical customer loyalty program as well as prepaid cards program."


Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Xmas

UK Casino Market

UK casino operators by number of operating licences (non-operating licences displayed in brackets)

(Aug 2007) ------(Dec 2006)

Stanley Leisure (Genting)----------------46 (5)------41 (4)
Grosvenor Casinos----------------------33 (11)------33 (10)
Gala Casinos-----------------------------29 (2)-------27 (1)
London Clubs International (Harrah's)----8 (4)-----7 (5)
A&S Leisure------------------------------6 (0)-----6 (0)
Blue Chip Casinos (Isle of Capri)----------3 (1)------2 (2)
Aspinall's---------------------------------2 (2)------2 (1)
Clockfair Ltd-----------------------------2 (0)------2 (0)
BIL--------------------------------------1 (3)------1 (2)
Others----------------------------------11 (10)-----10 (8)
Total-----------------------------------141 (38)-----138 (33)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Plans underway for dolphins to be released from oceanarium daily to swim to posh water bungalows on stilts
By Cara van Miriah December 22, 2007

IT is not just a six-star resort.

ESPA - a centre for medical and wellness treatments at Resorts World at Sentosa (RWS) - is also exploring the possibility to be the first spa in South-East Asia to offer spa therapy with dolphin interaction.

Already, ESPA plans to build Singapore's first 'water' bungalows built on stilts, commonly seen in vacation spots like Maldives.

At ESPA, there will be 16 such villas, while the rest are beachfront resorts.

And waterways will be constructed to link both the resort and the 8 ha Marine Life Park oceanarium, also located in the west zone.

Every day, the dolphins would be released from the oceanarium and they would swim to the tropical-theme ESPA villas that come with private pools.

The oceanarium - also home to some 700,000 aquatic animals - will also include exotic exhibits, such as the flesh-eating piranhas.

Visitors can see these fishes with rows of razor-sharp teeth that were once on public display in Van Kleef Aquarium in late 1960s.


Although the IR will start operations in early 2010, the west zone with attractions, like the Marine Life Park, Maritime Xperiential Museum and ESPA, will open progressively throughout the year.

Explained a RWS spokesman: 'For the soft opening in early 2010, the Universal Studios Singapore, casino, some hotels and part of the central zone will be opened to the public.'

The central zone - the spine of the resort - is called the FestiveWalk.

Here, visitors can enjoy free admission to this 24-hour entertainment strip, which will offer shopping, dining, nightlife and non-gated 'live' shows.

This is also where Maxims Residences will be located. It will house the 161,458 sq ft casino.
From the FestiveWalk, visitors can walk to the east zone to buy tickets to the Universal Studios Singapore.

It will feature a total of seven themed areas with rides, like the Hollywood Boulevard, Backlot - the Big Apple, Super Hero City, The Lost World, Waterworld and Shrek 4-D.

With seven empty parcels of land located in the east zone, they could be used to develop new attractions later on.

The admission to Universal is not known yet but a day pass to the one in Hollywood, Los Angeles, is priced at US$64 ($93).

For fun, just add water


  • Water Coaster - a 450m water flume winding through treetops and jungle.
  • Snakes and Ladders - water flows upwards in this ride.
  • Surf Pool - variety of waves for wannabe and serious surfers.
  • The Cliffs - water-based adventure zone.


  • Over 700,000 aquatic animals and world's largest coral reef and ocean fish collection.
  • A 6.6 million gallon lagoon for visitors to snorkel and dive with whale sharks.
  • Piranhas exhibit.
  • Dine in 'submerged' restaurant and bar surrounded by marine life.


  • Explores maritime Silk Route history.
  • Immerse in 360-degree shipwreck experience in Shipwreck Theatre.

Boom year for hotels in Singapore

THE full rooms at the inns, from Geylang to Marina Bay, have been keeping hoteliers very busy - and jolly.

The year has been marked by the setting and breaking of record after record, and the numbers attest to their 'it has been the best year ever' chorus.

Strong tourism arrivals saw Singapore welcome its 10 millionth visitor on Saturday. Demand for rooms has been exceptionally high, with average occupancy in the high 80s percentage range throughout the year.

The shortage was so acute that travel agents had to put customers up in outlying areas such as Geylang because they could not get rooms downtown.

Three records have been set for average room rates. The highest, and most recent, was $219 in October.

The numbers for room revenues are even better.

The hotel industry's joy is palpable, given the doldrums not so long ago. The robust demand means hoteliers can raise rates without too much worry.

Meanwhile, things could get even better, as the data for last month and this month have yet to be released, said hotel analyst Chee Hok Yean, executive vice-president of Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels.

She expects room rates to head up by another 15 per cent to 20 per cent, and room occupancy to remain between 85 per cent and 90 per cent next year.

Already, Pan Pacific Singapore and Royal Plaza on Scotts are increasing room rates by 20 per cent to 25 per cent, while Orchard Hotel's are going up by about 10 per cent.

Meanwhile, new hotels are opening. The latest is St Regis Singapore, which welcomed its first guest on Saturday. The luxury hotel is charging $680 a night for its lowest-tiered rooms, and $10,000 a night for its presidential suite.

The opening of St Regis and 10 new hotels - adding some 1,700 rooms next year - should bring some slight relief to the room crunch, said Ms Caroline Leong, the Singapore Tourism Board's director of travel services and hospitality business.

Given the boom in the sector and with more hotels opening, competition for labour will be tighter. Hotels are keen to ensure staff loyalty, which translates into better pay and perks.

Hotels have yet to announce year-end bonuses, but indications are that it will be a fat cheque for many just before Chinese New Year.

Mandarin Oriental's Ms Gillera said: 'Our staff should be very very happy.'

  • Opening soonPark Hotel Clarke Quay: 355 rooms
  • The Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Hotel: 307 rooms
  • Capella Singapore: 193 rooms
  • NTUC Palawan Beach Resort: 200 rooms
  • Movenpick Treasure Resort: 118 rooms
  • Ascott Singapore@Raffles 152 rooms
  • Quincy Hotel: 108 rooms
  • Hotel at Carpenter Street: 42 rooms
  • Hotel at Jalan Kubor: 70 rooms
  • Hotel at Chin Swee Road: 133 rooms

业者与分析师: 2008年是酒店业黄金年




业者指出,拥有392个客房的凤凰大酒店(Hotel Phoenix)在今年8月结束营业重建,使供应紧缩的问题加剧。即使新开的瑞吉酒店(St Regis Hotel)以及The Link Hotel也无法弥补这个缺口。





文华东方国际(Mandarin Oriental)将在明年初大换妆,开始重新翻新文华购物廊(Mandarin Gallery)。新的文华购物廊将由现有的7万5000平方英尺,增加至拥有大约25万平方英尺,现有购物廊上方的两层酒店客房也将被改建成零售商店,零售商店将走高档路线。

除了文华东方国际外,据说,斜对面的皇冠太子酒店(Crown Prince Hotel)也有计划重新发展零售商店部分。



旅游局公布的数据显示,今年首10个月,我国总共迎来了848万名旅客,到访旅客人数和酒店收入也创新高。本地旅游业蓬勃,加上政府持续努力不懈地推动这个领域的发展,分析师看好酒店业股在明年将有良好的收益。星展唯高达(DBS Vickers)分析师就在最新发表的研究中,给予酒店业“加码”(吸购,overweight)的评级。





在本地上市的酒店业股当中,分析师尤其看好城市发展酒店服务信托(CDL Hospitality Trusts),建议投资者买入,目标价位为2.90元。同时,分析师也特别点出在今年第二季里增添121个客房的安国控股(Amara Holdings)。

此外,控制文雅酒店(Hotel Plaza)的华业集团(UOL)和旅店置业(HPL)也受分析师青睐,认为它们的交易价比重估后净资产值(RNAV)分别低了51%和28%。

Saturday, December 22, 2007










































这时候也传来勒泰上尉的声音: “我们好像在墨西哥湾上空……”





























Friday, December 21, 2007

Singapore's Chip Eng Seng buys $71 mln land site

SINGAPORE, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Singapore's Chip Eng Seng Corp has won a tender to buy a land site for S$104 million ($71 million) to develop it into condominium housing, the construction firm said on Friday.

The housing project, which is situated in the east of Singapore, will have 400 residential units. The company said the acquisition will be funded through cash and debt.

集永成1.04亿元 标得伊莱雅路公寓地段

集永成(Chip Eng Seng)以1亿零400万元成功标下位于伊莱雅路(Elias Road)的一幅私人公寓地段,计划发展成多达400个单位的中档公寓项目。这个标价相等于容积率每平方英尺约228元。






分析师说,附近最新的公寓项目是永久地契地段瑞俪园(Ris Grandeur),在2004年10月推出,而99年地契的清水园(Whitewater)执行共管公寓则是在2002年11月推出,因此在这一带新建的公寓应该会有附近组屋提升者这些“现成客户”。







“一年多前,我们看好中至中高档的私宅将看涨,而The Parc在今年8月推出时,在短短六天内就全部售出,证实了我们之前的判断是对的,使我们对这方面的市场信心大增。”

The Parc位于西海岸,属于永久地契,659个单位的售价介于每平方英尺674元至1056元。

集团目前手头上还有两个高档公寓项目,即位于碧霞路(Peck Hay Rd)的City Vista Residences以及乌节路一带的格兰芝路(Grange Road)的Grange Infinite。

此外,集永成今年8月以380万元购买越南上市公司和平建筑与房地产公司(Hoa Binh Construction & Real EstateCorporation)5%的股份,开始拓展海外业务。集团也正积极在泰国、马来西亚和中国寻找发展房地产项目的机会。

Singapore Hot Stocks

SINGAPORE, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Shares of Yangzijiang Shipbuilding rose as much as 5.4 percent to S$1.95 with 15.8 million shares traded after the Chinese shipbuilder said it's unit has signed a preliminary contract with Cosco Container Lines to build 20 vessels worth $1.36 billion.

The ships are expected to be delivered between August 2011 and June 2012.

0601 GMT - Straits Times Index up 1.58 percent.


Swiber Holdings rose as much as 5.16 percent to S$3.26 with 610,000 shares traded after the offshore oil services firm said it has received a contract extension from Brunei Shell Petroleum.

The estimated value of the original agreement and contract extension, which involves transporting and installing offshore facilities in Brunei, is around $200 million.

0139 GMT - Straits Times Index up 0.51 percent.

Grand Park Hotel Kunming Acquired

Singapore-based Park Hotel Group celebrates the start of the Group’s expansion in China, with a successful acquisition of Harbour Plaza Kunming and Sheraton Wuxi Hotel and Towers in 2007.

Harbour Plaza Kunming has since been renamed Grand Park Hotel Kunming, in-line with the Park Hotel Group’s branding, and will continue to serve as one of the best 5-star business and leisure hotel in Kunming city. With these new additions, Park Hotel Group has yet again progressed on her pursuit to the accrual of hotels within the region and beyond, and also sets herself to be a leading hospitality brand in Asia Pacific.

To celebrate this milestone on the Park Hotel Group’s calendar, a gala dinner will be held on 17 December 2007 at Grand Park Hotel Kunming, for the local governor, distinguished guests and management of the Group.

A special programme has been lined up for the evening and the highlights include the Asian Welcome Dance, Russian Dance and a special Monkey God Performance to usher in the Olympic Games 2008.

This night of cuisine, song and dance will definitely be a night to remember for all invited. Says Mr Allen Law, Park Hotel Group’s Director, “We are delighted to expand our hotel operations to China, starting with Grand Park Hotel Kunming.

We are looking forward to a wonderful partnership of local and foreign counterparts and a platform for an exchange of skills, tapping on our good mix of human resources with international experience.

We are pleased to be able to showcase what we are best known for; a hospitality experience thatwould be memorable and distinctively different.”After this momentous event, Park Hotel Group will be launching her second hotel in Wuxi, Jiangsu, China in early 2008.


总部设在新加坡的百乐酒店集团(Park Hotel Group)今年先后收购了昆明海逸酒店和无锡喜来登大酒店,标志着集团进军中国成功。海逸已易名为昆明君乐酒店。百乐在亚太地区锐意扩展酒店营业的目标得以确立,从而被认知为亚太区领先的酒店品牌。




Yongnam Holdings

Manpower costs in construction industry to go up by 10%: Yongnam

SINGAPORE : Manpower costs in the construction industry are set to rise by 10% over the next year, according to construction firm Yongnam Holdings. The company took on a S$100 million loan on Wednesday to finance its expansion plans.

ION Orchard is just one of several significant projects on Yongnam's list this year. To build its arsenal during this boom period, the company signed the S$100 million financing package with nine financial institutions on Wednesday. S$45 million will go towards refinancing existing loans.
Yongnam said about S$10 million to S$15 million will go towards funding its purchase of about 20,000 tonnes of steel struts, which are temporary support structures for construction and considered part of its capital equipment investment. If fully utilised, the 20,000 tonnes of steel struts can support a project of S$40 million.

Steel prices have been spiking, but Yongnam said it is unfazed. "In fact, the rising steel cost will benefit us on the strutting division, because we own more than 60,000 tonnes of steel now. If the steel price rises, we will have a competitive edge because the newcomer will have to pay more money," said Seow Soon Yong, CEO of Yongnam Holdings.

Yongnam, however, expects manpower costs to go up by 10% over the next year, due to the current shortage. The industry also faces price pressures in other raw materials during the boom.

However, it is positive about its earnings outlook, saying it expects revenue to jump by 50% year-on-year in the next two years.

Part of the latest loan will go towards funding the construction of a new fabrication factory at Nusajaya, Johor. "The factory is timely for us because of the buoyant Singapore market and the Middle East market.

We need to boost our capacity to go to the Middle East," said Seow. The Middle East will contribute 30% of Yongnam's revenue this year and next year, with the Dubai Metroline as one of its key projects.


荣南控股(Yongnam)属下子公司荣南工程与建筑(Yongnam Engineering & Construction)获得1亿元的融资配套,其中包括6000万元可转让贷款(TLF)和4000万元的浮息票据(Floating Rate Notes)。





这项融资配套也获得了多家银行的支持,包括联昌国际银行集团(CIMB)、星金融发展(Sing Investment & Finance)、孟买印度银行(Bank of India)、印度银行(Indian Bank)等。
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