Sunday, January 13, 2008

Liuzhou Intai Technology Co.,Ltd - 柳州高新区铟泰科技有限公司

柳州高新区铟泰科技有限公司是在柳州高新开发区注册的一家科技型实业公司,是广西省高新技术企业,拥有较强的资金实力和雄厚的技术实力。目前公司正从事铟金属的冶炼及其系列深加工产品的生产和开发,已建成一条年产40吨精铟(In≥99.995%)的生产线。生产工艺是自主开发的,具有国际先进水平,并开发出了高纯铟(99.999%、99.9999%)、氯化铟、氧化铟、硝酸铟、硫酸铟、氢氧化铟、铟粒、铟片、铟锡合金、ITO纳米粉体等一系列铟的深加工产品,另外,公司还生产饲料级氧化锌、硫酸亚铁、硫酸锌。公司目前是中国国内唯一一家专门从事铟生产及深加工的大型铟专业公司,也是全球铟锭产量最大、铟系列深加工产品最多的大型铟专业公司之一。公司已于2001年8月通过了ISO 9002国际质量体系认证和产品认证,同时,公司还拥有自营进出口权。

公司对客户的服务承诺是:“每天二十四小时不间断提供服务” 。   


Liuzhou Intai Technology Co., Ltd , registered in Liuzhou New and High-tech Zone, is a science and technology-oriented company. As a new and high-tech enterprise in Guangxi province of China, we have quite abundant funds and technology support. At present we are engaged in Indium Metal smelting and its deep processed products producing and developing. We have set up a production line which has a productive capacity of 40 tons of refined Indium (In≥99.995%) per annum. The production process is developed by ourselves, which has reached the international level. We have also developed a series of deep processed products of Indium such as High-purity Indium(99.999%, 99.9999%), Indium Chloride, Indium Oxide, Indium Nitrate, Indium Sulphate, Indium Hydroxide, Indium Shot, Indium Sheet, Indium-Tin Alloy, ITO Powder, etc. In addition, we have also produced Zinc Oxide Feed Grade, Ferrous Sulphate and Zinc Sulphate . So far we are the only large Indium producer who specialized in Indium and its deep processed products production in China. And we are one of the largest Indium producers in the world. We have the most Indium deep processed products in the world. We obtained the ISO9002 Certificate for our quality system and Indium production in August, 2001. At the same time, we have also obtained the import and export authority. “Twenty-four hours continuous services” is our promise to the customers. Our mission is to be a new and high-tech enterprise specialized in new and high-tech materials and other relative new function materials processing. We will do our best to provide the most characteristic and excellent services for the market and develop our key technology to produce more new and high-tech materials in Indium smelting and its deep processing. Only by this can we set an image of new and high-tech enterprise.


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